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mubasher198411 03-18-2011 02:29 PM

Sustainable Solution of Current Events in Japan
I am very much shocked whap happened in Japan last friday and is going on still.I pray toGod that may Allah protect each Japani and others from this very sewere crisis.
Ahmadiyya community is helping japanese brothers in this time of sorrow and grief and is standing side by side with them.and is praying to God that may God save them from more disaster and complexities.(ameen).

GoNative 03-18-2011 04:20 PM

Thank you for your sentiments but I don't think any gods will do much to help anyone. If there truly were such things as these mythical gods people seem to believe in why aren't they preventing such catastrophes in the first place?? I'll put my trust and faith in the perserverance and stoicism of the Japanese people much more than in mythical beings who don't seem to give a shite about what's happening down here on this planet to begin with.

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