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Sanchii 01-06-2011 11:47 PM

who wants to be in a jrock band?
Who has ever wanted to be in a band inspired by japanese bands? i always wondered, since so many people like jrock and music. does anyone here, have this dream? to either start a band or be in a band in japan???

Suki 01-06-2011 11:48 PM

Mmm not really no...

Being in a J-rock band sounds more like a nightmare than a dream to me.

Sanchii 01-06-2011 11:52 PM

Really? how come it would be a nightmare to you?

SCIFFIX 01-07-2011 12:27 AM

I'm musicaly inspirated by those bands. I think that be in a J-rock band is the same to be in a band for any other country, only depends what rock style that you will play. What is the difference in play hard rock or metal in a Jrock band or in a another country band?
despite to be a Visual Key bands fan I never dreamed to play guitar in this kind of band, mainly in a band like Versailles, althought I like their musics, they are very far of my beauty sense...

but if this pay well ... hahaha

Suki 01-07-2011 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Sanchii (Post 845286)
Really? how come it would be a nightmare to you?

Nah I did not say it would be a nightmare, I said it'd be a nightmare more than a dream. J-rock music is no inspiration to me, so being a former member of a J-rock band isn't really something I aspire to.

Sanchii 01-07-2011 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by SCIFFIX (Post 845290)
I'm musicaly inspirated by those bands. I think that be in a J-rock band is the same to be in a band for any other country, only depends what rock style that you will play. What is the difference in play hard rock or metal in a Jrock band or in a another country band?
despite to be a Visual Key bands fan I never dreamed to play guitar in this kind of band, mainly in a band like Versailles, althought I like their musics, they are very far of my beauty sense...

but if this pay well ... hahaha

there is no difference really. except the language and the fact that if you were in a japanese band in japan and make it big, you would be able to play along bands that inspired you too, like your role models. and that would be extraordinary. and of course the style. so you don't find versailles style beautiful? lol you play guitar in a band?

SCIFFIX 01-07-2011 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by Sanchii (Post 845294)
there is no difference really. except the language and the fact that if you were in a japanese band in japan and make it big, you would be able to play along bands that inspired you too, like your role models. and that would be extraordinary. and of course the style. so you don't find versailles style beautiful? lol you play guitar in a band?

For me there is no diference in write a lyric in English or Japanese, If your lyrics are good and have intensity independent of the language, someone will like it, of course I'm talking only in a semantic view.
Yeah, Versailles is not beautiful for me, some members style seems very "artificial" for me, they don't pass to me the sensation of be what they are trying to act. For ME their visual is not very efective.

But X Japan old days style was very efective for me, the reason for me in be a X Japan fan was your dressing style and their slogan "Psychedelic violence crime of visual shock". I saw a X japan photo with this slogan when I was 10 years old and this let me very interested in listen to their songs.

I used to play in a band (nothing serious, only guys searching for fun) but nowadays the university let me very busy for do it again.

BakaTensei 01-07-2011 03:44 AM

im in a band and were all are pretty influenced by the likes of straightener, and a few friends who listen to jrock have said we remind them of it but I would never considering myself jrock because of the lack of J :P

Raijingusan 01-07-2011 08:00 AM

I want to have a jrock band one day,its my dream.

JamboP26 01-07-2011 12:28 PM

I'd love to be in a J-Rock band. That would be awesome. I see myself as Kyo Mk.II. lol.

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