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dogsbody70 04-05-2011 08:51 AM

What do you think you will find in japan
For those who say they wish to go or live in japan, what do you think you will find there?

Some Utopia? Especially since the recent disaster.

RealJames 04-05-2011 08:52 AM

One of the places where being different is better than being the same despite most people thinking being different is bad, which makes it the unpopular choice and a greater minority and even more fun. :)

tokusatsufan 04-05-2011 09:42 AM

I agree. Of course I know it isn't perfect. I just don't agree with British pessimism. Maybe that's what's always seperated me from other people. I know bad stuff happens but I think it's better to ignore it.

BobbyCooper 04-05-2011 10:20 AM

Happiness first of all!

If you have ever met a real Asian person before, then you know what I am talking about.

I always describe it like this.. It's a different World up there and it's the by far furthest away from the Western society. Now you can say to me that I should incorporate myself into the Western society, because I happen to be born here.. but the thing is I don't want to!

Inside I am Asian, I am just looking for people who are like me :)

JamboP26 04-05-2011 11:40 AM

Have to agree with BobbyCooper. Happiness, and a chance to fulfil dreams. It will be a change, and perhaps a shock, but I'm prepared. Just need to fulfil my requirements first

godwine 04-05-2011 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by BobbyCooper (Post 860286)
Happiness first of all!

If you have ever met a real Asian person before, then you know what I am talking about.

I always describe it like this.. It's a different World up there and it's the by far furthest away from the Western society. Now you can say to me that I should incorporate myself into the Western society, because I happen to be born here.. but the thing is I don't want to!

Inside I am Asian, I am just looking for people who are like me :)

Not sure if I agree to that 100%, Japan is probably the most westernized place among Asian countries.... I mean, sure, China has a few cities thats pretty westernized, but its just a few out of a large country, while Japan is MOST cities out of a smaller country (Land mass)

But I agree, happiness is the main thing, I just think I will be happier if I am there, its all relative, not suggesting that I am not happy where I am, but if I get to go back, i will be happier... though i dropped the idea of moving and living there. The IT field there work you like a wh*re, I don't think I can ever adapt to that kind of working culture...

dogsbody70 04-05-2011 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by JamboP26 (Post 860293)
Have to agree with BobbyCooper. Happiness, and a chance to fulfil dreams. It will be a change, and perhaps a shock, but I'm prepared. Just need to fulfil my requirements first

so what are your dreams?

tokusatsufan 04-05-2011 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by godwine (Post 860294)
Not sure if I agree to that 100%, Japan is probably the most westernized place among Asian countries

They might like American films but the people are very different.

godwine 04-05-2011 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by tokusatsufan (Post 860305)
They might like American films but the people are very different.

Maybe I should say, there are some form of similarities between most countries in Asia, except for Japan. At least thats how most other asian view it. Its just more influenced by western culture than the other asian countries

RickOShay 04-05-2011 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by BobbyCooper (Post 860286)
Inside I am Asian, I am just looking for people who are like me :)

I hate to burst your bubble already but Japanese people on the whole will never see you as one of them. I suggest you be happy with who you are and embrace the dynamics it will create for you if you live here. Otherwise I do not think you will be happy in Japan.

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