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Umihito 03-14-2011 03:55 AM

Concerns about the people mourning the disaster...
I am sad about the disaster that happened.

But what I am just as sad about is the fact that Japanophiles/Otaku/Weeaboos are mourning this disaster for all the wrong reasons. I have seen many, MANY people all over the internet (Youtube, Facebook, you name it), and they're ONLY mourning the disaster JUST because it's Japan.
They would show NO such sympathy for anywhere else such as Haiti or New Zealand. It really worries me, there's no other words for it. :/

In the rarer worst cases, there have been around 300 comments of people wondering, and being most concerned about, Hatsune Miku, a Vocaloid being alright. They actually said they thought about her first. Whether they were joking or not is taking it too far.

So have you experienced these people a lot lately? Are more people concerned about Japan because of their obsession with it rather than actual concern for the people? I can say these kinds of people have been in the majority for me.
Second is Christians praying (of course there's nothing wrong with this), third is jokers, and fourth is people who actually seem concerned about the people rather than the country.

oastrich 03-14-2011 04:05 AM

Maybe because Japan has done many good things for other countries. Best wishes for people in Japan and anywhere. And no more disasters, the whole world. From China.

GoNative 03-14-2011 04:12 AM

People will always feel something more strongly if they feel a personal connection. Just like one of the 10's of thousands of people who die naturally everyday has little effect on you or me unless we know one of them personally. People who feel a connection with Japan will have stronger emotions about this disaster than say the one in NZ. It would be nice to think we have the same compassion for anyone in the world but it's not like that in reality. Something like 10,000 children die everyday from completely preventable issues related to hunger. Do we mourn each and every single day this great loss of life? No we don't. Many would not even be aware of it. Because it all happens in countries they have little to no interest in. It's just the way the world is.

Ryzorian 03-14-2011 04:33 AM

I happen to have a Half japanse 2cd cousin and his japanese wife and family who live outside Tokyo.

Gonative raises a valid point. Though I would also add that most people don't have the emotional capacity to worry about everyone, it would drive a person nuts.

Ronin4hire 03-14-2011 04:52 AM

All my friends in Japan are safe.

So I no longer care about the Earthquake.

My attitude to natural disasters is like "Meh... sh*t happens".

If Japan was for example invaded by China or Russia though (i.e. a man-made disaster).. then I'd be following it to the second.

Ronin4hire 03-14-2011 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by melindagates (Post 856260)
We wish all the people of Japan good fortune and good luck as they take care of their families, friends and loved-ones.

It's not all the people of Japan. It's just the people of Northeast Japan that are affected.

It's kinda weird for me, having been to Japan, see outsiders and the media treat this as though the whole of Japan was hit by an Earthquake.

JohnBraden 03-14-2011 07:35 AM

When I was stationed in Aomori-ken, I used to drive anywhere from Sendai to Mutsu Bay on my days off.... Since I've been there, I have more of a connection to the place than I do with NZ or Haiti.... It's not that I don't feel for those people, but having been there does make it more personal. Like I expressed in an earlier post, I don't know if people will consider that insensitive or not, but that's how it is....

termogard 03-14-2011 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Umihito (Post 856243)
They would show NO such sympathy for anywhere else such as Haiti or New Zealand. It really worries me, there's no other words for it. :/

You know, besides strongest earthquake and tsunami, Japan now has troubles with some nuclear plants. Do Haiti or NZ have any problem with nuclear reactors?

MMM 03-14-2011 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 856262)
All my friends in Japan are safe.

So I no longer care about the Earthquake.

My attitude to natural disasters is like "Meh... sh*t happens".

If Japan was for example invaded by China or Russia though (i.e. a man-made disaster).. then I'd be following it to the second.

Your sympathy for humanity beyond your fingertips is duly noted.


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 856264)
It's not all the people of Japan. It's just the people of Northeast Japan that are affected.

It's kinda weird for me, having been to Japan, see outsiders and the media treat this as though the whole of Japan was hit by an Earthquake.

Japanese people all over the world are affected. I lived in Portland, Oregon when 9/11 happened, a full 3000 miles from Ground Zero, and it still affects me to this day. This earthquake/tsunami disaster affects me, as I have friends who have still not been able to contact family in Northern Honshu. No one in Japan is not affected.

Nyororin 03-14-2011 08:20 AM

Some people are going to feel sympathy because people are suffering. Some are going to feel it because they know people in Japan. Some because they know people in the effected areas. Some because it`s Japan and not somewhere else.

For some people it`s just disaster porn and they are getting a kick (can be good or bad) out of seeing the destruction (tons of this, really...)

It doesn`t really matter. If people are going to donate because they are worried that their favorite erotic anime might be postponed... Do you really think that the people who are in need right now would say "Oh no, I don`t want your dirty money"...?

I`m more pissed off by a number of people I`ve spotted around the net who think that being in Japan gives them a right to ask for money due to their suffering... When they`re in Kyushu or somewhere equally far away.
If you`re going to donate, do so to trusted organizations!!!!!!

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