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SHAD0W 04-05-2011 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by dogsbody70 (Post 860277)
For those who say they wish to go or live in japan, what do you think you will find there?

The holy grail. The chicken that lays the golden eggs.

JamboP26 04-05-2011 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by dogsbody70 (Post 860295)
so what are your dreams?

Basically, to live in Japan, start a family, and have an enjoyable life. Little dreams include going to a J.League football match, buying stuff out an official club shop, going to a SuperGT race and perhaps going to the Summer Sonic Music Festival

StonerPenguin 04-05-2011 02:48 PM

BobbyCooper's "I'm Asian inside" comment sounds like such a delusional weeaboo thing to say D: I'm not gonna say I'm African-American inside because I like b-girling :mtongue: Reading stories on 4chan about people going to Japan, I've seen that the people who believe they're "Japanese" inside or they're going to their "true home" were always the most devastated by going to Japan.

You should have low expectations, so you'll appreciate the good things more ;)
I have zero expectations of making friends in Japan if I go to there.

Also, I expect to find in Japan a general lack of Christians and rednecks (not too unrealistic of an expectation, methinks =D)

SHAD0W 04-05-2011 03:09 PM


You guys make me sick.. seriously. Get a life.

Lien 04-05-2011 03:13 PM

I want to move to Japan to become a famous ninja :smokingbear:

RobinMask 04-05-2011 03:28 PM

Comment deleted.

Ehayes 04-05-2011 03:43 PM

Thank you, I am traveling to Japan at the end of the month. Cancelling, not an option, my kid is there (even tho he's almost 30). Even with the earthquakes and the theat of radiation, I know he is there and how could I not go? My only concern is getting from Narita to Misawa. As has been posted, the area affected is only a small part of the country.

JamboP26 04-05-2011 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by SHAD0W (Post 860330)

You guys make me sick.. seriously. Get a life.

Fine. Be sick. It doesnt bother me. You have your reasons and they're obviously different from mine, and BobbyCooper's for that matter

evanny 04-05-2011 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by RealJames (Post 860278)
One of the places where being different is better than being the same despite most people thinking being different is bad, which makes it the unpopular choice and a greater minority and even more fun. :)

in some cases being different works. however most people (specially these "weebos" thinking they'll be cool in Japan) should open their eyes and realize that.......

JamboP26 04-05-2011 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by godwine (Post 860294)
Not sure if I agree to that 100%, Japan is probably the most westernized place among Asian countries.... I mean, sure, China has a few cities thats pretty westernized, but its just a few out of a large country, while Japan is MOST cities out of a smaller country (Land mass)

But I agree, happiness is the main thing, I just think I will be happier if I am there, its all relative, not suggesting that I am not happy where I am, but if I get to go back, i will be happier... though i dropped the idea of moving and living there. The IT field there work you like a wh*re, I don't think I can ever adapt to that kind of working culture...

I just read your comments on the IT field, and (being an IT student) was interested to hear they work you hard. How so? As I dont have much in the way of information about IT in Japan. Could prove useful as I hope to go into the IT industry there....eventually :)

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