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Suki 12-23-2010 12:12 AM

What was your experience with getting your driver's license?
A lot of people go through hell during their driving test. They get nervous and they screw up cause they have too much pressure on them. Actually, I gotta say I wasn't the least bit nervous. I mean, I was a little jumpy but it all went away the moment I started the car.

How was it for you? Did you pass the test on your first time? I failed three times and finally got it right on my fourth attempt LOL but mind you, it's not like I was doing anything wrong, just all the examiners I got were... well, not worthy of kind treatment, to put it nicely. Also, that was two years ago. Now I'm like totally a rockstart on wheels. :D ... or I would be, if I had a better car </3

How much does it cost to get a driver's license in your country?

I paid about... 1500€, which is close to $2000 (1300 pounds).

Share your experience and feel free to talk some crap about your examiner, cause they all suck and deserve some hating on. ;)

JohnBraden 12-23-2010 01:05 AM

I took the Spanish driver's test and I had to use a Seat 133 manual transmission.... Do they still have those around, Suki? I bet not!

Anyways, I thought I flunked it when the examiner told me to get out after I had to pull out of the parallel park once to try again. He passed me, saying that it was the better option than trying to squeeze it in the way I had it. I did pass it on the first try as well as the 100 question exam....

The part I hated was having to use that dreaded "L" placcard on a BMW.... :)

The USFJ (US Forces Japan) driver's license was easy to get since I just showed them my International Drivers License....

Here in the states, the test was overly simple and the driving portion was a complete joke....

Sangetsu 12-23-2010 01:19 AM

In America I had a class A license, which meant I could drive pretty much anything on wheels, from cars to tractor-trailer trucks. In Florida there are several classes of licences, from A (for big trucks) to E (regular cars). To get an A license you must take the written test for all the lesser license (5 in total), pass a physical exam, and take a rather extensive driving test. The cost is not so high, about $300 for everything, but you need access to a large tuck and trailer to take the driving test.

Now I live in Japan, and getting a license here is more difficult and expensive. Driving school cost about 300,000 yen, the written test is difficult, and the driving test is nothing to laugh at. As I already had a license from America, I was not required to go to driving school, but I did have to take a written test and a driving test. I failed the driving test the first time because at the license center I went to all foreigners are failed on their first attempt. I passed on the second attempt with a group of foreigners who were all taking their test for at least their second attempt. Only one other person passed with me, everyone else failed, and some were in tears.

Honestly, getting a basic car license in Japan was more difficult than getting a big truck license in America.

GoNative 12-23-2010 01:29 AM

I got my license over 20 years ago now and it was incredibly easy. It was a very hot day, around 36 degrees and the instructor wasn't in the mood for a long test (and neither was I). So after the written test which if you've done many tests through school was very easy we only went out for about a 15 minute drive and passed no problems. I then went on to do an advanced driving course as well as a defensive driving course (these help to reduce insurance costs in Aus).
Anyway in over 20 years of driving I've only ever been involved in one accident which luckily wasn't my fault at all (as the other guy nearly died and wanted to sue me but the police confirmed there was nothing more I could do to avoid the accident).
Luckily as an Australian I didn't need to sit a test here in Japan to get a Japanese license.

Umihito 12-23-2010 01:34 AM

I was lucky and managed to pass both my theory and practical test first time! :D

Hmm, I'm not too sure how much everything cost... but my car was £1400 and my insurance was £1900, but I'm not allowed to drive between 11pm and 5am, but that doesn't matter seems as I never go out during those times anyway. :)

protheus 12-23-2010 07:58 AM

The category list in my country is:
A - motorbike, motorcycle
B - under 3.5 tons weight (normal cars)
C - trucks or vehicles over 3.5 tons (including vans that pass that weight)
D - public transport vehicles with over 9 seats for passengers
E - trailer (meaning if you have E you can drive anything with a trailer)

It costs about 300-400 EURO at the moment, but when I took it it was a bit more (about 500), classes on a Seat Ibiza. A essential part is gathering a minimum of 40 driving hours (an hour is considered 50 minutes at driving schools) before exam, with a max of 1 hour per day, plus 60 hours of indoor class with written test simulation and quizzes regarding the active driving laws.

The written exam is a ABCD answers one, with the possibility of none, any or all answers being correct. You get a cardboard where you only do X's on the corresponding answer boxes.
The written test I took it twice, first time I misplaced all my answers with one box. You know how I felt when I saw that I have one more question, but there wasn't any box left for it? :mtongue: Meaningless to say, I got zero points on that (I think it's a record :D ). The second time 100% correct answers, then driving around town for about 3 minutes only and that was all.
Now I'm in my sixth year of driving, and I have about 100.000 km on the road, with the "record" of 2.400 km in 28 hours. Drove around almost any model I can think of, but none of the "supercars" brands, except a Porsche 911.

evanny 12-23-2010 08:08 AM

i failed 1st time at the very end of the test. the town had major infrastructure repairs that day and roads changed a lot...so by accident i turned on one where i couldn't and failed. it was cool that my examiner was so angry because he loved my driving and was ready to give me the license.
test goes for 1 hr for us. 2nd time when i did it i was done in 10 min - he saw that everything was balls to the the wall awesome and we finished really fast :cool:

about costs? well first you have to finish driving school - its around 300-600 $ for theoretical and practical and medical course - takes 1 or 2 month. then after that you may go and take the exam - each driving ~100$, theoretical test (have to pass to allow you to have driving test) each time ~20$

now i have it for almost 2 years and have driven 20 000+ km.
now it's just awesome - icy roads, everywhere is snow and if you know what your doing at the wheel then its just awesome fun.

P.S im planning on getting bike license. but for us it's hardest to get. for a bike that is over 250cm3 you need to be 21 years old. all the other vehicles are from 18.

Vinnythefox 12-23-2010 09:01 AM

Now that you mention this topic... I took my driving test 2 days ago and... I was beyond nervous .. my legs were shaking so bad that I couldn't work the clutch properly. I ended up crashing into a car and causing $1800 damaga.. I am quite depressed after that.

Nyororin 12-23-2010 11:17 AM

I never had a license outside Japan - so I attended regular driving school in Japan... By the time I took the actual test I had something like 30 hours of classroom / simulator study and 20 something of in-car practice (about half on a course, half on real roads...)

The Japanese driving test is supposed to be one of the more difficult in the world. I wouldn`t have thought of trying it without having attended the classes.

The paper exam was incredibly long and detailed, but nothing all that difficult if you had paid attention in class and actually read the textbook. The driving test was nothing difficult either - same deal, if you`d paid attention and actually remembered what you were told while practicing at the school there should have been no problems.

I passed on the first try, no problems. A lot of others who were in the same class with me didn`t, and judging by the joy shown by those who did pass (think jumping up and down with tears of joy)... I imagine it`s not all that normal to pass on the first try.

dogsbody70 12-23-2010 11:36 AM

I quite like the idea of the simulator training. I daren't say how many tests I had to take before I finally passed.

My son had a weeks training when he was 17 and passed straightaway.

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