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dogsbody70 11-01-2010 11:10 AM

Are you a student?
whats it like being a student? Are you at a University or college?

Would you recommend it?

Suki 11-01-2010 12:14 PM

Yeah, I'm in my 3rd year at university.

Being a student is like having a sucky job that takes up your whole time, except you don't get paid for it and half the effort you put into doing things right is never noticed.

WingsToDiscovery 11-01-2010 12:14 PM

I enjoy college. It's having the responsibilities of an adult, but you can blame all of your mistakes on being a student.

CoolNard 11-01-2010 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by dogsbody70 (Post 835459)
whats it like being a student?

It's being a kid trapped in an adult's body, like being a jack of all trades; you can't really be here and there, and you always have to adapt. Got a degree? Pssh, so what? A lot of adults love to nag using experience, as an excuse. Education is just a half-filled glass that needs to be emptied, anyway, for conformed knowledge to sneak itself in.


Originally Posted by dogsbody70 (Post 835459)
Are you at a University or college?

Just graduated from polytechnic, which is like college, and gonna be enrolling in a university 2 years time.


Originally Posted by dogsbody70 (Post 835459)
Would you recommend it?

Of course, money is written on paper, and so are qualifications. Nothing like being a student. :cool:

Suki 11-01-2010 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by MissMisa (Post 835473)
I'm at University, in my second year, studying Computer Animation. :)

Flash, Autodesk 3ds Max, After Effects... do these ring a bell?

Saradus 11-01-2010 01:49 PM

I'm in my final year studying computer science in the UK :) Currently swamped with work related to my main dissertation/project on Timed CSP!

RobinMask 11-01-2010 02:20 PM

Post Deleted.

WingsToDiscovery 11-01-2010 02:28 PM

Man, I don't know how your schedule was set up throughout school RobinMask, but damn. My first couple of years were the hardest because I was knocking out actual Gen Ed and classes that pertained to my degree. Now that I'm done with that crap, my classes for my final year of school are all electives. RIght now I'm just taking stupid (but fun!) stuff to finish my degree and I'm having the time of my life outside of class!

RobinMask 11-01-2010 03:13 PM

Post Deleted.

Saradus 11-01-2010 03:15 PM

I've found that my lecture schedule is much tamer as I've moved through uni, but that my overall free time has decreased. In my first year I had 25 hours of lectures a week. Then in my second year I had around 18. In my final year.....I have just 4 hours a week this term (and even next term it's only going up to 12).

That said, I didn't have a huge 60-80 page dissertation to do in my first and second years. :p Already in the first 3 weeks of term we had to create a 25 page initial document from start to finish for our project. It was a tight deadline and I found very little time for anything other than studying and working on the project.

Now that the initial document is in, we have another 2 weeks to learn more stuff and prepare a presentation to do in front of the computer science department at a conference in north wales.

Alongside this I have another mini-dissertation of 20-30 pages and the presentation for this is in 3 weeks time!

So although I have a lot less lectures I guess I find myself more busy this year!

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