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Rinai 02-26-2011 05:20 AM

What are some sayings of your culture or maybe just of what you've heard that make sense to you?

*plooka plooka*

Ryzorian 02-26-2011 05:44 AM

Beware of those who talk much, but say little.

Though really, that's probably universal.

tipsygypsy 02-26-2011 06:40 AM

Witness unpainted face of your girlfriend before you marry her. ( I made up )

ryuurui 02-26-2011 08:13 AM

Recipe for sanity and healthy life in nowadays madness is ability to convert bad
energy around you in constructive activity through uplifting thoughts.

Opening quote from my book "Cubicle of Life".

I also really like one latin saying that goes "De inimico non loquaris sed cogites", which translates into :"Don't wish ill for your enemy, plan it!".

RickOShay 02-26-2011 09:52 AM

You take the good, you take the bad,
you take them both and there you have
The Facts of Life, the Facts of Life.

RickOShay 02-26-2011 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by tipsygypsy (Post 852921)
Witness unpainted face of your girlfriend before you marry her. ( I made up )

I highly recommend this as well. Makeup and beers,... awesome for single men and anybody who does not care, but when it comes time to settle down, be sure you understand and love the face you will wake up to for the next whatever of your life. I do not mean this to sound sexist or anything... i just mean, beauty fades and in 30 years or so it won't matter how hot he or she was, what will matter is if you love each other for who you are. And if you can, you should have tried to decide that before you marry.

wolfrainvn 02-26-2011 11:29 AM

Preparation is the key to success in life.

tipsygypsy 02-26-2011 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by RickOShay (Post 852967)
I highly recommend this as well. Makeup and beers,... awesome for single men and anybody who does not care, but when it comes time to settle down, be sure you understand and love the face you will wake up to for the next whatever of your life. I do not mean this to sound sexist or anything... i just mean, beauty fades and in 30 years or so it won't matter how hot he or she was, what will matter is if you love each other for who you are. And if you can, you should have tried to decide that before you marry.

So true So true

tipsygypsy 02-26-2011 02:59 PM

Kilgore Trout ( Kurt Vonnegut Jr. )

SleepAddict 02-26-2011 03:25 PM

Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.

tipsygypsy 02-26-2011 03:38 PM

Bokonon's 53rd Calypso

Oh, a sleeping drunkard
Up in Central Park,
And a lion-hunter
In the jungle dark,
And a chinese dentist,
And a British queen -
All fit together
In the same machine.
Nice, nice, very nice;
Nice, nice, very nice;
Nice, nice, very nice -
So many different people
In the same device.

On God

Someday, someday, this crazy world will have to end,
And our God will take things back that He to us did lend.
And if, on that sad day, you want to scold our God,
Why go right ahead and scold Him. He'll just smile and nod.

On Life

We do, doodley do, doodley do, doodley do,
What we must, muddily must, muddily must, muddily must;
Muddily do, muddily do, muddily do, muddily do,
Until we bust, bodily bust, bodily bust, bodily bust.

Bokonon ( Kurt Vonnegut Jr. )

tipsygypsy 02-26-2011 03:42 PM

Did I kill anyone?

Charles Manson

tipsygypsy 02-26-2011 03:47 PM

“That’s the problem with drinking, I thought, as I poured myself a drink. If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.”

Charles Bukowski

tipsygypsy 02-26-2011 04:21 PM

Do you have some TP for my bunghole?

tipsygypsy 02-26-2011 08:30 PM

"I don't stand for the black man's side; I don’t stand for the white man's side. I stand for God's side."

Bob Marley

tipsygypsy 02-26-2011 08:40 PM

Oh yea, know that s**t. Sounds so good
I wanna... right along. Yea this is K-Sui,
Cyco Miko here, giving you the easy
muthafu**n listening sounds for the hard
of muthafu**'n hearing. Yea, busting out on
a whole new perspektive to lock you upside
your head. Get your mind working.
Cause you know it ain't working like it should be.
It's time to think... not think like you think
you think... that ain't thinking, that's just
justifying your inability to accomplish the things
that you're not willing to work for.
So right now time to dig into fuc**n trench.
Get a little cyco. Cause you gotta fuc**n be crazy
to believe in yourself! So what anyone else says...
f**k it! I don't give a f**k!

Mike Mure

tipsygypsy 02-26-2011 09:57 PM

We gotta make a change...
It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes.
Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live
and let's change the way we treat each other.
You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do
what we gotta do, to survive.
And still I see no changes can't a brother get a little peace
It's war on the streets & the war in the Middle East
Instead of war on poverty they got a war on drugs so the police can bother me
And I ain't never did a crime I ain't have to do
But now I'm back with the blacks givin' it back to you
Don't let 'em jack you up, back you up, crack you up and pimp slap you up
You gotta learn to hold ya own
they get jealous when they see ya with ya mobile phone
But tell the cops they can't touch this
I don't trust this when they try to rush I bust this
That's the sound of my tool you say it ain't cool my mama didn't raise no fool
And as long as I stay black I gotta stay strapped & I never get to lay back
'Cause I always got to worry 'bout the pay backs
some buck that I roughed up way back comin' back after all these years
rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat that's the way it is uhh


tipsygypsy 02-26-2011 10:10 PM

If a man puts out the eye of an equal, his eye shall be put out.
If a man knocks the teeth out of another man, his own teeth will be knocked out.

Code of Hammurabi

tipsygypsy 02-26-2011 10:22 PM

"we really represent individuality. kid's should think for themselves. not to be like your friend who think they are individuals, but to be like you. not to be like us, but to be what you are"

Marilyn Manson

tipsygypsy 02-26-2011 10:25 PM

Hell, as kids, critics didn't even matter. I don't even know if I knew they existed

Rob Zombie

tipsygypsy 02-26-2011 10:29 PM

You can't arrest me, I'm a rockstar.

Sid Vicious

tipsygypsy 02-26-2011 10:30 PM



tipsygypsy 02-26-2011 10:39 PM

The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.

B.B. King

Ryzorian 02-27-2011 04:27 AM

"Live long and prosper"..........Spock

"Today is a good day to die"............Worf.

"Beam me Up Scotty"...Kirk


"He/she/it is dead Jim"..........Bones McCoy.

"Any more and she'll blow"..........Scotty

"Hailing frequencies open sir"............Uhura

"Aye Keptin"......Checkov

Ryzorian 02-27-2011 04:32 AM

"All your base are now belong to us".......... Some video game..I think from Japan, before they had that translation bit down.

JustinRossTso 02-27-2011 05:43 AM

Here's one that I can remember off the top of my head.

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and you will feel him for a lifetime."

It's a Chinese Proverb I believe.

There's many good quotes in the Art of War ;)!

tipsygypsy 02-27-2011 06:10 AM

May the stars carry your sadness away,
May the flowers fill your heart with beauty,
May hope forever wipe away your tears,
And, above all, may silence make you strong.

Chief Dan George

ShinigamiTM 02-27-2011 03:04 PM

A Blindman doesn't see, A Deafman doesn't hear a Muteman doesn't speak and Woman doesn't think.

tipsygypsy 02-27-2011 03:22 PM

protheus 02-27-2011 05:24 PM

"History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon."
"If you wish to be success in the world, promise everything, deliver nothing."

Napoleon Bonaparte

tipsygypsy 02-27-2011 06:40 PM

We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.

Kenji Miyazawa

tokusatsufan 02-27-2011 11:35 PM

Obaa chan duk dayda....My granny used to say "Well.Well.Well. Three holes in the ground".

tipsygypsy 02-28-2011 06:54 PM

Albert Einstein

catbat 02-28-2011 07:06 PM

A monkey in silk is a monkey no less.

tipsygypsy 02-28-2011 07:10 PM

donkey in milk is a donkey no less

catbat 02-28-2011 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by tipsygypsy (Post 853509)
donkey in milk is a donkey no less

ooh that beats mine :D

tipsygypsy 02-28-2011 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by catbat (Post 853511)
ooh that beats mine :D

even my post makes no sense? hehe

TalnSG 02-28-2011 08:11 PM

My mother had one that used to stop me in my tracks cold......

"I wouldn't have in my hand what you just had in your mouth." :eek:

It was her response to my uttering a rather graphic cuss word.

catbat 02-28-2011 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by TalnSG (Post 853554)
My mother had one that used to stop me in my tracks cold......

"I wouldn't have in my hand what you just had in your mouth." :eek:

It was her response to my uttering a rather graphic cuss word.

Wonders what cuss word you used....

tipsygypsy 02-28-2011 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by TalnSG (Post 853554)
My mother had one that used to stop me in my tracks cold......

"I wouldn't have in my hand what you just had in your mouth." :eek:

It was her response to my uttering a rather graphic cuss word.

wise mom hehe

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