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GoNative 11-12-2010 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 837137)
I haven't been exposed to any of it. In fact I would prohibit it if it were up to me.

Like I said though... if they're clothed and not being exploited in any other way then I don't see a legal problem.

But coming back to the comparison with the West... I think that there is a problem that there is a market for this sort of stuff... but again.. I think it's the same with the child beauty pageants in the US or Australia.

There would be a legal problem with these magazine in pretty much any western and most other countries in the world. The fact there is not a legal problem with it here is more to do with problems in reforming Japans laws and legal system. This genre has used a loophole which should be closed. Frankly I'm just amazed anyone on here would advocate any sort of child pornography regardless of what country or culture it originates in. It's being adsurd.

You really haven't seen any of this genre if you believe it's in the same category as beauty paegents :rolleyes:

thatkid 11-12-2010 07:26 AM

Well it isn't hands on, and it isn't necessarily promoting child molestation, since the magazines are geared toward adults, who can make sane rational choices. I know it is a form of exploitation on the child's part but I personally don't think it is to severe. The attraction to little girls is a subjective thing anyway. I don't know. I say if it makes money and helps that "special brand" of human being vent their sick urge then its easy to overlook as an issue. There are always going to be pedo :smokingbear: out there... I do know of the underground child "porn" rings out there though. Now that is unfortunate, but hard to identify and regulate. The house of reps tried to propose a regulation law in 08, mainly because they wanted to dig and see what they could find regarding child abuse. It stated that all forms of child "pornography" be made illegal and punishable by law. Including the swim suit sort, but it was a flop because a poll showed that most citizens objected to the idea. Mainly because of economic reasons, and that the children being portrayed in main stream magazines were not being subjected to physical or sexual harm in any way, as far as they know of course. I guess, that it really wouldn't put hole in the industry if it were gone though. I personally don't care either way, but this is a fun topic. Of course im lying, when I say don't care.

Nyororin 11-12-2010 07:27 AM

A bit late to the discussion - but my feelings on the child models and the like are probably a sign that I`ve been here far too long... Or that I`ve been too far removed from the western morality during the important formative years.

Personally, I find nothing even distasteful about the child models. It isn`t all little girls - about a third are little boys.
The important part is that it doesn`t cross a certain line of actually causing harm to the child. A little girl in a bathing suit is in no more revealing clothing than she is when swimming - posing and imitating the popular idols is not asking her to perform pornography.

I do find distaste with the handful of guys who lust after them - but in the end, what does it matter? As long as a line is never crossed and the child is never harmed, what is so horrific?

The child models generally are aiming to be idols, models, or actors/actresses. Most of the famous models and idol groups started out in the child model scene.

Anyway - I think a lot of my feelings on this have to do with my position on pedophiles. I feel that it`s sick and unnatural, but that it is something that the individual most likely has no control over. What they do control is whether they act on it. There are countless men out there who have incredibly horrific fantasies and fetishes - but that doesn`t mean they cannot control themselves to not go out and force that on someone. Just as those men with horrible or illegal fetishes (like rape fetishes) are expected to control their desires and live with just fantasizing... As long as pedophiles can control their desires and survive with just fantasizing - why should I care what goes on in their head?
If someone wants to fantasize about, say, raping me - as long as I do not know about it and as long as they do not actually do it... I really don`t care. The same goes for my own child - if someone wants to fantasize about doing sexual things with him... As long as it stays in private fantasy and never happens, I do not really care.

In the past I received some comments (not here) about posting the number of photos of my son online as I have. The argument was that somewhere, someone may be looking at them and masturbating (gasp and horror!)
My response to that is and was - So? It in no way harms my son. And if some pedophile can get off at looking at non-pornographic photos of children, all the better! Hopefully fewer children will be harmed through actual actions or child pornography - things that are absolutely abominable and should never be forgiven.

I would be very happy if all the pedophiles were able to satisfy themselves with non-pornographic model imagery and 2D pornography instead of any child ever being harmed. Acting on such urges is no different than anyone acting on an urge to forcibly do something sexual to another. I don`t believe that the subject of fantasy should have any bearing to the ability to control oneself. Everyone fantasizes about something or other - it is only those that act on those fantasies who are in the wrong.


Originally Posted by thatkid (Post 837147)
It stated that all forms of child "pornography" be made illegal and punishable by law. Including the swim suit sort, but it was a flop because a poll showed that most citizens objected to the idea. Mainly because of economic reasons, and that the children being portrayed in main stream magazines were not being subjected to physical or sexual harm in any way, as far as they know of course. I guess, that it really wouldn't put hole in the industry if it were gone though.

Actually, one of the biggest reasons for the public rejection of the bill had nothing at all to do with models, as they really didn`t fall under it.
It was because of anything that could be considered a sexual depiction of a child being barred from publishing and censored. The objection came almost entirely to the fact that it covered art and literature.
Any piece of art, any manga, any book, anything in which a young person of questionable age was shown or depicted in a sexual manner - including fiction aimed at young adults - would be barred from publishing or censored and open doors for the artist / author be prosecuted for child pornography.
There was no debate about it in regard to real children. But considering any picture or piece of writing on the same level as a video of someone raping an innocent child is ridiculous - so the law received strong (and justified) objection.
They later failed to see the point and put it up again with literature removed from the thing, but still the same hard line on art... And obviously received just as much objection.

If they`d just limit it to real child pornography, there would be little difficulty in passing it... People are as disgusted by children being harmed as they are elsewhere. But they keep trying to sneak in ways to censor other forms of media that could be considered suspicious even if no child was ever involved.

thatkid 11-12-2010 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 837149)
A bit late to the discussion - but my feelings on the child models and the like are probably a sign that I`ve been here far too long... Or that I`ve been too far removed from the western morality during the important formative years.

Personally, I find nothing even distasteful about the child models. It isn`t all little girls - about a third are little boys.
The important part is that it doesn`t cross a certain line of actually causing harm to the child. A little girl in a bathing suit is in no more revealing clothing than she is when swimming - posing and imitating the popular idols is not asking her to perform pornography.

I do find distaste with the handful of guys who lust after them - but in the end, what does it matter? As long as a line is never crossed and the child is never harmed, what is so horrific?

The child models generally are aiming to be idols, models, or actors/actresses. Most of the famous models and idol groups started out in the child model scene.

Anyway - I think a lot of my feelings on this have to do with my position on pedophiles. I feel that it`s sick and unnatural, but that it is something that the individual most likely has no control over. What they do control is whether they act on it. There are countless men out there who have incredibly horrific fantasies and fetishes - but that doesn`t mean they cannot control themselves to not go out and force that on someone. Just as those men with horrible or illegal fetishes (like rape fetishes) are expected to control their desires and live with just fantasizing... As long as pedophiles can control their desires and survive with just fantasizing - why should I care what goes on in their head?
If someone wants to fantasize about, say, raping me - as long as I do not know about it and as long as they do not actually do it... I really don`t care. The same goes for my own child - if someone wants to fantasize about doing sexual things with him... As long as it stays in private fantasy and never happens, I do not really care.

In the past I received some comments (not here) about posting the number of photos of my son online as I have. The argument was that somewhere, someone may be looking at them and masturbating (gasp and horror!)
My response to that is and was - So? It in no way harms my son. And if some pedophile can get off at looking at non-pornographic photos of children, all the better! Hopefully fewer children will be harmed through actual actions or child pornography - things that are absolutely abominable and should never be forgiven.

I would be very happy if all the pedophiles were able to satisfy themselves with non-pornographic model imagery and 2D pornography instead of any child ever being harmed. Acting on such urges is no different than anyone acting on an urge to forcibly do something sexual to another. I don`t believe that the subject of fantasy should have any bearing to the ability to control oneself. Everyone fantasizes about something or other - it is only those that act on those fantasies who are in the wrong.

I would agree. :D

cranks 11-12-2010 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 837141)
cranks this is not about what happens in other countries.

Then you need to stop bringing up how it is in Australia and other "western" countries. The western countries have more "ACTUAL" child rapes. Admit it . You are wellcome to prove otherwise but you haven't even tried and you know at least this part, I'm right.

In a country where child rapes are prevalent and in a country they are not, there of course are policy differences. I agree, the Japanese policy about rape victims has a lot to be desired. But at the same time Japan didn't need strict policies due to the relatively low rate of the crime.

If you want to say "Australia doesn't matter", then you REALLY have to drop it from your argument entirely and completely. It seems you are saying "Australia is like this, Japan should follow" in one post and "Australia doesn't matter" in others. Isn't 70 times higher rate of rape appalling? Seriously, for Japanese people the west or at least Australia is a country of 70 times higher rape rate.

I don't thinks Japan should follow the policy of a country that has that dreadful rate of rape. Why should she? The policy is definitely failing isn't it?

GoNative 11-12-2010 07:37 AM

My main issue Nyororin is that this genre is there as pornography. Sure any pervert can go the beach in summer and get his rocks off staring at kids in swimwear but to actually make a commercial industry out of it is in my opinion crossing the line. We shouldn't be using our children as sexual objects. There is harm in that as far as I'm concerned.

GoNative 11-12-2010 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by cranks (Post 837152)
They you need to stop bringing up how it is in Australia and other "western" countries are. The western countries have more "ACTUAL" child rapes. Admit it . You are wellcome to prove otherwise but you haven't even tried and you know at least this part, I'm right.

In a country where child rapes are prevalent and in a country it is not, there of course policy difference. I agree, the Japanese policy about rape victim has lot to be desired. But at the same time Japan didn't need strict policy due to low rate of the crime.

If you want to say "Australia doesn't matter", then you REALLY have to drop it from you argument entirely and completely. It seems you are saying "Australia is like this, Japan should follow" in one post and "Australia doesn't matter" in others. Isn't 70 times higher rate of rape appalling? Seriously, for Japanese people the west or at least Australia is a country of 70 times higher rape rate.

I don't thinks Japan should follow the policy of a country that have that dreadful rate of rape. Why should she? The policy is definitely failing isn't it?

As usual you don't really read what I write. It was not about a comparison of the amount of rapes it's about the system in which women feel ok to come forward and report rapes. It used to be very hard for women to do this in the west in the past but much has been done to improve it. Thus far little appears to have been done in Japan to make it easier for women here to come forward. Did you even look at the link I provided? I could provide many more if you want. This isn't just an issue from an outsiders perspective. There are numerous groups in Japan attempting to get things improved. Total numbers of rapes are another issue altogether. Currently in Japan though the numbers are barely known as so few are reported.

Nyororin 11-12-2010 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 837154)
My main issue Nyororin is that this genre is there as pornography. Sure any pervert can go the beach in summer and get his rocks off staring at kids in swimwear but to actually make a commercial industry out of it is in my opinion crossing the line. We shouldn't be using our children as sexual objects. There is harm in that as far as I'm concerned.

I don`t see it as much different than women being seen as sexual objects.

I don`t like pornography. I find it generally distasteful that anyone is being seen or used as something sexual. But there is little difference to me whether the non-pornographic model is 20 or 10.
As long as there is a market selling these things, there is less of an incentive for children to be forced into it and directly harmed. There is less incentive to covertly photograph children without permission. There is less incentive for someone to actually sit around at the beach ogling the kids (where even if he doesn`t actually act on it, someone could stumble on him and be traumatized.)

With most of the child models, there is a strong culture of protectiveness around them. It is a weird world, but one that involves a lot of protectiveness rather than overt lust. The guys who obsess over these girls tend to want to be some sort of protective entity to them and to raise them to the beautiful (and sexual) woman their childhood appearance suggests. The guys tend to dish out cash more than anything to be an early sponsor for a girl they see having the potential to be an idol - it`s a huge status symbol in those circles to have been one of the sponsors for a popular idol from the very start... You will often hear them speaking of these girls with an almost father/brother-like pride at their success.
It really is a different world than one of actual pornography.

protheus 11-12-2010 08:00 AM

I'm sorry to say this, but mostly, every beauty contest is a "pedo heaven". Rarely do you see in this contests girls over 18 years. And all are made with a swimwear parade filmed from almost every angle possible. They are mostly selling beauty, but besides that they are selling a bit of undercover and legal child porn.
Same for the mini beauty contest, for kids (those micro adults ones) have a swimwear part in it, and the DVD/CDs from those contest are selling like fresh bread.

It's sickening that it's still considered legal such kind of stuff, even if it's covered like in the west, or open like in the east.

GoNative 11-12-2010 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 837156)
I don`t see it as much different than women being seen as sexual objects.

Because the kids aren't making the choices, adults are for profit. There's a big difference in my opinion.

I would provide links to websites to illustrate how depraved some of this genre is but they are disgusting.

I agree with protheus it's sickening whether it's legal, pesudo legal or illegal. Whatever form it takes it's exploitation of children and should be stopped in any country.

cranks 11-12-2010 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 837155)
As usual you don't really read what I write. It was not about a comparison of the amount of rapes it's about the system in which women feel ok to come forward and report rapes. It used to be very hard for women to do this in the west in the past but much has been done to improve it. Thus far little appears to have been done in Japan to make it easier for women here to come forward. Did you even look at the link I provided? I could provide many more if you want. This isn't just an issue from an outsiders perspective. There are numerous groups in Japan attempting to get things improved. Total numbers of rapes are another issue altogether. Currently in Japan though the numbers are barely known as so few are reported.

You have to give me a break it's hard for me to read English :p

I know what you are saying. It's not like I like to see 12 year olds in bikinis in provocative postures. It's not like I like Japanese political system. But again, you CLEARLY said Japan is backward. And you haven't taken it back.

It may be true. I find a lot of things about the US and the UK (sorry, I haven't lived in other countries) more advanced than Japan. But there are a lot of areas where I find Japan is more advanced, and especially when "THE NUMBER" is showing that the "VICTIMS" are less in Japan, I don't know why people from a country with more victims get all of the sudden more political. You didn't care about it when you were in your home country where the issue is even worse. Why now?

Nyororin 11-12-2010 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 837160)
I agree with protheus it's sickening whether it's legal, pesudo legal or illegal. Whatever form it takes it's exploitation of children and should be stopped in any country.

I still do not see it as different than any form of childhood modeling. All child modeling has adults calling the shots. The biggest difference between a child modeling a swimsuit in a clothing catalog and in a magazine is mostly the angle of the photo and the poses they choose to use. (In both cases, the children are asked to imitate poses of famous idols and other models.)

To the child, there is no real difference unless they are being told that it is sexual. For a child, it`s all innocent fun. The same goes for clothing - a little girl wearing revealing clothing isn`t exploitation, it`s fashion.

Either way, I don`t see it as good - but I also don`t see it as exploitation or something that should be banned. As long as no lines are crossed, I do not believe it harms the child.

I don`t really expect anyone to agree with me on this, but it is indeed my opinion... And likely quite a few others out there in Japan, which is why it does stay legal.

GoNative 11-12-2010 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by cranks (Post 837161)
You have to give me a break it's hard for me to read English :p

I know what you are saying. It's not like I like to see 12 year olds in bikinis in provocative postures. It's not like I like Japanese political system. But again, you CLEARLY said Japan is backward. And you haven't taken it back.

It may be true. I find a lot of things about the US and the UK (sorry, I haven't lived in other countries) more advanced than Japan. But there are a lot of areas where I find Japan is more advanced, and especially when "THE NUMBER" is showing that the "VICTIMS" are less in Japan, I don't know why people from a country with more victims get all of the sudden more political. You didn't care about it when you were in your home country where the issue is even worse. Why now?

I did care in my home country!! I was the preisdent of a national human rights organisation in Australia. I was also president of state based environmental group. I don't know where you get the idea that I've only just started getting political with my move to Japan. Whilst in Australia I was extremely critical of many things there. I don't live there now, I live here and if I find things here that concern me then I will criticise them. I can't even vote in Australia anymore because I've been here too long.

cranks I don't believe Japan is backward in everything either. But many other countries around the world have made big changes in how they deal with issues surrounding making victims of rape feel more comfortable coming forward. Instituional changes from the top down. Japan and I'm sure many other countries have yet to make similar changes. There clearly appears to be a problem here and it clearly needs some solutions.

You can discuss problems in the US and Australia all you like. I live in Japan and this is Japan Forum. I'd like to discuss issues here in Japan. The fact that other countries may have issues similar or worse than Japan doesn't make any difference to the problems that occur here in Japan.

MMM 11-12-2010 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 837163)
but I also don`t see it as exploitation or something that should be banned. As long as no lines are crossed, I do not believe it harms the child.

If this was you in a swimsuit and your underwear, and it was still floating around on the Internet and in shops 10 or 20 years later, would you not regret being put in that situation?

Nyororin 11-12-2010 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 837170)
If this was you in a swimsuit and your underwear, and it was still floating around on the Internet and in shops 10 or 20 years later, would you not regret being put in that situation?

Maybe, maybe not. If I had become a successful model, if it had opened doors to a successful career in acting, or if the money from the modeling had paid for my education - most likely not.

The chances of someone recognizing a picture an adult as the child in some modeling photos from the past is very low. I have, however, heard quite a few stories about consenting adults seriously regretting having erotic photos done as they ARE recognized and the effect that has on their life.

siokan 11-12-2010 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Tenchu (Post 837085)
What doe this even mean? "Your country"? Does that refer to every other country put togethr which you're just making a burger out of?

skunkfish's mother country:rolleyes:
(Man who was speaking the same topic was found with another forum)

Child Sexual Abuse(2008)
beer 115.2 per 100,000 people
fish&chips 101.5 per 100,000 people
hamburger 59.4 per 100,000 people
Kimchi 16.9 per 100,000 people
Natto 6.8 per 100,000 people

Data that appeared to newspaper(JoongAng Ilbo) of South Korea.
The data of other countries is not understood.

GoNative 11-12-2010 12:21 PM

One of the big issues of debate in Japan in recent years has been over the possession of child pornography. Currently it is illegal to distribute it but not to simply possess it (this is real pornography of children). Japan and Russia are the only two member countries in the G8 that have not outlawed the simple possession of child pornography itself. For this reason both Russia and Japan are havens for child pornographers. I have no doubts that the junior idol industry has links to this.

There have been numerous successful prosecutions of owners of such magazines in recent years where they have crossed the line. It definitely isn't an industry I'd trust with my or anyones child.

skunkfish 11-12-2010 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 837191)
One of the big issues of debate in Japan in recent years has been over the possession of child pornography. Currently it is illegal to distribute it but not to simply possess it (this is real pornography of children). Japan and Russia are the only two member countries in the G8 that have not outlawed the simple possession of child pornography itself. For this reason both Russia and Japan are havens for child pornographers. I have no doubts that the junior idol industry has links to this.

There have been numerous successful prosecutions of owners of such magazines in recent years where they have crossed the line. It definitely isn't an industry I'd trust with my or anyones child.

That's awful. Do you have any links to reference?

GoNative 11-12-2010 01:28 PM

Here is the law regarding possession or distribution of child pornography

Article 7 - Distribution, etc. of Child pornography

1. A person who distributes, sells, lends as a business, or displays in public, child pornography shall be punished with imprisonment with labor for not more than three years or a fine not exceeding three million yen.

2. A person who produces, possesses, transports, imports to or exports from Japan child pornography for the purpose of conducting any of the acts mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be punished with the same penalty as is described in the said paragraph.

3. A Japanese national who imports to or exports from a foreign country child pornography for the purpose of conducting any of the acts mentioned in paragraph 1 of this article shall be punished with the same penalty as is described in the said paragraph.

So although paragraph 2 touches on possession it is only a crime if they conduct any of the acts mentioned in paragraph 1. So possession in itself is not a crime when it cannot be linked to distribution. You can probably see how child pornographers could make it quite difficult to prove the acts in paragraph 1.

dogsbody70 11-12-2010 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 837163)
I still do not see it as different than any form of childhood modeling. All child modeling has adults calling the shots. The biggest difference between a child modeling a swimsuit in a clothing catalog and in a magazine is mostly the angle of the photo and the poses they choose to use. (In both cases, the children are asked to imitate poses of famous idols and other models.)

To the child, there is no real difference unless they are being told that it is sexual. For a child, it`s all innocent fun. The same goes for clothing - a little girl wearing revealing clothing isn`t exploitation, it`s fashion.

Either way, I don`t see it as good - but I also don`t see it as exploitation or something that should be banned. As long as no lines are crossed, I do not believe it harms the child.

I don`t really expect anyone to agree with me on this, but it is indeed my opinion... And likely quite a few others out there in Japan, which is why it does stay legal.

what about children who get lured away and forced to take part in Sexual

gAMES. nyroroin i AM SURE that if your son was lured away and made to perform for the camera of paeodphile you might change your mind.

It is SICK!!!!! I disagree with your view on this subject.

we need to protect our children-- there are some nasty people and PORN begets more sick porn. I loathe it.

Nyororin 11-12-2010 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by dogsbody70 (Post 837199)
what about children who get lured away and forced to take part in Sexual

gAMES. nyroroin i AM SURE that if your son was lured away and made to perform for the camera of paeodphile you might change your mind.

It is SICK!!!!! I disagree with your view on this subject.

we need to protect our children-- there are some nasty people and PORN begets more sick porn. I loathe it.

That is blatant child pornography, and not what I was talking about at all. It`s criminal, and is awful. I have not and would not defend someone doing something like that.

I would most certainly have a problem with my child being lured away by anyone for any reason, even if there was nothing sexual involved. That is kidnapping, and an entirely different subject.

What I do NOT have a problem with is parents being in control of NON-pornographic modeling activities. And no, pictures of a child in a bathing suit are not pornography.

If a parent takes their child to a photo shoot, with a cameraman telling them to jump around, spin and twirl, look up at the camera, pick up a ball, pose like such and such, etc etc and takes pictures of them (some from questionable angles, but not blatant pronography) - how is that a sexual game? How has the child been lured away? How is the child being abused? What someone does with a photo has no effect on the individual in the photo. My son would not be damaged no matter what someone thought about while looking at a photo of him. No matter what someone did to that photo.

Actually doing something to him would be stepping far far over that line, and obviously is not something I would agree with in any way.

What is being discussed is modelling done with parental permission, under parental supervision - the results of which are photos that could be considered suggestive. Not pedophiles kidnapping and abusing children.

I have to say I have some VERY suggestive looking home photos of my husband taken when he was 6 or 7 that out rank most anything I have seen sold. He was not abused, was not traumatized, and they are just photos that came out that way. At the modeling agencies, they have pros who are good at finding just the right angle and most suggestive pic out of thousands of burst shots while a child is playing around. It doesn`t mean that anything happened to the child or that there is any abuse going on.

siokan 11-12-2010 08:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by skunkfish (Post 837194)
That's awful. Do you have any links to reference?

It presents it to you who doesn't know "shame".

Constitution of Japan
Prefectural Ordinance

Child pornography site hosting
world police 61.72% Kimchi 7.95% Vodka 7.95% feijoada completa 7.11%
pizza 2.49% ..... susi0.97%

Child pornography site access user
world police 22% Beer 14.57% Vodka 8.39% fish&chips 7.02%
pizza 6.14% croissant 3.56% maple syrup 3.16% ......susi 1.74%

Child Sexual Abuse
beer 115.2 per 100,000 people
fish&chips 101.5 per 100,000 people
world police 59.4 per 100,000 people
Kimchi 16.9 per 100,000 people
susi 6.8 per 100,000 people

Attachment 11216

dogsbody70 11-12-2010 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 837225)
That is blatant child pornography, and not what I was talking about at all. It`s criminal, and is awful. I have not and would not defend someone doing something like that.

I would most certainly have a problem with my child being lured away by anyone for any reason, even if there was nothing sexual involved. That is kidnapping, and an entirely different subject.

What I do NOT have a problem with is parents being in control of NON-pornographic modeling activities. And no, pictures of a child in a bathing suit are not pornography.

If a parent takes their child to a photo shoot, with a cameraman telling them to jump around, spin and twirl, look up at the camera, pick up a ball, pose like such and such, etc etc and takes pictures of them (some from questionable angles, but not blatant pronography) - how is that a sexual game? How has the child been lured away? How is the child being abused? What someone does with a photo has no effect on the individual in the photo. My son would not be damaged no matter what someone thought about while looking at a photo of him. No matter what someone did to that photo.

Actually doing something to him would be stepping far far over that line, and obviously is not something I would agree with in any way.

What is being discussed is modelling done with parental permission, under parental supervision - the results of which are photos that could be considered suggestive. Not pedophiles kidnapping and abusing children.

I have to say I have some VERY suggestive looking home photos of my husband taken when he was 6 or 7 that out rank most anything I have seen sold. He was not abused, was not traumatized, and they are just photos that came out that way. At the modeling agencies, they have pros who are good at finding just the right angle and most suggestive pic out of thousands of burst shots while a child is playing around. It doesn`t mean that anything happened to the child or that there is any abuse going on.

I have not looked at the original website posted on here. I thought it was all PORN which makes me feel sick

We are not allowed to take photos of our children in plays, Nativity plays nowadays-- nor video them.

I pass a childrens playground every day but am not allowed to talk to the children-- even though Ipass almost every day when I walk my dogs.

MMM 11-12-2010 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 837225)
My son would not be damaged no matter what someone thought about while looking at a photo of him. No matter what someone did to that photo.

That may have been true 20 years ago, but now, thanks to the Internet, these photos may come back to haunt a child when they get older.

RobinMask 11-12-2010 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by dogsbody70 (Post 837243)
We are not allowed to take photos of our children in plays, Nativity plays nowadays-- nor video them.

I pass a childrens playground every day but am not allowed to talk to the children-- even though Ipass almost every day when I walk my dogs.

It's quite interesting really to compare the two cultures. I know here there is such a fear that anything to do with children may be misinterpretted or sexualised, any interaction with children (aside from family) seems to be something to be feared. To add to what you said I know that in schools the teachers can't even hug young pupils or apply plasters if the fall over in the playground, just in case it's misconstrued as being more than it is. In fact they did an experiment a while ago with a child actor on a busy road crying and unsupervised, hardly any adult males stopped to check whether the child was okay, and when interviewed afterwards it was said they feared what people would think of them. . .

I think whilst it's good that there isn't really that kind of stigma in Japan, it seems a little extreme the other extent. . . I agree with some of the other posters that the pictures of children are far too sexualised. No, the child isn't being hurt or put in danger, but the only people who'd appreciate such overly sexual images would be a certain type of person. . . I think it kind of normalises the urges people might have. It's not right to see children as sexual, and if they appear as such and a more dangerous/predatory person sees it then surely it sends out a message that their desires are normal? It seems risky to me, as if it's encouraging the behaviour.

Ronin4hire 11-12-2010 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by dogsbody70 (Post 837243)
I have not looked at the original website posted on here. I thought it was all PORN which makes me feel sick

We are not allowed to take photos of our children in plays, Nativity plays nowadays-- nor video them.

I pass a childrens playground every day but am not allowed to talk to the children-- even though Ipass almost every day when I walk my dogs.

That's an over-reaction in the other direction in my opinion.

Columbine 11-13-2010 12:48 AM

The main thing that bothers me with the whole child-model photobooks, U15 idol genre, is that when I was in japan, I only ever saw it in two places- one was in a shop down-town that sold a variety of idol books, but also quite a lot of the posey-sexy pin-up sort and out and out still-porn. Never mind the seedy DVDs. The other was in a vending machine not so far from my friends apartment. The bottom row was U15 photobooks, the rest was...not. Not advertised as porn, maybe, but it's not unheard of for the industry to shake hands with it.

Ok, I can accept that the books themselves are relatively innocent; they aren't explicitly marketed as porn, some publications are clearly seedier than others, I do see -some- of Nyororin's points, and OK, I get that Japanese culture is geared differently and porn rubs shoulders with a lot of things with any kind of fan-base and that's socially A-OK, but... should photos of little kids really be in there too? And it does seem to be aimed predominantly at men, so the idea makes me really uncomfortable.

It could equally be argued that swimsuits and gym clothes are standard child clothing and they aren't any more revealing than they might wear in public anyway, but neither would most parents allow unrelated men they don't know to pay to view their child in those clothes.

Whatever is said (quite rightly) that the child is not exposed to any -direct- harm, you are still effectively selling their image to a fan-base which, statistically and given it's commercial selling point, is more likely to comprise of a higher percentage of pedophiles than other consumer groups. I can't really say I think that's fair on the child- they have no chance to give proper informed consent until long after the fact. I can't say I'd want to grow up and realize "Jeeze, when I was 8, I was probably some pedophile's pin-up...".

Also who's to say the parents ~are~ protective? Most abuse cases are by close relatives, or perhaps the parents come into it naively and are then pressured into agreeing beyond what they originally intended to agree to, even by a small degree. I don't know how the industry is regulated, but if some of the photo's out there are truly as awful as GoNative says, then it's clearly not enough.

And I kind of disagree that "the biggest difference between a child modeling a swimsuit in a clothing catalog and in a magazine is mostly the angle of the photo and the poses they choose to use." The biggest difference is that the clothing catalog is only trying to sell the swimsuit- the magazine will sell the child.

GoNative 11-13-2010 01:29 AM

Here is a reasonably interesting article from the Japan Times looking at the same issue we are discussing.

Child porn hard to define, stop | The Japan Times Online

Nyororin 11-13-2010 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by dogsbody70 (Post 837243)
I have not looked at the original website posted on here. I thought it was all PORN which makes me feel sick

I assure you, porn and abuse of children makes me ill.
It is the legal stuff that is not pornography that I was talking about.


We are not allowed to take photos of our children in plays, Nativity plays nowadays-- nor video them.

I pass a childrens playground every day but am not allowed to talk to the children-- even though Ipass almost every day when I walk my dogs.
I find this also pretty disgusting, to be honest.
Children cannot live in a bubble. There really aren`t that many pedophiles out there. Their numbers have been going down from what I understand... And regardless most abuse is by someone close to the child - not by a stranger. Stranger abduction and abuse is extremely rare.

By making it so incredibly hard for anyone without a direct family link to the child to get to know them or intervene, it makes it easier for abuse to happen. Being too concerned is suspicious, so people will actually ignore signs of a problem because they are concerned about what people will think of them for getting involved. Robinmask gives a good example with the crying child study.

Just last night while shopping, a small boy lost and crying for his mother was scooped up by an older man and carried over to the service desk. No one suspected him of anything, and the mother thanked him profusely as apparently the boy had snuck on to an elevator when she wasn`t looking and was on a different floor. Teachers at my son`s kindergarten hug him, pick him up, encourage the kids to give each other hugs, etc. Mothers and fathers coming to pick their children up will often stop and play with other children too, and no one leaps to assume they have ulterior motives.
I think it`s very sad to limit a child`s contact with the rest of the world based on a fear of a bogeyman that is hundreds of times more likely to be close family if there at all.


That may have been true 20 years ago, but now, thanks to the Internet, these photos may come back to haunt a child when they get older.
Let us assume that there is a culture where boys are dressed as little girls until they are 10. In 10 years, at 20 - will those photos haunt the guy? No. There isn`t a cultural stigma against them.
Japan doesn`t have the sort of stigma against those sort of pictures as somewhere else. I went to school with a girl who did modeling as a child, and she was the first to show off the photos. There was even a video of them following her around while she played in a bathing suit, etc. It clearly wasn`t haunting, as there wasn`t the stigma or reaction that would be received in a western country.


And I kind of disagree that "the biggest difference between a child modeling a swimsuit in a clothing catalog and in a magazine is mostly the angle of the photo and the poses they choose to use." The biggest difference is that the clothing catalog is only trying to sell the swimsuit- the magazine will sell the child.
That is what happens to the photo after it has been taken. This is where my opinion seems to differ greatly from the common western one. What happens to the photo after it has been taken has no direct effect on the person in the photo. Whether the photos are used in a catalog or a magazine doesn`t change the experience of the photos being taken.

Most of these photo things are one-shots. Parents take their children to a modelling photographer, where a bunch of pictures are taken. Different styles of shots are sent off to different publications and agencies. 99.99% of the time that is the end of it and 80,000yen has been wasted on high priced photos. Occasionally, a magazine will pay to publish a few of the photos to gauge interest and sales potential - popping them into the magazines that are aimed at the audience most likely to pump cash into the idol industry. If a certain one of them stands out, they may ask for more photos or refer them to another photographer for a shoot. Most of the time though, the photographer is not affiliated with the magazine at all if the photos are not pornography.

When these magazines get into deep trouble, it`s when they solicit girls who are old enough to think they`re giving permission... And take advantage of that. (Think the around 18 set) It`s still child pornography, but it`s a LOT different to lure a 17 year old into stripping for the camera than a 12 year old.

RealJames 11-13-2010 05:27 AM

People who grow up in one culture have a tendency to not be able to notice it's own flaws.
Moreover they are biased and defensive when weighing them against flaws of other countries.

Yes, rape and lolita porn is a huge issue in Japan, so is the Delivery Health industry, where sex can be sold in all ways short of vaginal penetration.

But, regardless of where you live, I bet you there are equally despicable traits of your own country which measure up to these, regardless of how desensitized to them you may be.

Morally, America has nothing on Japan in the big picture, on a few details perhaps.

To the OP; if you look anywhere, you'll find darkness that sickens you. But if you are blind to it in your own home then perhaps you should withhold judgment.

GoNative 11-13-2010 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by siokan (Post 837242)
Child pornography site hosting
world police 61.72% Kimchi 7.95% Vodka 7.95% feijoada completa 7.11%
pizza 2.49% ..... susi0.97%

Child pornography site access user
world police 22% Beer 14.57% Vodka 8.39% fish&chips 7.02%
pizza 6.14% croissant 3.56% maple syrup 3.16% ......susi 1.74%

The issue is not that Japan is hosting child pornography sites or that is the main market for it. The problem is it being one of the main producers of child pornographic images that are distributed worldwide. I read (but haven't substantiated) that Interpol believes 80% of the worldwide child pornographic images originate out of Japan.

The issue is one that receives not only international criticism but plenty of internal criticism as well. The Japanese aren't totally unaware of the issues but getting legislative changes to the laws regarding child pornography has been very slow and Japan is seen as falling behind on this issue and is hindering worldwide efforts to stop the proliferation of child pornography.

Japan main culprit in online child pornography

The biggest issue is that because it's not illegal to possess child pornography here Japan has become a place to hold and store such materials. To think that those in possession of it are not going to distribute it for profit is naive at best.

dogsbody70 11-13-2010 05:34 PM

It seems almost impossible to prevent these porn sites on the web.

So much of the SPAM that bombards our emails is Pornographic.

A daughter of a very good friend divorced her husband when she discovered he was downloading child pornography.

He spent several years in prison.

Its too easy to find on the NET.

peterv20 11-13-2010 06:26 PM

i'm not much of a porn guy.yet they are images that bother me.i love manga drawing and art magazines.they're fun with gifts and posters and stuff...but mags like "megime"? have drawings of girls that are way too young.I've stopped buying them.

MMM 11-13-2010 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 837273)
Here is a reasonably interesting article from the Japan Times looking at the same issue we are discussing.

Child porn hard to define, stop | The Japan Times Online

It is interesting, but also a little misleading. Yes porn shops in Japan are full of videos and pictures of naked girls under the age of 20.

That's because the legal age of posing naked is 18 in Japan. The same is true in America. Now take that sentence and change "20" to "18" and I don't think it is true anymore.


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 837298)
The biggest issue is that because it's not illegal to possess child pornography here Japan has become a place to hold and store such materials. To think that those in possession of it are not going to distribute it for profit is naive at best.

It seems like the biggest issue is "virtual child pornography" which is manga and anime depicting children in sexual situations. Japan certainly produces a lot of this, but keep in mind no children are actually involved.

Columbine 11-13-2010 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 837379)

It seems like the biggest issue is "virtual child pornography" which is manga and anime depicting children in sexual situations. Japan certainly produces a lot of this, but keep in mind no children are actually involved.

Reminds me that was a bit of a thing about this on Livejournal a while back- they set up a filter and started shutting down anything that depicted or discussed underage people involved in sexual activity, because someone had complained about communities promoting anime, manga and fiction depicting children in sexual situations. However it was a major glitch because it wasn't fine enough with it's criteria- it shut down help groups for people who had been abused as children and it shut down an academic group for discussion on Romeo and Juliet. It also struggled when it encountered fandoms where the principle characters ~appeared~ under 18 with the art style but were canonically older, or communities which specifically 'aged up' characters (like Harry Potter). A number of journals also appealed on the grounds that LJ was saying their content was 'illegal' (eg, 16yo characters) but they were based outside the USA and it was perfectly legal in their country.

/end off topic.

Tenchu 11-14-2010 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 837092)
Just ignore him.

His point is that Western society is "morally superior" (whatever that entails in his mind) to Japanese society.

No. I was meaning I've a history of interest in junior gravure idols and I know what's sexy and what's not.

I have no idea what you're talking about. You're completely delusional, Ronin. In this case, I side with the Japanese, and I have no problem with girls in bikinis.

Ronin4hire 11-14-2010 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Tenchu (Post 837459)
I have no idea what you're talking about. You're completely delusional, Ronin. In this case, I side with the Japanese, and I have no problem with girls in bikinis.

No you "side" with the people that look at under-developed and underage girls. It's not the same thing.

MMM 11-14-2010 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 837461)
No you "side" with the people that look at under-developed and underage girls. It's not the same thing.

If I remember correctly, underdeveloped was not Tenchu's angle. But that was years ago.

GoNative 11-14-2010 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 837379)
That's because the legal age of posing naked is 18 in Japan. The same is true in America. Now take that sentence and change "20" to "18" and I don't think it is true anymore.

It seems like the biggest issue is "virtual child pornography" which is manga and anime depicting children in sexual situations. Japan certainly produces a lot of this, but keep in mind no children are actually involved.

It's pretty much 18 anywhere in the world isn't?

It's not just the virtual stuff. The issue is it is not illegal to possess child pornography of any kind here in Japan. Because of this it is becoming a major resource for child pornography as it is one of the very few countries in the world where you can possess such stuff and not be thrown in jail. I'd hope that there'd not be anyone on here who would try and defend peoples right to possess child pornography? This is part of the law here that truly needs changing and quickly.

Nyororin 11-14-2010 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 837474)
I'd hope that there'd not be anyone on here who would try and defend peoples right to possess child pornography? This is part of the law here that truly needs changing and quickly.

Most definitely no defense of actual child pornography from me.

The law needs to be passed, and those making the law need to wake up to reality and stop trying to sneak in little back doors by which they can censor practically anything.
This is the reason that the laws don`t pass. Everyone wants to stop child pornographers, but they don`t want the law to be used to usher in other forms of censorship... And that is all that has been happening so far. They keep trying to piggy back things on to it that would let them censor a LOT - or leave them with something so broad that it would be nearly impossible to attempt to properly enforce.

They should just make it simple and clear.

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