Cranks what happens in other countries makes little difference to how I feel about children being used as objects for pornography. Specifically having magazines and movies of underage children in provacative poses is wrong as far as I'm concerned whatever country it's found in. I'm sure you might be able to find worse examples from other countries but that doesn't make it right.
I did not automatically assume Japan is retarded. I live here and see something like children being depitcted provacatively for the purposes of pornography and I think it's bad. If I saw something similar in any other country I was in I would think it's bad. It's nothing to do with specifically making it out that Japan is the only place it happens, I just happen to live here.
In terms of rape I believe the Japanese courts and police are barely at the same level of where most western courts were at in the 70's. We all know that in years gone by reporting of rape in the west was minimal because women were generally treated abysmally through the whole process of pressing charges and going to court and often felt they themselves were on trial rather than the accused. They were made to relive the entire experience in front of the accussed and every decision they made was brought into question as though they played a part in bringing it upon themselves. I believe Japan is in a similar position currently and a large portion of rapes go unreported for this reason.
I'm not the only person around who believes there needs to be a massive overhaul of the Japanese legal system. There is a large movement from Japanese lawyers and many other rights groups here in Japan and there has been considerable pressure from institutions like the UN to overhaul it's system. It's not just the laws themselves that need to be overhauled but it's the way the courts work. The incredible reliance on confessions is a real worry when the police can hold people without charge for long periods and no legal reprasentative is allowed to be present during questioning and no recording of the interviews are kept. And it's often at the expense of building cases on physical and forensic evidence. Without the confession they often have little to go on and the case never gets to court.
This article gives one rape victims perspective and a look at the issues for women who are raped in Japan. It also shows that according to the Justice Ministry only 11% of sexual crimes are reported. Rights groups believe it's even worse than that.
Victims finally learning to speak out against Japan’s outdated rape laws
Sure in places like Australia rapes still occurs but much has been done to assist the victims to encourage them to seek justice. In Japan that has really yet to happen. Again this is not about Japan bashing, it's just there are many aspects about the legal system here that are frankly archaic and concerning. It's not just concerning from a foreigners point of view, many Japanese are also very concerned and I'm not expressing any attitude here that isn't also expressed by many Japanese.
Finally I don't live in Australia anymore so what happens there is not overly my concern. And what happens in Australia doesn't make any difference to the issues present in Japan. If it's worse in other parts of the world what does that mean to me? I live Japan so what happens here is far more concerning to me especially for things like rape since I'm raising a daughter here.