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WingsToDiscovery 04-08-2011 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by godwine (Post 860842)
Thats crazy talk man. Most dream has a theme, the use of language depends on the theme, I spoke alien once in my dream, but does that mean i use it daily in real life? Though I know the meaning and was able to communicate with the "species" in that dream. Thats because we don't need any language skills in a dream, we think we are communicating in a special form, but deep inside our brain, we already have a set interpretation... actual ability to speak or understand is not required in MOST cases.... If you dream of a real life situation, and it involve people speaking a language that you truly speak/understand in real life, then yes, the dialogue will be in that particular language...

And no, it doesn't happen to everybody in English. I happen to dream in Chinese... because, thats what I am...

That's not what the poster asked at all. That form of comprehension is a totally different subject.

JuanOne 04-08-2011 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery (Post 860843)
That's not what the poster asked at all. That form of comprehension is a totally different subject.

Thanks, this was indeed not my question. When you dream in a foreign language (mostly the one from the country you're actually living), it's something you can't control, it's subconscious

I may be wrong but Erasmus wrote about it and linked it to your brain considering that you have become a autochthon...or something like that....

RickOShay 04-08-2011 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by JuanOne (Post 860836)
Quick question for people living/having lived in Japan, do you dream/think in japanese ? When did you start dreaming/thinking in japanese, how long did it take ? How does it feel, weird or good ?

It happens to everybody in english, I'm just wondering what's the deal with japanese because it's a very complicated language

I have had dreams in Japanese, usually when Japanese people are in my dream. I cannot really say when it started nor how often it happens since i hardly remember my dreams. I have been able to communicate meaningfully in the language for quite a few years now though.

tokusatsufan 04-08-2011 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 860804)
Japan will be hosting the Rugby World Cup in 2019 which is pretty exciting. I went down to Tokyo last year to see Australia play NZ. The stadium was pretty much at capacity. The Japanese do like their Rugby!
I actually played rugby for Iwanai for a couple of years but am getting a bit old now. I get injured way too easily these days!

Really? Yes! So say I wanted to just play rugby would I be able to?

Nyororin 04-08-2011 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by JuanOne (Post 860836)
Quick question for people living/having lived in Japan, do you dream/think in japanese ? When did you start dreaming/thinking in japanese, how long did it take ? How does it feel, weird or good ?

It happens to everybody in english, I'm just wondering what's the deal with japanese because it's a very complicated language

Happens to everyone in English? Really? I have never actively thought "in English" - even when it was my only language. The only time I think using words is if I am composing something beforehand in my head. For example, thinking of a way to word something delicate or the like. I can`t say I assign any language to normal thoughts as they don`t happen in words. (Can`t say I think *visually* either though - that is the same sort of deal as verbal. Unless I need to think of an image, I don`t visualize one in my head.)
It seems like it would be terribly inefficient to actual think in words...

For thinking, it is the same in Japanese. Unless I am thinking of a specific way to carefully word something, I don`t think in words.
I also don`t remember things in words - just the info. If asked to recall something later, I can rarely remember what language I read or heard it in. This sucks when I want to show an article or something to someone - I have to try and trace my steps to figure out what language it was in... And sometimes I end up finding that I was wrong about the language I guessed I had read it in so I can`t show it to the person in the end anyway.

As for dreams - it is really random. Some will be in English, some will be in Japanese, and some will be no language at all. Dreams featuring my family in Japan will almost always be in Japanese or language-less (I can`t recall any that were in English), but about people I know outside Japan or English speakers in Japan... It`s a mixed bag. Sometimes in English, sometimes in Japanese, sometimes neither or both. I often remember these as I will notice mid dream with a bit of shock - that person should NOT be speaking Japanese. I should not be speaking to people in Japanese if this is a dream taking place in my childhood, etc.

I don`t remember when this started. It doesn`t really "feel" like anything - just like speaking in Japanese doesn`t feel like anything... Other than "communication", I suppose. The language isn`t more complex than English, so I don`t see how that would make any difference.

JohnBraden 04-08-2011 11:49 AM

If I dream about Spain, I dream in Spanish.
If I dream about Japan, I dream in no language
If I dream about the States, I dream in English.

godwine 04-08-2011 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery (Post 860843)
That's not what the poster asked at all. That form of comprehension is a totally different subject.

No, but what i was saying is that, you don't dream in a specific language because you live in a specific country. There is no relation between the 2.

JuanOne 04-08-2011 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by godwine (Post 860855)
No, but what i was saying is that, you don't dream in a specific language because you live in a specific country. There is no relation between the 2.

Some people don't agree :


To quote from personal experience: Whenever I spent even a short time in a
foreign European country, I found myself rapidly dreaming in the language (a
language which I had studied before), or in the local dialect (in Berlin I
would have Berlin dialect in my dreams). In Japan, it took me a long time to
start dreaming in Japanese. I had learnt Japanese for about two years before
I came to Japan, and it took more than six months before I could remember
dreaming in Japanese (i.e. perceiving Japanese language in my dreams). I
think that this long period does not only reflect my struggle with the
language, but also my struggle with the environment, which I believe is
partly due to the general attitude towards foreigners in this society
From :
Birgit Kellner
Department for Indian Philosophy
University of Hiroshima

Still no relation between the two ?

dogsbody70 04-08-2011 02:06 PM

[quote=tokusatsufan;860790]Yeah,the baseball thing is an aspect I don't like...I'm not into sport really. I am the same with football.


why worry if baseball is popular--you need not go to a match if you don't want to.

you know what your interests are so look for those aspects in japan. also be prepared to open your mind to fresh activities found in Japan.

it would be boring if everyone had identical tastes and its good to discover new things surely.

GoNative 04-08-2011 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by tokusatsufan (Post 860846)
Really? Yes! So say I wanted to just play rugby would I be able to?

Do you mean play for a living? Or just for fun on the weekend? If it's just for fun you just need to find a local team and I'm sure they'd be more than happy to give you a go. I was playing in about the 2nd lowest grade in Hokkaido. Just some guys who'd get together one night a week for practice and have competitive games about once every 2 weeks and then have a few beers afterwards. Nothing too serious but good fun.

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