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productlaneevol 02-15-2010 08:34 PM

Looking for someone who lives in Japan to help artwork
Hi, I am a contemporary artist living and studying in the UK. Much of my work deals with technology, products, modern life etc.

I am looking for someone who lives in Japan that would be willing to help me out with my work.

I am trying to get hold of some of the outfits from THS- but I am unable to order them from the UK, I cannot find them anywhere else.

I am hoping there is someone who would be able to get hold of these and send them to me from Japan, of course I will cover the cost and should be able to pay you a little bit extra for the generosity.


Yuusuke 02-15-2010 08:35 PM

now now now? spam maybe?

productlaneevol 02-15-2010 11:50 PM

maybe, you can delete it if you like but how else am supposed to make this happen :confused:

MMM 02-15-2010 11:55 PM

These look like clean room uniforms. Just curious, what is special about these from Japan?

MMM 02-16-2010 12:02 AM


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productlaneevol 02-16-2010 02:51 PM

^ Thanks for looking into that - yes maybe I will be able to order these somehow - though my university or something but it still looks a little complicated so If there is anyone who would like to help me out It would be much appreciated.

Basically I have looked at other clean room uniforms that are avalible from workwear catalogs in the UK - they are not so 'stylish' they are a bad fit, they don;t look so slick - the THS NET uniforms really have the look I want for the films.

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