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manganimefan227 02-07-2010 08:18 PM

Passport to Europe
I'm going to Europe in the summer with People to People and I want to know if I need to go with my mother to get the actual passport or registering I think. Help is appreciated!!

IamKira 02-07-2010 08:48 PM

i went on a p2p excursion to europe... make sure you expedite the passport if you're only applying now
i think if you are under 16 you'll need the consent of BOTH your legal guardian's to acquire one
under 18 just requires one i think

just go to the us dept. of state site

manganimefan227 02-07-2010 08:53 PM

We know about the expedite and my mother got the official note from my dad to get the passport without him, Do I still need to go with her?

IamKira 02-07-2010 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by IamKira (Post 798942)
if you are under 16 you'll need the consent of BOTH your legal guardian's to acquire one

just go to the us dept. of state site


IamKira 02-07-2010 09:02 PM

just a though... i doubt that someone who is not versatile enough to A. think to go to the official us dept of state .gov site ; or B. use some common sense should be going abroad to foreign countries... what would you do if you got lost? or hassled by locals?
you need street smarts. -
one piece of advise, don't be a nancy about bargaining over there... every single vendor you go to, bargain the price down. I picked up a couple of fake LV bags (good fakes.. looked like the ones you can pick up from hong kong.. and those are identical to the originals) from a vendor for 10 E .. originally he was pricing them at 40 E. I just said "Not paying over 10" (in french of course) and he sold them to me. be firm. let them know you're willing to walk at any time.

Twisted 02-07-2010 09:28 PM

Where exactly are you going anyway?

Europe is a continent, not so much a country...

I should know, I live there...

manganimefan227 02-07-2010 10:34 PM

I'm just asking if I need to come with my mother to register for a passport.

But if you must know to answer this, England, Belguim, Netherlands, Switzerland, and France.

Twisted 02-07-2010 10:55 PM

I mustn't, but would like to. If you're gonna hit the Netherlands, maybe you could swing by one of the conventios. In Summer, there's two right now.

Chibicon: 10th of July Chibicon - Nieuws
Abunai:27th to 29th of August: www.abunacon.nl

Question about Abunai you can also ask me. I'm staff there ^~

Otherwise, I know some nice little shops you may want to visit in Amsterdam while you're there :D

Sangetsu 02-07-2010 11:19 PM

If you are under 18 you will need to go with your mother; minors cannot sign legal documents, contracts, etc without the consent/presence of their parents or official guardians.

manganimefan227 02-07-2010 11:38 PM

She would be going, I was wondering if I need to go with her. For now I'll assume yes, Thank you all for the advice!

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