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Ronin4hire 11-12-2010 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 837124)
It is legal to have children pose provacatively in underwear and swim wear and there are whole magazines and films devoted to this genre. It is why this thread started. Kids are used here in the production of soft porn. It is a bit of a loophole in the law that the lumbering legal system here has yet to close. This is where the comparison with Australia and the US came in.

I see.

So you would prohibit that? I mean it's not my thing but I'm pretty sure that such laws exist to protect children rather than stop people thinking bad thoughts.

If they're clothed and not being exploited in any other way then no problem.

I think MMM was spot on with his comparison to child beauty pageants.

cranks 11-12-2010 06:58 AM

True. GoNative.

But ACTUAL child rape cases are probably a lot more common in the west. Do you have data that overthrows the UN's data?

Again. Japanese have very different idea on what is liberal. The west often see Muslims totalitarian. Some Muslim countries see the west morally corrupt.

I think what matters it the actual number of victims.

And I understand your grief about Japanese police. I don't like their secrecy attitude and that NEEDS to be changed. But at the same time, most of them are nicer and less corrupt compared to the western counterparts.

GoNative 11-12-2010 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 837127)
I see.

So you would prohibit that? I mean it's not my thing but I'm pretty sure that such laws exist to protect children rather than stop people thinking bad thoughts.

If they're clothed and not being exploited in any other way then no problem.

Really you have no problem with magazines devoted to pre-pubescent children being posed provacatively in underwear? I have been unfortunate enough to see some of this genre and they are posed with legs spread and bent over and in other sexually provacative poses. You have no problem with children being used for this? I find that astounding.
The laws protecting children in this country have come under a lot of internal and external criticism.

MMM 11-12-2010 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 837124)
It is legal to have children pose provacatively in underwear and swim wear and there are whole magazines and films devoted to this genre. It is why this thread started. Kids are used here in the production of soft porn. It is a bit of a loophole in the law that the lumbering legal system here has yet to close. This is where the comparison with Australia and the US came in.

My point would be that isn't illegal in the US, either. It just isn't as openly available.

Ronin4hire 11-12-2010 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 837134)
Really you have no problem with magazines devoted to pre-pubescent children being posed provacatively in underwear? I have been unfortunate enough to see some of this genre and they are posed with legs spread and bent over and in other sexually provacative poses. You have no problem with children being used for this? I find that astounding.
The laws protecting children in this country have come under a lot of internal and external criticism.

I haven't been exposed to any of it. In fact I would prohibit it if it were up to me.

Like I said though... if they're clothed and not being exploited in any other way then I don't see a legal problem.

But coming back to the comparison with the West... I think that there is a problem that there is a market for this sort of stuff... but again.. I think it's the same with the child beauty pageants in the US or Australia.

MMM 11-12-2010 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 837137)
I haven't been exposed to any of it.

Like I said though... if they're clothed and not being exploited in any other way then I don't see a legal problem.

I think that there is a problem that there is a market for this sort of stuff... but again.. I think it's the same with the child beauty pageants in the US or Australia.

I agree the problem may be there is a market for it, but exploitation is exploitation. What happens when that 10 year old girl turns 17 or 18 and realizes that not only she was exploited, but now she is a permanent part of the Internet Lotita-complex library? It may not be criminal in a strictly legal sense, but it is hard to argue that it isn't wrong and vomit-inducing.

Ronin4hire 11-12-2010 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 837138)
I agree the problem may be there is a market for it, but exploitation is exploitation. What happens when that 10 year old girl turns 17 or 18 and realizes that not only she was exploited, but now she is a permanent part of the Internet Lotita-complex library? It may not be criminal in a strictly legal sense, but it is hard to argue that it isn't wrong and vomit-inducing.

Ah... you haven't read my edits.

I'm just a bit puzzled about the comparison that's all. I don't understand why your comparison with underage beauty pageants was dismissed by GoNative.

GoNative 11-12-2010 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by cranks (Post 837131)
True. GoNative.

But ACTUAL child rape cases are probably a lot more common in the west. Do you have data that overthrows the UN's data?

Again. Japanese have very different idea on what is liberal. The west often see Muslims totalitarian. Some Muslim countries see the west morally corrupt.

I think what matters it the actual number of victims.

cranks this is not about what happens in other countries. Why do you keep carrying on with this form of debate? The idea that it's bad elsewhere doesn't diminish in anyway that there are problems here too. I just don't get what you're trying to say. I'm sure there are plenty of Australian or American forums where you can go to debate issues in those countries.
I don't care how liberal the Japanese think they are, using children for pornography is wrong as far as I'm concerned. Kids are not making the choices themselves. They are being made to do it by adults for profit. How can you argue this is ok?

cranks 11-12-2010 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 837134)
Really you have no problem with magazines devoted to pre-pubescent children being posed provacatively in underwear? I have been unfortunate enough to see some of this genre and they are posed with legs spread and bent over and in other sexually provacative poses. You have no problem with children being used for this? I find that astounding.
The laws protecting children in this country have come under a lot of internal and external criticism.

Laws are just laws. What do they matter to the children who are actually raped right this moment? Would they say "Oh there is a law protecting us from being raped so too bad I'm ACTUALLY being raped"?

There are a lot of short comings in ANY society. Even the first world ones. It's not like I want to see 12 year olds in bikinis on a magazine. But what are you gonna do? Have them put in burqas?

See what I mean? You think Japanese people are retarded because they put pictures of kids in Bikini on magazines. Some people think the westerners are retarded because they show women who are not in Burqa.

Again, I say what matters is the number of VICTIMS.

MMM 11-12-2010 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 837139)
Ah... you haven't read my edits.

I'm just a bit puzzled about the comparison that's all. I don't understand why your comparison with underage beauty pageants was dismissed by GoNative.

He can answer that on his own, but I am going to guess that it has to do with presentation. These DVDs are readily available in Japan. I have seen them in convenience stores. They aren't marketed as pornography, and strictly speaking they are not pornography. However, it isn't clear who they are marketed for besides pedophiles.

In the US many convenience stores (especially in bad neighborhoods) carry tiny roses in glass tubes for a dollar. No one in their right might would buy this for what it is, but they sell because they are easily used as crack/meth pipes. If it sells, they will come.

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