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MMM 05-18-2011 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Umihito (Post 865301)
I am curious, I read somewhere in this thread that buying the 'child' part of this post was seen as just as bad as anywhere else in the world.

So is there any stigma attached to buying it? If a person took it to the till, would they get dirty looks from other customers / the cashier? Or would they all act as normal?
I know it's not like the Japanese to kick up a fuss about much things... but this of course isn't your normal daily thing.

Of course there is a stigma attached to buying it. I have never seen anyone actually buy one... I am sure they probably do it when no one else is in the store. And the shop staff can't say anything... they are the ones selling it, right? Customers might pull their children closer, and the cashier would act normal as he isn't looking to lose his job.

Umihito 05-18-2011 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 865308)
Of course there is a stigma attached to buying it. I have never seen anyone actually buy one... I am sure they probably do it when no one else is in the store. And the shop staff can't say anything... they are the ones selling it, right? Customers might pull their children closer, and the cashier would act normal as he isn't looking to lose his job.

Ahh I see, thanks. Must be an interesting life to be a cashier at those places. :L

tokusatsufan 05-18-2011 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by JamboP26 (Post 836935)
I say it up to the person, and what does it for them. As long as it is legal, of course, but other than that, if its what you like, go for it, no matter how disgusting or perverted. I have been told by friends that I'm really open-minded and unshockable, so.........

I also bought myself a 'Warning - Rated 'H'' T-shirt. lol. Make what you will of that. :rolleyes:

Yeah I mean they have shown awareness of concepts such as paedophilia and they know these things are bad. The whole rape thing,that's just the wrong people in the media. It's cool to joke about rape. Yes some perverts do see it as a fantasy but they would simply never do it in real life. And if it was an American film a woman would rape a man and he'd then marry her,you can't forget that.

MMM 05-18-2011 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Umihito (Post 865315)
Ahh I see, thanks. Must be an interesting life to be a cashier at those places. :L

Again, I never saw anyone buy one... and "those places" mean convenience stores, right? I am not going to go back and read posts from last year to make sure.

Umihito 05-18-2011 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 865321)
Again, I never saw anyone buy one... and "those places" mean convenience stores, right? I am not going to go back and read posts from last year to make sure.

... They sell them at convenience stores!?
I haven't checked back that far either... but I was thinking more along the lines of dedicated adult shops like what you find in Akihabara :L

MMM 05-18-2011 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Umihito (Post 865322)
... They sell them at convenience stores!?
I haven't checked back that far either... but I was thinking more along the lines of dedicated adult shops like what you find in Akihabara :L

I have seen them in convenience stores, but not the majority of them, and not more than a couple on display. I didn't realize you were talking about porno shops.

Umihito 05-18-2011 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 865324)
I have seen them in convenience stores, but not the majority of them, and not more than a couple on display. I didn't realize you were talking about porno shops.

Ahh, I knew they were relitively easy to find.. but no idea that they were that widely found! I never went to convienience stores though... maybe a 7/11 once, but it was small.

Nyororin 05-18-2011 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Umihito (Post 865322)
... They sell them at convenience stores!?
I haven't checked back that far either... but I was thinking more along the lines of dedicated adult shops like what you find in Akihabara :L

I don`t believe I`ve ever seen something of that type in a convenience store.

Most of that sort of thing is sold online or in dedicated shops. There is enough of a stigma that people don`t want to be seen purchasing it.

Umihito 05-18-2011 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 865328)
I don`t believe I`ve ever seen something of that type in a convenience store.

Most of that sort of thing is sold online or in dedicated shops. There is enough of a stigma that people don`t want to be seen purchasing it.

Ahh I see. Not to be stereotyping here, but in a country like Japan where it seems anything goes, I'm a little surprised. Especially when it seems its advertised so... lavishly? Then again, I guess they are trying to sell it as much as possible.

Nyororin 05-18-2011 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Umihito (Post 865331)
Ahh I see. Not to be stereotyping here, but in a country like Japan where it seems anything goes, I'm a little surprised. Especially when it seems its advertised so... lavishly? Then again, I guess they are trying to sell it as much as possible.

When your audience is really small to begin with, you need to push a lot to even be seen by the people who would buy.

But I don`t really think things like that are highly advertised outside of, well, specialty places. If you`re hanging out in those types of places, you may see countless advertisements. But the normal person may never encounter a single one.

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