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RealJames 11-10-2010 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by dogsbody70 (Post 836751)
Loving your descriptions I don' tknow but could be South Africa?

You are a born writer I would say-- beautiful.

I was going to say Uganda or Kenya, either way I agree entirely, beautiful writing!

protheus 11-10-2010 03:16 PM

I think its about Aussy or New Zee', because african accacia has alot of thorns, and he said he sits on* it. Maybe I'm wrong and hes a masochist.

* (or "in", instead of "on", don't know the exact english grammar form for this)

Jaydelart 11-10-2010 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 836689)
lol... Scotland.

Was in Glasgow one hour nearly got stabbed by a supporter of one of the football teams.

Edinburgh was nice though. Such a picturesque city with the castle in the centre and the town surrounding it.

Wow, that sucks. What did you say to the guy -- before he stabbed you?

I'd like to go to Edinburgh one day. It's one of the top ten destinations on my 'Places to Travel to When I'm Not Broke' list.

I'm always a little hesitant in saying a country is my "favorite" country, because, well, I don't want to imply that I've seen enough of them to decide. There are a few places that I like that I'm interested in, which would be the U.K., Japan, India, S. Korea, France, Africa, Italy, China, etc.

I think I could grow to like a lot of places, given the real opportunity to get to know them.

RealJames 11-10-2010 04:44 PM

I forgot to answer the OP,

Venezuela is the most beautiful place I've ever been, with some of the poorest and yet kindest people. That's my answer.

A close number 2 is Antigua just north of Guadeloupe, a perfect place to forget the rest of the world exists.
If it's too touristy, the satellite islands are even nicer but a little tricky to get to.

Suki 11-10-2010 05:21 PM

I'd have to go with Kenya. Been there once and hoping to go again soon. It's like, no matter how long you stay you can never get enough. It's pretty clear to me, Africa has the most amazing places. ModusOperandi described exactly how I felt watching the views there. However, words won't do it, you have to experience it yourself.

Ronin4hire 11-10-2010 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Jaydelart (Post 836787)
Wow, that sucks. What did you say to the guy -- before he stabbed you?

I'm not sure what I said

He asked my friend if we had a light then when we said no he got all aggressive. :confused:

It was just as well we were just passing through and waiting for a bus.

But yeah.. Edinburgh is nice.

ModusOperandi 11-11-2010 12:36 AM

I wasn’t really expecting anyone to go for the challenge so I’m a bit surprised that people tried lol.

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 (Post 836751)
Loving your descriptions I don' tknow but could be South Africa?
You are a born writer I would say-- beautiful.

Dogsbody70, you managed to get the right continent lol.
But rest assured that you would be correct if I wasn’t living in Kenya. Majority of the descriptions I emphasized could easily be attributed to SA.
And thanks for the nudge…even though I could stand to use a competent editor by my side. :P

Originally Posted by RealJames (Post 836777)
I was going to say Uganda or Kenya, either way I agree entirely, beautiful writing!

Two answers eh? You weren’t taking any chances were you? Lol
Kenya is correct.

Originally Posted by Suki (Post 836799)

You got it.

Originally Posted by protheus (Post 836780)
I think its about Aussy or New Zee', because african accacia has alot of thorns, and he said he sits on* it. Maybe I'm wrong and hes a masochist.

I’d definitely be crazy if I sat carelessly on any old random acacia tree. Some of the reachable branches are chiseled out to avoid any unwanted accidents. You’ll find most of these chiseled acacia in “touristy” areas.

Anyways, I grew up there. I'm a city boy since I spent most of my time in Nairobi. However, I found my way to Naivasha as often as I could to enjoy the scenery I described. Even though Nairobi has all of these and more, the industrial feel totally kills the mood.
Naivasha is a fun place. Especially when relaxing by Lake Naivasha. You'll always catch hippos drifting aimlessly in the waters and if you're there at the right time, you'll get to see the lake full of flamingos.

RealJames 11-11-2010 03:43 AM

When I first started reading it I thought Kenya, but by the end it reminded me more of Uganda lol...
Always trust your first instinct!
Either way, good writing!

skunkfish 11-11-2010 07:10 AM

I spent some time in Bolivia a few years back. I really loved it. Everything was stupidly cheap, but that wasnt what was so great - the people were fun loving and the scenery was SO amazing. Brilliant country

GoNative 11-11-2010 08:24 AM

I loved my time in Bolivia as well. Amazing country. I also loved Argentina and Chile.

Still my favourite country would have to be Japan (that's why I live here!). The region I live in is just incredibly beautiful. Having come from Australia which on the whole is a mostly flat and dry country, where summers are hot and winters are mild moving to Hokkaido was a big change. I love mountains and snow and Hokkaido has plenty of both. The laid back, incredibly safe and cheap lifestyle found here in rural Hokkaido makes for a very easy and comfortable life.

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