Ok, I am in the USAF E-5 living on Kadena AB Okinawa JP and heres the story. In December i tried to get my fiance here on a visa who is from the philippines with a filipino passport including all required paperwork, like my bank statement and all that junk. The Visa got denied. A couple months later in February I went to the Philippines and married her.
The problem now is im getting different responses on how to get her here. I HAVE done all required paperwork like dental and medical clearance, and all that stuff, she HAS been approved for Command sponsorship and my tour has been extended one year. oh, forgot to mention she does not have a military ID card yet because there is no where in the philippines that do it. Now I went to several people on base INCLUDING legal and they all told me that my wife does not require a visa to get into japan since she falls under the Sofa status and is command sponsored. So, my base tells me she needs no visa, but now im talking to my wife and everyone she talks to says she needs a visa to get here to japan, not just the sofa visa that she will get here

! And i have to redo all of the old paperwork i did before from the previous visa application, like my bank statement, guarantee letter, and invitation letter etc.. IS this true? do i need for her to apply for a visa to get her here? should i apply for a tourist visa? will the airport give her the sofa stamp or does base do it? if she gets a tourist visa that means i will have to buy her a roundtrip ticket instead of a one-way correct? ugh my head is hurting, i got married in February and have been doing all this paperwork and getting deployed at the same time, i just want to get my wife here. thanks for anyone who helps!