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manganimefan227 01-14-2010 12:01 AM

JF Hotline!!
You know how in high school there were tose posters about area hotlines? Well come here to post problems you may be facing in your life and get advice and help!!

So what gave me this idea?

Last summer I was sexually assualted (Pity me and I will find and hurt you.) I didn't want to tell my parents, I just wanted to forget it. I put it in my blog on another site and they gave me a hotline that supposevly kept you annomynous and didn't involve your parents . . .Well it did. And I can never walk alone without getting an understandable but annoying earload from my mother.

Although sometimes it's unfourtanetly necessary to get authorities involved sometimes people just need advice, or someone to talk to.

Also there's relationg to others and sympathizing from similar expieriences which helps too.

Lastly it helps make the General Disscusion more of a fun place when advice seekers have one place to go instead of filling the forum with their questions.

This is just an idea . . . Take it or lock it . . .

Ummm . . .

Random sentences . . .

Usa-chan wa yasashi desu!! -Bunny is gentle

Usa-chan mo kawaii desu- Bunny is also cute

Salvanas 01-14-2010 01:21 AM

It's a good idea, and no doubt meant in best faith and kindness. But this is a forum where everyone visits. It isn't the best place for someone to really explain such things.

If it was a random blog, that'd be understandable. OR small advice, such as family problems (Small ones, mind.) and where to get certain things, or what'd make someone happy would be fine.

But when you get into the deeper things (Terrible pun) like sexual assault, it isn't the place for it.

darksyndrem 01-14-2010 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by Salvanas (Post 795001)
It's a good idea, and no doubt meant in best faith and kindness. But this is a forum where everyone visits. It isn't the best place for someone to really explain such things.

If it was a random blog, that'd be understandable. OR small advice, such as family problems (Small ones, mind.) and where to get certain things, or what'd make someone happy would be fine.

But when you get into the deeper things (Terrible pun) like sexual assault, it isn't the place for it.

Not only that, but I've no doubt if someone were to share such a thing here, there'd be at least a few people to make fun of the poster.

MMM 01-14-2010 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by yuko81 (Post 795005)
Suddenly, I have an idea. Should JF has a subdomain blog.japanforum.com? just a crazy idea after read 2 posts.:p

What would happen there that isn't happening here?

darksyndrem 01-14-2010 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 795007)
What would happen there that isn't happening here?

As if anything is happening here.

JayT 01-14-2010 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by darksyndrem (Post 795021)
As if anything is happening here.

PockyMePink 01-14-2010 04:23 AM

I'm pretty sure that a lot of other forum do this......js

manganimefan227 01-14-2010 05:23 AM

Yeah I knew including the bigger things was bad . . .What I had in mind was inspired by the Fock My Life campaign . . .Nothing happening here? . . .It's believeable.

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