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Example 1: you said "you guys are the reason why I hate the western society" ok so you are talking about society now and how you hate it. Example 2: You then said]"I couldn't care less if people will always call me a foreigner or something else..gaijin and so on.. who cares?" So "people" here meaning society.. and then you go on to say.. "As long as I can be with the people I love the most I will be happy" Unless you are talking about your specific friends you met then this sentence is very contradictory and confusing. What it looks like it means to me is that you will always like Japanese society no matter how you are treated, and yet you seem to have big problems with how you are treated in Western society. Is that really going to work out well for you? So you are equating your experience with a few people to be representative of society and how life will be in Japan (at least this is what it sounds like to me) Take example 3: You said "I know that people are different in a different world, which is Asia James." Now clearly talking about people in society.. and then you said "I didn't just come up with all this by my own.. I experienced it every day when I went to Asutralia and New Zealand" Clearly equating your experience with individuals to show how your life will be in Japan. Oh and just a little warning.. how Japanese act and treat you outside of their country, and in their country, around their old friends and family etc.. might be surprisingly different. Just a fair little warning.. You cannot equate individuals with society, how your friends treat you and how the public treats you will be different. I hope you realize this, because it seems this is something you do not understand and you are just setting yourself up for disappointment. So anyhow you now admit that do not know about life in Japan.. which overlaps significantly with Japanese society, and say that you just want to be with your friends, can you really tell me that even IF you can accomplish a great private life that your public life, how you are treated, and how you will NEVER fit into society, will not affect how you feel, even though it does in affect how you feel in Western society? If so, then go for it. I have been here 7 years and its been great.. but the way you and I think about Japan is like night and day.. so I cannot be so sure that even if you are a little more realistic than you present yourself, that you will be happy. It just seems there is a lot you are assuming based on your limited experiences (and I know you think you have a great knowledge based on your time with your friends, but your friends are individuals, they are not society, and they may not even be typical for all you know), and you are going to be in for many unpleasant surprises by setting your expectations for your "life with the asians" so high. Oh and a little side note stop throwing "Asians" into one MASSIVE group of people.. many many different countries and cultures, and I don't think they like being thought of as all the same. (I had a much better explained response than this post, but the website took a dump on me.. so sorry it is not as articulate as i would have liked it). |
Sorry BobbyCooper.. this is a dick post.. but you deserve it for the "reading" comment. |
BobbyCooper, let it go. These guys are professional forum goers, and you'll not win. Take their points on board, go, and if you enjoy it fine. If not, return home and review things.These guys (or some of, including the other James on here, as I'm James too btw) have been to and are in Japan. So I'd say their retrospect was important. Japan is different from other se Asian countries because its an island nation. Same as us Brits (although I prefer Scottish) are different from mainland Europeans,like yourself.
P.s. Its 'smart-Alex', not 'smart-atlec'. Just saying |
First of all James, I do not need your, you aren't welcome here anyway with this behaviour. You know nothing about me man, so please stop discrediting my presonalitiy, thanks!
Do never, ever come here. You will experience HELL :D This is not the right place for you.. stay where you are.. your personality is sooo bad and not welcome here at all,, Just because you met several Asians they are all diff yeah right! But people need to get a life lol Also @RickOShay, ever thought that English isn't my first language:rolleyes: Also well, how would you call the Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Thais without using the word Asians? :rolleyes: It's not like I am using oriental.. so please tell me your secret word in your massive vocabulary^^ Also, I won't even bother to reply to your novel there.. you should learn how to read, because you misinterpreted almost everything I said the wrong way. No one of you anonymous Forum bashers won't ever make me change my believe to go to Japan next year anyway. So don't even bother with all this lol it's wasted energy for you and for me ;D |
Support maybe better but it will be difficult to find a company that will sponsor a foreigner to do support work. Keep in mind one thing, its pricey to hire a foreigner, they won't bother investing in something that they can hire for a fraction of the price locally. Lets not deviate this thread, PM me or start a new thread to discuss. |
so. for everyone dreaming of going there good news - it will only get more and more easy to do so. "According to one United Nations estimate, it'll need to import 17 million foreign workers over the next 40 years, just to keep its economy afloat and provide enough carers to look after the elderly. (By 2050, there will be more than a million Japanese over the age of 100.)" source bbc |
And seriously, your behavior here HAS been very close minded, lots of people who HAVE or DO live in Japan are trying to give you advice and change your misconceptions and instead you throw it back in their face as though you're omniscient on a topic they clearly have more knowledge about. A typical Japanese behavior for someone in your position is to shut up and listen to the person with more experience while saying "aaahhh, oooohhh, soooudeska? eeehh? EEEHHH??? naruhodo. etc etc" and then if the Japanese person disagrees with some of the statements, then to quietly, elsewhere, or not at all speak against someone trying to help. In other words, your arrogance is non-modest and thereby non-Japanese and not seen well at all here (Japan). |
Sorry, but I do not need people to tell me that I would not belong there and that the Asians I met are totally different to the one who live in Japan and No, I do not need somebody to tell me that life in Japan is only colerful. The only thing which I can do, is to go there and experience it by my OWN! Everybody thinks differently and approaches things differently. Someone might love Japan and someone might thing it's hell. People are different and people see things different. So I don't need to listen to so much hegativity towards my stay in Japan. I am going there my own and I am going to Korea by my own and I will experience it on my own. So stop telling me I am not welcome there or that it would be the hell on earth overthere for me jes.. just stop, thanks! I will and always did take the advise I find useful. I don't take some biased advise from people who are DIFFERENT than me.. people are different and I really do not have to time and fun to listen to some "wise-guy" who wants to tell me that my thoughts about the Asian culture is totally flawed lol^^ Just stop Jes.. thats all I'm asking! |
Your statistic is correct, but that doesn't mean that they will have to let people in. Business can be operated oversea, there are many ways around that given advancement in technology. I have plenty of friends working in Fujitsu and Epson, they are all working locally in Canada, but their work contribute to projects in Japan. Thats the cheapest way to hire a foreigner, no sponsorship, no paperwork, no housing..... |
People are just recommending for you to adjust your expectation, because your experience in Japan (When you do go) could be very different from what you were exposed to. There are lot of cultural similarities between different Asian countries, not behavioral. but the root traditional culture. With the exception of Japanese, they do have some, but very very minor similarities with other cultures. Japan has the most western influence, and unlike Hong Kong (British influence) and Philippine (Spanish influence), it was a mix of all kind of different European and American culture. That said, your exposure to the different Asian group is very limited, and it only represent a much smaller group comparing to Asia as a whole. Again, nobody said anything about you know nothing, just advising you to adjust your expectation so that you won't be shocked or disappointed... just my $0.02 |
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