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nobora 10-23-2010 10:36 PM

Not Japanese related but..
This has nothing to do with Japan but I need advice her. This is for you adults out there and college students.

How did you digure out what you wanted to do in life?? Or your Major ? We're doing this in hs right now and its driving me crazy cuz all i had in mind was drawing manga.

Rakutenka 10-23-2010 11:05 PM

well...Lots of people around me don't know what they want to do in life.

I think my father's story is quiet interesting.

He always wanted to become a carpenter since he was little.
He was 22 when he was affected in a car accident.
The only surviver was himself, he was lucky.
Since then, he stopped thinking about money.
He just wanted to live and enjoy every second in his life.
And now he's a great carpenter <3<3<3

I think most important is to find a job that is fun and brings happiness.
To find that job, you have to wait, I guess it's fate...
Some ppl know what they want from the beginning.
Some other ppl find it hard to realize their strengths.
Most important: they have to have faith in themselves!
If you, for example, want to draw manga, I would aim for that and I wouldn't give up on it...
You could - in general - do something with art!
try to not regret a thing in life....

The interesting thing in life is, that we don't know what's going to happen...
You, or any other person could be in a wheelchair tomorrow, for example.

I think...if someone REALLY doesn't know, what he/she wants to do in life,
blows of fate will lead the way, or they give us hints....
  • hobbies, critical situations, role models, your childhood...
    all that impresses us and influences our later occupation XDDDDDD°
    omg - long posT XDD°°


evanny 10-23-2010 11:08 PM

well since i got a really nice score in english exam (rest..not so good) my only option left was languages. i made it into two budget groups in universities. one was for english-latvian-russian translator. other one japanese. since my english already was/is advanced for everyday use i decided to go with something more exotic :) less than 100 people speak japanese fluently in my country + i have some contacts who have companies in japan...so there already was a nice option for a possible future job when i decided to pick up japanese :cool:

rakutenka...it sounds nice - do what you want. but truth is that most people arent able to do what they want because they are not good enough to do it and feed themselves. usually those are very specific jobs were you have to be exceptional to get noticed and to make an actual living of it. and....most people just arent.

nobora 10-23-2010 11:13 PM

Your grandfather sounds like an amazing man. Im glad he go to be what he wanted as a child.
Yes i am taking an art class right now and i think i will strive to draw manga. Thank You

Im taking ap english right now and its my strongest subject besides p.e.
I also took a japanese class for one year cuz thats how long it was offered and i learned quite a bit. But still lots to go.

Thank you for your responses they helped.

StonerPenguin 10-23-2010 11:16 PM

I applied for and won an AFROTC scholarship :D So now I'm a happy little cadet. Though, I've been in college for a while now and I'm still not entirely sure what I'm gonna major in :/ But anyway, joining the military can be good for indecisive youths :D

nobora 10-23-2010 11:21 PM

Yea my bf is in rotc and it looks like a lot of fun but i dont like the uniform even though he does it just dosnt suit me.

Rakutenka 10-23-2010 11:35 PM

well, I believe one can achieve everything if they want to, if they "really" want to....


But you're right, there are ppl who have a disease since birth, for example.
A friend of mine has always been sitting in a wheelchair since birth.
But she has dreams and goals....and never gave up on them <3
(*she wants to be a game-illustrator)

And I think a farmer that survives by feeding himself...*own home, own fields*
....can be as happy as one that lives in a big city and is rich.

...Well....sometimes you just need friends or people who help you.
It all depends on what one believes in, what makes you happy...what one enjoys most.
  • If money, for example, makes one happy, than that's it ~

"being rich"
- is a metaphor in my point of view.
  • you can be rich --> having lots of money
  • you can be rich --> having a family that cares for you, friends, enough to survive <3<3<3

nobora 10-23-2010 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Rakutenka (Post 834382)
  • you can be rich --> having a family that cares for you, friends, enough to survive <3<3<3

I agree with this

RickOShay 10-24-2010 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by nobora (Post 834364)
This has nothing to do with Japan but I need advice her. This is for you adults out there and college students.

How did you digure out what you wanted to do in life?? Or your Major ? We're doing this in hs right now and its driving me crazy cuz all i had in mind was drawing manga.

You may find at some point you just hope to have a secure job, and marketable skills. Therefore rather than sitting in limbo trying to figure out what you want to do, i suggest you major in something that will train you directly for a certain job. You can always go back and get more schooling if you decide you do not like what you are doing, but what is important is that you have something to fall back on.

Nyororin 10-24-2010 02:16 AM

There are three major things that need to be taken into consideration... Or rather that I considered important.
First, it needs be a *living*. In other words, something that can make enough money to live on.
Secondly, it needs to be something enjoyable (to an extent). It`s going to end up being something you do a LOT of to make a living.
Third, it needs to be feasible. There need to be enough opportunities to do it that it will pay off.

A lot of things fit two of these, but very very few fit three.
An artist is usually capable of making money, and is enjoyable... But not feasible as there are few artists who make enough to live on.

The first two rarely change, but the last can change from year to year. For example, there are times when there are so many graduates of something or other that the job possibilities are quite low. A lot of people I know who went into computer science based on the countless job opportunities years before had a rude awakening at graduation when there were so many graduates flooding the market. If something is popular as a way to make a lot of money after graduation, chances are by the time you graduate there will be so many other people wanting to make a lot of money that it`s no longer possible.
On the other hand, we have a friend who had no clue what to do (other than not wanting to do any physical labor) who looked through and decided by process of elimination who is not a chemist in a very respected lab. He`d never been particularly interested in chemistry, but at the same time didn`t have anything against it. He makes more than enough to live very comfortably and had few preconceptions about the job so few disappointments - so is quite satisfied in life.

If you have a dream and are prepared to go through the hardships to follow it - great. But if you are just totally lost on what you want to do, look through job descriptions and look into anything that piques your interest. And then apply the three points above to it and go for the one that gets a good balance.

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