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PockyMePink 02-12-2010 05:35 PM

Double post, my bad.

MMM 02-12-2010 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by clintjm (Post 799719)
I'm going to buy it just to be the first.

What % of cotton I wonder.

10. Eats rice with every meal.
Can be considered sterotyping. Every meal is EVERY meal. Japanese do not eat rice with every meal all the time. No human does that. You are not offended but maybe somebody will be. You pick and chose apparently.

I hope you can find it in your size.

I picked apart the most offensive examples, but not every one. So now I am either too sensitive, or not sensitive enough?


Originally Posted by PockyMePink (Post 799753)
Innate ability =/= Inhuman
Mixing these two is entierly your opinion, and it seperates why you find it offensive and I don't.

I'm not sorry that I find it funny. Humor is humor, and just because you find it offensive doesn't mean I'm going to feel bad for laughing at it. I know many Asians that would buy this shirt on the spot if they saw it.

*puts self in Japanese person's shoes*
I could kill you with my katana. :cool:
*steps out of Japanese person's shoes*

The Asians I know would probably laugh along with me at that. Say whatever you want, but it's neither racist nor offensive.

What I am doing? Defending comedy? Sorry, but this shirt is as harmless as it gets imo. I can't argue against something I don't find offensive.

You can't eliminate stereotypes. It's impossible. When someone says "dirt" and you think of the color brown, it's a stereotype of dirt. The human mind works off of stereotypes. If you're truely working to eliminate stereotypes, then you're wasting your energy. Do something more progressive, like educating people on other cultures.

Yes, you can eliminate stereotypes. The image of Japanese in the war poster I posted that were accepted 60 years ago are not accepted now. Social attitudes do change, but it takes time and effort.

Either you are part of the problem or part of the solution.

Harumaki 02-12-2010 07:41 PM

come on guys, it sure would be awesome if all Japanese guys could fold condom papers into awesome animal forms :P

alanX 02-12-2010 07:46 PM

I, for one, think this debate is going nowhere and fast.

Sinestra 02-12-2010 11:14 PM

come on guys this is not the first time we have all seen ignorant shirts like this. They are all over the internet and in stores. I dont know why this particular one has sparked such heated arguments. But at this point its not going anywhere why not just let it die.

MMM 02-12-2010 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Sinestra (Post 799792)
come on guys this is not the first time we have all seen ignorant shirts like this. They are all over the internet and in stores. I dont know why this particular one has sparked such heated arguments. But at this point its not going anywhere why not just let it die.

Ignorance is an empty space that can be filled with intelligence.

Nyororin 02-13-2010 02:45 AM

I also think this thread has really gone far enough and am going to let MMM`s be the closing words.

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