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yinmehyuga 09-24-2010 09:57 PM

Quick question.
I was wondering... I know there are plenty of people obsessed with japan here in the states, but are there any japanese that are obsessed with the u.s.? Just wondering lol

fujikuro2 09-24-2010 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by yinmehyuga (Post 830376)
I was wondering... I know there are plenty of people obsessed with japan here in the states, but are there any japanese that are obsessed with the u.s.? Just wondering lol

Hollywood movies are popular.Some like hip-hop.Some like Harley-Davidson.
Which people are obsessed with the u.s.?Living life as a Texas cowboy?
The word exists.アメリカかぶれ(america kabure) is the word which means the U.S mania.

yinmehyuga 09-24-2010 10:15 PM

ah ok thanks guys

MMM 09-24-2010 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by yinmehyuga (Post 830376)
I was wondering... I know there are plenty of people obsessed with japan here in the states, but are there any japanese that are obsessed with the u.s.? Just wondering lol

Even people obsessed with "Japan" are usually not obsessed with Japan as a whole, but certain aspects of it.

I know a guy who really likes the SW United States, and goes once or twice a year to drive Route 66 and go through California, Nevada, Arizona, etc. Another guy I know loves American rock and roll from the fifties, and he plays the stand-up bass in a rock band. I think things like that are pretty common.

yinmehyuga 09-24-2010 10:28 PM

Yea thanks MMM. that helped XD

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