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What's good about Japan?
Amidst all the disaster occurring in Japan at present I wanted to start a thread to highlight what is good about Japan.
Have you got any positive stories to share about your time In Japan. or Simply, what do YOU like about Japan or the people. To start, I'm going to share some positive messages that I've found. Here are tweets from Japan amid the earth quake crisis (translation by @vida_es_bella, otherwise noted). Here are touching tales of kindness from Japan, showing generosity and compassion on behalf of Japanese Nationals and the like. Even though the country is going through a rough time, the people of Japan should be proud of their conduct and humanity. * ディズニーランドでの出来事 http://twitter.com/unosuke/status/46376846505426944 ディ ズニーランドでは、ショップのお菓子なども配給された 。ちょっと派手目な女子高生たちが必要以上にたくさん もらってて「何だ?」って一瞬思ったけど、その 後その子たちが、避難所の子供たちにお菓子を配ってい たところ見て感動。子供連れは動けない状況だったから 、本当にありがたい心配りだった * At Tokyo Disneyland They distributed sweets that are part of their merchandise. High school girls with heavy makeup took away more candies than they would possibly eat and that raised my eyebrows. Later, I saw those girls giving the candies to kids at evacuation areas. Families with kids had limited mobility and couldn't get to where the candies were distributed. Go girls! [by http://twitter.com/ocilam/status/46464612069146624] snacks at shops were offered @ Tokyo Disneyland. High school girls helped distribution to families with kids. * 国連からのメッセージ http://twitter.com/akitosk/status/46302222346223616 国連からのコメント「日本は今まで世界中に援助をして きた援助大国だ。今回は国連が全力で日本を援助する。 」 に感動した。良い事をしたら戻ってくるのです。これが いい例なのです * Message from the UN I was so moved by the statement issued by the UN Secretary General, saying, "Japan is one of the most generous and strongest benefactors, coming to the assistance of those in need the world over. In that spirit, the United Nations stands by the people of Japan and we will do anything and everything we can at this very difficult time." This is a perfect example of doing good to others. They will do the same to you, when you most need their help. [English by http://twitter.com/hirokishimada/sta...5526247759872] UN Ban Ki-moon says "Japan is one of the most generous and strongest benefactors coming to the assistance of those in need the world over. In their spirits, the United Nations stands by the people of Japan, we will do anything and everything we can at this very difficult time." * 渋滞した交差点での出来事 http://twitter.com/micakom/status/46264887281848320 一 回の青信号で1台しか前に進めないなんてザラだったけ ど、誰もが譲り合い穏やかに運転している姿に感動した 。複雑な交差点で交通が5分以上完全マヒする シーンもあったけど、10時間の間お礼以外のクラクシ ョンの音を耳にしなかった。恐怖と同時に心温まる時間 で、日本がますます好きになった。 * At a jammed crossing I was driving home after the quakes.Streets were extremely jammed and at many crossings only one car could cross the street per green light. At a spaghetti crossing, all traffic was paralyzed for more than 5 min. All drivers, I encountered, waiting to cross streets were calm, giving way to others. All thru my 10 hr driving, I didn't hear any honking except those showing gratitude to others. Of course this travel was scary but also heart warming. This experience made me like Japan all the more. [by Ms. Arakawa] Traffic was hell and It often happened that only one car can proceed forward as a signal light had turned green for each time, but every one was so calm and driving safely and gave way to each other. I'd been driving for like 10 hours and never heard anyone beeped a horn except meaning "thank you". [by Ms. Ishiwatari] when only one car could pass in the time the traffic light was blue, everyone conceded to each other, and drove safely and happily. I was really moved by the scenery. During the worst traffic jam, there weren't a single craction made by anyone, except for the craction meaning "thank you". It was a terrifying time, but at the same time, very warmful- japan is a great country * 揺れている最中でも・・・ http://twitter.com/gj_neko26/statuses/46394706481004544 聞いた話でびっくりしたのが、とっさに「入口の確保」 と揺れてるにも関わらず、あの状況で歩いて入口を開け た人が居たのが凄いと思った。正直、シャンデリアも証 明も何時落ちるか分からないのに、凄く勇敢な人が居た 事に感動した。 [by Ms. Arakawa] Ground had been shaking so hard and it difficult to even walk, but there is a brave person who went to the door and open it to keep our way out. Chandeliers and lights on the ceiling could fall on him anytime. * バス停で・・・ http://twitter.com/yunico_jp/status/46168394755612672 バスが全然来ない中、@saiso が、バス停の前にある薬局でカイロを買ってきて、並ん で待ってる人みんなに配った! * At a bus stop... While waiting for a bus almost eternally, @saiso went into a drugstore in front of the bus stop, bought a bunch of hand warmers and handed them to those waiting for a bus! * ディズニーシーにて http://twitter.com/kfstudio/status/46390032776437760 ディ ズニーシーに一泊した娘、無事帰宅しました!キャスト のみなさんが寒い中でも笑顔で接してくれて不安を感じ ることなく過ごせたそうです。防寒のカイロやビ ニール袋、夜・朝の軽食と飲み物、おやつまで。ディズ ニーの素晴らしさに感動です。頑張ってくれたキャスト さん、ほんとにありがとう!! [by Ms. Arakawa] My daughter had stayed in Disney Sea for one night and just came back safe! She said cast had been taking care of her smiling all the time so she was so relieved. Plus they provide her foods, beverage, protections against cold, and even some confectioneries! I was so touched by what they'd done to her. Thank you so much! * 日本人の良さを再認識 http://twitter.com/VietL/status/46376383592677376 こ の地震が、きっかけになって、失いかけていた日本人本 来の良さが戒間見れた気がする。犯罪はする様子はなく 、助け合い、律儀、紳士的。普段日本人は冷たい 人が多い…。って個人的に感じてるんだけど、多くの人 が今回で「絆」を取り戻しつつあるように見えて、それ がなんか感動して、泣けてくる。 [by Ms. Arakawa] This experience taught us a renewed recognition of what we had and regained its real spirits. I didn't see any crimes but those who helped each other. All were willing to do their duty gentlemanly. I had been felt that Japanese got cold attitude in a way but today I knew that they regain their bond. It made me cry...I was moved. * 段ボールに感動 http://twitter.com/aquarius_rabbit/s...13254376210432 ホームで待ちくたびれていたら、ホームレスの人達が寒 いから敷けって段ボールをくれた。いつも私達は横目で 流してるのに。あたたかいです。 * Homeless People [by http://twitter.com/yas/status/46487642812071936] While I was tired of waiting at the station, homeless people gave us their cardboards against cold. We're always passing them by, though. [by Ms. Arakawa] Transport facilities were dead and I was so tired waiting so long. Then, a homeless guy gave me a cardboard saying "use this, it can warm you up". I used to pass homeless people by even when they were begging... Although what he did to me was such a sweet stuff. * 外国人から見た日本人 http://twitter.com/kiritansu/status/46335057689980928 外 国人から見た地震災害の反応。物が散乱しているスーパ ーで、落ちているものを律儀に拾い、そして列に黙って 並んでお金を払って買い物をする。運転再開した 電車で混んでるのに妊婦に席を譲るお年寄り。この光景 を見て外国人は絶句したようだ。本当だろう、この話。 すごいよ日本。 [by Ms. Arakawa] I heard that some foreigners were impressed to see these:In the super market Japanese picked up some products which is fallen to the floor and put them back to the display cabinet, or kept in line and purchased neatly. Or.. in crowded train, an old guy gave his seat to pregnant woman and other nice activities what Japanese done. I believed those story and their reaction was true. * パン屋 http://twitter.com/ayakishimoto/stat...03599743451136 昨日の夜中、大学から徒歩で帰宅する道すがら、とっく に閉店したパン屋のおばちゃんが無料でパン配給してい た。こんな喧噪のなかでも自分にできること見つけて実 践している人に感動。心温まった。東京も捨てたもんじ ゃないな。 * Bakery In the middle of the night, I was walking home from college. A lady at a bakery was giving out bread. She kept her bakery open till late hours and was doing what she could do to help others. I was so touched. Tokyo is still not a bad place to live! Such a heart-warming scene. |
I had to stop reading. I almost started crying.
I think one of the best things is the highly civilized nature of the people of Japan. Even at this time, look at the respect they are showing - there is no descent into chaos or crime - it's not 'every man for himself, take what you can'. This is so inspiring to see, and the people of the rest of the world could learn a huge amount about conduct and respect from the Japanese.
Thats how it should be. Cant get anything done with a selfish dog eat dog attitude in circumstances like this.
The japanese are my kinda people |
They're the only people that can make popular tokusatsu. Well there is Power Rangers,Doctor Who and it's spinoffs which some are more tokusatsu-like and some are more sci-fi-like and Heroes but that's the closest other countries have got. I aspire to write a tokusatsu. I know it's highly unlikely. I am coming up with what I'm going to do to earn money in the meantime.
:eek: LOL Are you another British person that knows what tokusatsu is? That's like gold dust in Cornwall!
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