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seishirousama 02-15-2010 08:04 AM

A heart-breaking story is called "crap" here
I posted a story about Junko Furuta - a real and heart-breaking story of a girl who was raped and tortured brutally by 4 Japanese boys. My intention is just want everyone to know her case and share sympathy with her. But I got banned and the admin said that the story is "crap"... I think if anyone who read the story carefully and read all what she went throung for 41- day- torture, can't say the "heartless word" like that...I wonder if this forum just allow for discussion about the good side of Japanese and prohibit any posts which explose the bad side?

You can read the story here:

Murder of Junko Furuta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

redline 02-15-2010 08:12 AM

Hmmm, mayyyybe, idk I didn't see the thread so I can't really say anything on the matter.

seishirousama 02-15-2010 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by redline (Post 800260)
Hmmm, mayyyybe, idk I didn't see the thread so I can't really say anything on the matter.

you can read the story here:
Murder of Junko Furuta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ronin4hire 02-15-2010 08:25 AM

Sure it may be pretty sad...

But what else apart from "murder is bad" do you want to discuss here?

I think the mods did a good job in deleting your thread if there was no point to your thread but to pull the heartstrings of the people on here.

IamKira 02-15-2010 08:30 AM

agreed w/ ronin
this sh%^ happens 24/7 around the globe... no stopping it.. there are lots of women being raped and or tortured as I type this.. why do we focus on individuals.. i find it a disgrace personally because it means you have not given credence to the other victims .. you make this girl more important than the others

seishirousama 02-15-2010 08:39 AM

@Kira and Rohin: that's all both of you think after reading the story...I post the story here because I feel the girl's case is severe, she was tortured brutally for 41 days, and the rapists are free now... Any of you feel litte angry or malcontent...? And my intention is just want to let people here know the story and share sympathy with the girl - but why mod can say that the story is crap - it's really the defamation of the dead person.

Hatredcopter 02-15-2010 08:45 AM

Two things:

The story is pretty old. Tragic, yes, but not terribly relevant these days. Whining and griping about it on the internet and creating a slew of support groups on Facebook isn't gonna help.

Second, you're talking about defamation? You used your first post here to call every Japanese person heartless. Labeling an entire group of people based on an isolated event from 20+ years ago is rather silly.

I suspect this topic will be closed soon as well, if you have nothing to contribute besides copying and pasting things from Facebook.

seishirousama 02-15-2010 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Hatredcopter (Post 800268)
Two things:

The story is pretty old. Tragic, yes, but not terribly relevant these days. Whining and griping about it on the internet and creating a slew of support groups on Facebook isn't gonna help.

Second, you're talking about defamation? You used your first post here to call every Japanese person heartless. Labeling an entire group of people based on an isolated event from 20+ years ago is rather silly.

I suspect this topic will be closed soon as well, if you have nothing to contribute besides copying and pasting things from Facebook.

As you said, have you ever heard of Josef Fritzl, the man who raped and captured his daughter for 24 years...Yeah 24 years compares with 20 years..so it's longer. Why people don't forget it.. and they arrest him. This story is old but the girl is victim of a glaring injustice. 4 animals who committed crime are free now. Maybe they can harm someone again.

Yes, this is my fault for naming the topic like that. But why mod cannot edit the topic's name instead delete it and say "heartless word".

The story is terrible. If you didn't read all, please do not say unsympathetic words.

Jaydelart 02-15-2010 09:27 AM

@ OP, Honestly? The others do have a point: I don't think there can be much discussion on the specific topic... other than "rape and murder is sick."

... But I was touched by the story. I haven't heard it before.
And I think listening to what she suffered through can somehow honor her death.
Regardless of how long ago it was, I shed my sympathy.

@ IamKira, I've heard this argument several times before... and it confuses me. It's true, we can't personally sympathize with every individual victim. But why disregard the story of a victim that has been presented to you because of the millions of others you have/haven't listened to? It doesn't make sense to me.

... The same goes for scolding the people who share their story...

RickOShay 02-15-2010 09:33 AM

I too want to know what you intend to discuss here? I did not see your original topic, but it sounded like you were just flaming all Japanese people for an isolated incident, which is silly. Are you wanting to discuss Japanese laws or their justice system? You have not brought anything to the table to discuss. Posts like these are usually started to make a slam Japan thread. It is fine to have complaints about Japan or disagree with things in the country. But you accomplish nothing by posting a story like this as a means to try to paint the whole nation bad.

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