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ARoomwithaMOOSE 06-02-2010 08:25 PM

Who on this forum can't stand Best Buy?
Ok this has been bugging me for a while, so I thought I would ask.
How many of you have had a major problem with the chain store Best Buy?
(and I do mean a MAJOR problem)

For instance, my family got a desktop computer for the house,when we got it out of the box and got it set up we found out that when ever we turned the machine on and tried to open any program it would either freeze or crash.
So we took it back to the store, they kept it for a couple of weeks;
and when we finally got it back they told us that the reason the computer kept crashing is because it had a virus.
Now here is the problem, the computer had never been on the internet and it had good virus protection, then the good people at Best Buy told us that we where going to have to pay them like $200 dollars to fix a problem that wasn't even there.

So any ways, I thought it would be fun for people to share their "horror" stories in regards to purchases that they have made at Best Buy that have gone wrong.

WingsToDiscovery 06-02-2010 08:48 PM

Hmmm...you don't really have an inbetween option. My take on it is that you can buy things like TVs, stereos, computers, etc. anywhere, but as far as media goes (blu ray, dvd, etc,), Best Buy really can't be beat. I can't really comment on purchasing large items because if I were going to buy something like a computer, I wouldn't buy it from one of the most expensive electronics stores...Best Buy.

Jaydelart 06-02-2010 09:03 PM

Not that I know of.

However, I do know someone that works at a Best Buy, and he told me that one of his fellow employees basically tricked a customer into buying some hardware he didn't need. Some $300 or such. People never fail to amaze me.

On another note, I personally haven't had any problems with them. I usually visit for Apple products, games and movies. I've only bought a couple of computers from them. No major issues yet.

Undertherose25 06-03-2010 02:12 AM

My husband worked at Best Buy before he quit to join the Air Force.

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