Originally Posted by termogard
Uhuh. Usually, fans of ultra stupid sitcoms like *friends* or *alf* express hatred towards to LOST.
I guess, they expected to see the same silly faces in the mentioned show as well as idiotic chuckle every fifteen seconds. 
Hey! Hardcore fan of Friends here.

And there's nothing resembling stupidity in Friends.
It's ok, not everyone has to like the same things. And since it is Lost we are talking about, some people might find it too complicated to catch on. I watched the first three seasons straight through, like I'd watch up to 5 or 6 episodes a day. And after that I just couldn't stop, it got me hooked to no end. It killed me having to wait an entire year for another season to come up, and then wait from week to week, then again an entire year for the next season arghhhh the wait had me going up the walls. But some people just can't get addicted. Can't find no source of interest. You have to be willing to enter its world of fiction and let it get to you. Otherwise you just get bored and lose focus. It's their loss though. However, I insist, those of you who stopped watching it cause you thought it wasn't worth your time, give it another try cause it's nothing like you've ever seen before and trust me, knowing how it ends won't ruin anything, cause it is impossible to understand the end unless you've seen it all. And it isn't as simple as to say the island is some sort of stage between life and death, cause it goes way beyond that.