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JohnBraden 04-05-2011 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Ehayes (Post 860339)
Thank you, I am traveling to Japan at the end of the month. Cancelling, not an option, my kid is there (even tho he's almost 30). Even with the earthquakes and the theat of radiation, I know he is there and how could I not go? My only concern is getting from Narita to Misawa. As has been posted, the area affected is only a small part of the country.

I flew out of Misawa on JAS to Haneda.... I'm sure that JAL still has flights there. Misawa has a small airport, but it should have daily flights to Tokyo's Haneda. They use the same runway as the military base. JAL flight 1225 flies in the morning at the cost of 29,670 yen....

As far as I know, the Tohoku Shinkansen isn't operating on all of its track to this day.

tokusatsufan 04-05-2011 05:38 PM

Why is it Japanese people can be weaboos the other way then? Or to rephrase that,what have weaboos ever done to you? Are you gonna be white trash?


Originally Posted by SHAD0W (Post 860330)

You guys make me sick.. seriously.

Yeah,that's not happening.

People go "OHMAGOD YOU AREN'T GONNA GO OVAH THERE BE SOME KIND OF GOD OR SOMETHING". As if we don't know that. Not being Japanese won't make you cool? Should we just top ourselves then? Do we have no hope of being the least bit cool in Japan in any way,shape or form ever?

godwine 04-05-2011 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by JamboP26 (Post 860353)
I just read your comments on the IT field, and (being an IT student) was interested to hear they work you hard. How so? As I dont have much in the way of information about IT in Japan. Could prove useful as I hope to go into the IT industry there....eventually :)

Depending on what you specialized in, anything related to software development may mean that your bed will be the little space under your desk.

When I was working in semiconductor, we have Japanese clients. And occasionally I will need to send people there to work with the client. All my staff sound so excited when they find out they are going to Japan, and most of them want to come back after working there for 2 days. The expectation are very different, some of them had to work well over 16 hours a day.....

JamboP26 04-05-2011 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by godwine (Post 860356)
Depending on what you specialized in, anything related to software development may mean that your bed will be the little space under your desk.

When I was working in semiconductor, we have Japanese clients. And occasionally I will need to send people there to work with the client. All my staff sound so excited when they find out they are going to Japan, and most of them want to come back after working there for 2 days. The expectation are very different, some of them had to work well over 16 hours a day.....

Ah, right. Thanks. Software dev. isn't my strongest area, and I was perhaps looking at more the support/techie side of things. Although, any area I'm qualified in I'll settle for. 16 hours? Thats extreme. I presume theres a lunch break or two in there, or is it a case of 20 mins to get food, then eat while you work?

tokusatsufan 04-05-2011 08:52 PM

Do you know, I hardly ever seem to get on with people on forums for some reason.

kenmei 04-05-2011 09:02 PM

...japanese people?

SHAD0W 04-05-2011 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by tokusatsufan (Post 860370)
Do you know, I hardly ever seem to get on with people on forums for some reason.

No friends in real life or online eh? Sucks for you dude. But I would think that, being white trash and all.

tokusatsufan 04-05-2011 09:45 PM

No,my real life is much more important than a forum.

I am a British person that isn't pessimistic. That's why I don't get on with people on forums. What I will not tolerate is people trying to pretend that Japan also has that outlook on life.

Aniki 04-05-2011 11:29 PM

Another thread where weaboos can share their dreams and visions of a fantasy land called Japan.

Dejavu all over again.

BobbyCooper 04-06-2011 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by StonerPenguin (Post 860324)
BobbyCooper's "I'm Asian inside" comment sounds like such a delusional weeaboo thing to say D: I'm not gonna say I'm African-American inside because I like b-girling :mtongue: Reading stories on 4chan about people going to Japan, I've seen that the people who believe they're "Japanese" inside or they're going to their "true home" were always the most devastated by going to Japan.

You should have low expectations, so you'll appreciate the good things more ;)
I have zero expectations of making friends in Japan if I go to there.

Also, I expect to find in Japan a general lack of Christians and rednecks (not too unrealistic of an expectation, methinks =D)


Originally Posted by SHAD0W (Post 860330)

You guys make me sick.. seriously. Get a life.

So you're saying Asians are weeaboos I get it.. lol^^

You guys make ME Sick!

You know, I will tell you a little story on how I found out that I am Asian inside.
I went to Australia, NewZealand and South East Asia with the Working Holiday Programm in 2007.

I've met my first real Asian's on this trip and it changed my perspective of life and how I would like to live my life when I get back to Germany.

I've went to so many Hostels and so many Bar's and Nightclubs, Events in all of Australia and I had the pleasure to meet so many lovely Asian people as well.
Everytime when I visited a new Hostel, Asians were looked down on just like you said, weeaboos or something which isn't cool... yeah right..

Asian's were alone most of the time, spending there times with fellow Koreans/Japanese.. they just couldn't find a way to get into the Western people group or feel that they would belong there. Western people, especially dummys like you guys, looked down at them for being something which people like you call weird all the time. It's sickened me so much, that I wanted to experince how it would be like to travel with 2 or 3 Korean's/Japanese alone. After this experience I wanted ZERO part of morons like you two anymore.

It was the by far most heartwarming and loving experince I had in my short lifetime so far. I discovered something so beautiful which I still can't describe to other people. I've made and have since then built up a friendship with these Asians that I do not want to live without such poeple anymore. I know my life is great, I happen to be born in Germany.. which is just an outstanding country after all. However nobody understands my desire to meet these people again and to spend time maybe even my life with them. Most of my friends (the ones I traveled with in OZ and NZ) couldn't understand my love for Asian people. Just like the Western group in the so called Hostels all around Australia, New Zealand and so on which I mentioned.. hell even Sweden..

Both of you.. you guys are the reason why I hate the western society. You are the reason why I can not go out without ending up in a bar fight and you are the reason why this place is cold. I want to be the furthest away from you people and also why are you in a Japan Forum anyway. These weeaboos right..you guys are the reason why I do not want any part of your culture anymore. Maybe when you guys change someday.. you guys are the reason for my dislike towards the Western society.

But you guys won't ever get that either.. because yea weeaboos right, dummys

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