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lazylightning 03-15-2011 05:37 PM

Enterosgel saved people from the Chernobyl catastrophe
In 1986, when the Chernobyl catastrophy happened, the Soviet military gave a secret material to the cleanup workers. It is a special enterosorbent gel that removes all radionucleides from the body by cleaning the blood through the stomach lining. It never even enters the blood, it just goes through the digestive tract and cleans the blood of all and any toxins, but not vitamins or nutrients. It saves peoples lives all the time and the Chernobyl cleanup workers that were not given it died in a few days or weeks. The ones that were given it are still mostly still alive now. This stuff can be bought in any drug store in Russia, Ukraine and the Czech Republic. It's called Enterosgel.

There is something that can really save the health and even lives of people that have to work at that reactor or breath the air nearby. It's a pity that they don't have access to it! Is there anybody that can help to get it into the humanitarian aid being sent there?

GoNative 03-16-2011 01:33 AM

Can you show any peer reviewed literature as to the efficacy of the drug?
Sounds like more bullshit to me.

termogard 03-16-2011 01:54 AM

magic antiradiation gel

Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 856858)
Sounds like more bullshit to me.

Seems you are entirely right.:D

Oppett 03-16-2011 08:04 AM

It seems that this drug really exists : http://www.enterosgel.ru/eng/show/102/

You can read at the bottom that it is used in " Industrial enterprises with hazardous working conditions, nuclear power plants in the light of preventive and curative actions"

What do you think ?

GoNative 03-16-2011 08:11 AM

I think I trust medicines that come out of Russia about as much as I trust those that come out of China. In other words not much! ;)

Oppett 03-16-2011 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 856931)
I think I trust medicines that come out of Russia about as much as I trust those that come out of China. In other words not much! ;)

Come on man :p the first nobel price of medecine was given to a russian doctor Ivan Petrovitch Pavlov

GoNative 03-16-2011 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Oppett (Post 856946)
Come on man :p the first nobel price of medecine was given to a russian doctor Ivan Petrovitch Pavlov

But then communism happened and then the free market (corruption and organised crime) happened. The good old days before the revolution when the peasants knew their place and the aristocracy meddled with science in their spare time are long gone :p

termogard 03-16-2011 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Oppett (Post 856946)
Come on man :p the first nobel price of medecine was given to a russian doctor Ivan Petrovitch Pavlov

Correct. Most westerners know nothing about Russia and Russian life except stereotypical "vodka and bears".
In certain aspects they were most brainwashed than soviet people during Cold War times. I can prove it simply by referring to movies. Look and compare how Russians were depicted in american Rambo 2 & 3 and how Americans were depicted in russian Single Voyage or Interception. In short, american movies were made for brainless heads of cabbages.

GoNative 03-16-2011 09:22 AM

I am mostly joking. I know that Russia has an amazing history and has produced some of the worlds greatest scientists. Still I'd like to see if there is any peer reveiwed studies showing the efficacy of this drug. You see the Chinese produce medicines all the time claiming all sorts of cures but is there anything to back up some of their assertions? Rarely.
Is this drug approved for sale in Japan or the US or any country outside of Russia or the old Soviet block countries? If not, why not?
Forgive me for actually wanting a little information about a drug before jumping on board with wanting to distribute to the populace of Japan! ;)

termogard 03-16-2011 09:52 AM

magic drug

Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 856964)
Is this drug approved for sale in Japan or the US or any country outside of Russia or the old Soviet block countries? If not, why not?

Because it's nothing short of myth;)

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