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eliasn 12-11-2010 04:27 PM

Biggest/Best Japan community online?
I've seen many poor Japan communities on the net. Some have a lot of useful information but are not userfriendly at all.

Which Japan communities online do you rank as number one? I know there are a lot of niched sites, but I speak of all around Japan-communities.

evanny 12-11-2010 04:45 PM

mixi.jp? its like japanese facebook...
but most of them are on facebook anyways...but mixi is almost pure japanese.

eliasn 12-11-2010 06:59 PM

Sorry, I meant International online Communities. Communities about Japan. Something like this forum but bigger, not only a forum but a big communitysite with other stuff aswell.

Did I make it clearer? :S

MMM 12-11-2010 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by eliasn (Post 841259)
Sorry, I meant International online Communities. Communities about Japan. Something like this forum but bigger, not only a forum but a big communitysite with other stuff aswell.

Did I make it clearer? :S

I don't know if you are going to find one bigger than this one that isn't full of porn and random weirdness.

eliasn 12-11-2010 10:30 PM

Yeah this one is pretty neat. Well if someone knows or comes across one, let me know.

Brass 12-13-2010 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 841261)
I don't know if you are going to find one bigger than this one that isn't full of porn and random weirdness.

Must be talking about 4chan :)

RealJames 12-14-2010 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Brass (Post 841556)
Must be talking about 4chan :)

lol yeah.

This community is pretty great, I'm still quite new here but everyone I come across seems good!

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