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JasonTakeshi 01-31-2010 08:14 PM

[Question] Spiders in Japan
Can someone tell me what kind of spiders i might met in urban areas around summer (july-august)? Ill be staying in Shinjuku.

I know the question is pretty vague, but im an arachnophobic.

By "what kind" i mean if they are relatively big (3cm+), poisonous, etc.

I could google it, but it wouldn't be a good ideia. I bet some pictures of freaky spiders would pop up.

MMM 01-31-2010 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by JasonTakeshi (Post 797766)
Can someone tell me what kind of spiders i might met in urban areas around summer (july-august)? Ill be staying in Shinjuku.

I know the question is pretty vague, but im an arachnophobic.

By "what kind" i mean if they are relatively big (3cm+), poisonous, etc.

I could google it, but it wouldn't be a good ideia. I bet some pictures of freaky spiders would pop up.

I don't remember ever seeing a spider in Tokyo...and if I did it wasn't memorable.

I would worry more about cockroaches.

Columbine 01-31-2010 10:22 PM

I lived in the 'burbs and the only ones I saw inside the house were tiddlers. I guess you might run across a few in outdoor stairwells or trees, but they stay pretty much out of the way. I second what MMM says- you're more likely to get roaches and skeeters bothering you than spiders.

JasonTakeshi 01-31-2010 10:29 PM

Thanks to both of you.

I am really paranoid about spiders. I always check my room and windows twice before i sleep.

TalnSG 02-01-2010 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by JasonTakeshi (Post 797766)
Can someone tell me what kind of spiders i might met in urban areas around summer (july-august)? Ill be staying in Shinjuku.

I know the question is pretty vague, but im an arachnophobic.

By "what kind" i mean if they are relatively big (3cm+), poisonous, etc.

I could google it, but it wouldn't be a good ideia. I bet some pictures of freaky spiders would pop up.

I totally sympathize!
Researching spiders is treacherous for those of us who are not only arachnaphobic, but have a strong visual memory. <shudder>

As long as they are not moving toward me and I back away from them, I am usually fine, but not always. If you see me having a conversation without another person in sight, you can bet I am talking to a spider or scorpion while scouting a safe and quick retreat..... its my coping mechanism.

JasonTakeshi 02-02-2010 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by TalnSG (Post 797942)
I totally sympathize!
Researching spiders is treacherous for those of us who are not only arachnaphobic, but have a strong visual memory. <shudder>

As long as they are not moving toward me and I back away from them, I am usually fine, but not always. If you see me having a conversation without another person in sight, you can bet I am talking to a spider or scorpion while scouting a safe and quick retreat..... its my coping mechanism.

Usually i just run away to like 30 meters of distance. If she's near me (like 30cm close) ill probably freak out like this: YouTube - Kid gets scared of his pants

19 years old version.

TalnSG 02-02-2010 08:19 PM

Hmm, a scarecity of large spiders would make Japan even more appealing.

When I was a small child I got in my mind somehow that spiders were like the Borg. All part of one central mind. (Years before Star Trek!) Then it was a little freaky to find out later that there are Native American beliefs along the same line.

Even today I cannot kill one by direct contact. I still talk to them and try to convince them to leave me alone instead of confronting them. Even when it doesn't work, it calms me down - unless they jump toward me.:eek:

Heather 02-02-2010 08:29 PM

I'm paranoid about spiders too. I hate those little nasty fuckers.

Hatredcopter 02-03-2010 01:06 AM

Huntsman spiders aren't uncommon in Japan, and they can get quite big (sometimes 4+ cm). However, they aren't poisonous and don't bite much, and I very much doubt you'd find one in the middle of Shinjuku.

Nyororin 02-03-2010 02:06 AM

I don`t know about in Tokyo, but I`ve seen larger than hand sized spiders out in the countryside. I am not usually scared of bugs, but one of those running across the wall is enough to make me scream and run (and ask my husband to kill it).

Luckily I`ve never encountered anything of the like in my own house.

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