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BobbyCooper 04-06-2011 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by RealJames (Post 860471)
you may be disappointed to learn that people are really all the same everywhere...

there's a slight change in facade, but it's all the same once you get to know people of any culture...

but if that small difference is what you mean then go for it, enjoy that life :)

I just hope you don't expect people to behave differently based on their ethnicity, which is otherwise known as racism ;)

I know that people are different in a different world, which is Asia James. I didn't just come up with all this by my own.. I experienced it every day when I went to Asutralia and New Zealand in every City, Hostel and Bar. I thought people must be all the same whereever you go because yea, we are all human beings,.. hell was I wrong James.

It's not a small difference James, it's another world up there. People behave, think and act in a different way too the one I was used to growing up. I learned that life would be more valuable if I somehow could spend it with these particular people. It even does make me a little racialist.. however from that one day I visted this Hostel and first experienced it myself, I do look down on the Western society, yes!

I have learned to love a different kind of human and when you experience something like this first hand, it will change you forever and you can't let go anymore. I just can't let my life passing away without spending it with people who I love the most. Maybe I really do only have one life, so I need to at least try to fulfil my dreams in this lifetime right now, right here!

RealJames 04-06-2011 11:51 AM

You'll get backstabbed, walked on, lied to, treated badly, cheated on etc etc JUST as much in Japan as you will in any other country, I'm speaking from my experience living in Japan by the way, not some half formed idea in my mind.
The difference is in Japan you'll get taken advantage of with a smile and good service, while in western countries it'll be yelling and a headache.
Westerners get fucked in Japan and then it takes them like 3 hours to realize it happened lol.

I swear to you the people are the same, the assholes are equal in number, the good people are too, the frugal businessmen also, all of it, seriously.

You're setting yourself up for a massive disappointment if you go to Japan expecting otherwise.

edit: as long as you're only dealing with the facade, which is a lot heavier in Japan than in any western country I've visited, then yes it does seem like Japan is a far more civil place.

see: http://www.japanforum.com/forum/japa...tml#post860478 ;)

BobbyCooper 04-06-2011 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by RealJames (Post 860477)
You'll get backstabbed, walked on, lied to, treated badly, cheated on etc etc JUST as much in Japan as you will in any other country, I'm speaking from my experience living in Japan by the way, not some half formed idea in my mind.
The difference is in Japan you'll get taken advantage of with a smile and good service, while in western countries it'll be yelling and a headache.
Westerners get fucked in Japan and then it takes them like 3 hours to realize it happened lol.

I swear to you the people are the same, the assholes are equal in number, the good people are too, the frugal businessmen also, all of it, seriously.

You're setting yourself up for a massive disappointment if you go to Japan expecting otherwise.

edit: as long as you're only dealing with the facade, which is a lot heavier in Japan than in any western country I've visited, then yes it does seem like Japan is a far more civil place.

How can I get disaopointed if I already know who they are? I've spend 6 months only traveling with Asians from Japanese to Koreans to Chinese people and lived with these poeple on the smallest places and even had the most intense realationship I ever had with a girl from Thailand.

I know that they are very different and this is what makes me feel attached to these lovely people. everywhere there are black sheeps and perhaps I was just lucky meeting the most lovely Asians you could ever met. Just luck? Impossible!!!

Asians are that way and they might not scream at you or tell you that they don't like you right in your face or discriminate you like Western would do. They might built up a facade behind there face just to save there face. And this is where it all starts. This is an attribute which is not negative at all throughout my eyes. The way Western handle those situations are a lot more negative to me, but thats because I am different, thats the reason why I feel that I belong in this society and not here. I just happen to be born here, thats all!

I won't ever be disapointed when I visit Japan or Korea cause I already know what I will experience. MAybe I am just compeltely ignorant in your mind, however I know what I experienced and I know what to expect. I do know that!

tokusatsufan 04-06-2011 12:05 PM

Yeah I do see that.

JuanOne 04-06-2011 12:05 PM

"What do you think you will find in Japan ?"

- > please note that I am really not a Japan specialist, I may write total BS but this is my point of view anyway

Japan looks like the Ultimate challenge because of :
- Strong economy
- Hard langage
- Isolation (as an island)
- Social pressure
So if you succeed in living there, then you earn the jackpot !

Nowadays, the World is...well...getting crazy in many ways, meanwhile Japan looks stable/strong/happy. In a way, to live in there may seem "protective" for a lot of people. Moreover, the japanese animation/manga/media are fun and this is the place where you can benefit from the best technology on Earth, so why should I waste my time in France (e.g.) ?
Finally, some people willing to live in Japan might want to feel "unique". I mean an average Joe in London will be special in Tokyo, as he would look different

Once again, I'm not a specialist, I'm just replying with my gross feelings :D

GoNative 04-06-2011 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by BobbyCooper (Post 860479)
I won't ever be disapointed when I visit Japan or Korea cause I already know what I will experience. MAybe I am just compeltely ignorant in your mind, however I know what I experienced and I know what to expect. I do know that!

No you don't already know what you will experience. You may have a little glimpse of what Asians are like whilst travelling in another country but you still have no idea what it is like to actually live in one of those countries. I have no issue with you wanting to live in Japan. Good on you! Just don't kid yourself that you have some incredible inside knowledge of what it's like to live in another culture or country because you travelled in another western country for a mere 6 months. You are still really ignorant and you'd be better off actually engaging in discussions with those that have lived here for many years rather than acting as though you already know all you'd ever need to.

SHAD0W 04-06-2011 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by BobbyCooper (Post 860388)
I've met my first real Asian's on this trip

What? Opposed to those "pretend" asians we hear so much about? Or is that just you, on the "inside"?

Get a grip. There's good and bad in every country and in reality, we're all the same.

GoNative 04-06-2011 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by JuanOne (Post 860481)
Nowadays, the World is...well...getting crazy in many ways, meanwhile Japan looks stable/strong/happy. In a way, to live in there may seem "protective" for a lot of people. Moreover, the japanese animation/manga/media are fun and this is the place where you can benefit from the best technology on Earth, so why should I waste my time in France (e.g.) ?

You should know that Japan is little, if anything, like you seem to think it is. It is not overly strong anymore. The economy of Japan has been contracting for around 20 years now. Japan has the highest debt to GDP ratio of pretty much any developed nation on the planet. Few companies are really making all that much money. It has the worst outlook of an aging population of any nation on the planet. Basically the country is currently going broke. They can only keep borrowing and printing more money for so long before everything will come crashing down. Some pretty big changes are required to really get this country competitive again. There is a lot of resistance to change though.

Benefit from the best technology on earth? Well maybe in the big cities there is a fair amount of technology. For those of us who live in more rural Japan to be honest some places seem to me to have advanced little from what it was like in the west in about the 1950's. I have worked with many Japanese people over the years who had no idea of how to use an internet search engine like google!! Hardly anywhere takes credit cards. ATM's close on public holidays!! I mean really why do ATM's require to have days off as well??Maybe it's just because I'm up on inaka island but seriously Japan may make a lot of technology but it doesn't seem to me that many here use it all that much. Unless you think keitais are what technology is all about!

Happy? Not sure about that one. I think there's just as many unhappy people in Japan as anywhere else. A large portion of the male population work in jobs where they work around 80 hours a week. It is expected they put the company ahead of family. This wouldn't make me overly happy I can tell you!!

Where do you get your ideas about this country from? Anime and manga??

SHAD0W 04-06-2011 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 860493)
Where do you get your ideas about this country from? Anime and manga??

All my ideas about Japan came from the internet so it must be true.

RealJames 04-06-2011 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by SHAD0W (Post 860497)
All my ideas about Japan came from the internet so it must be true.

The internet is far too unreliable, I follow BJL on twitter. Very informative.

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