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SHAD0W 04-29-2011 10:11 AM

Guess where I've been...!
Went on a day trip yesterday, see if you can guess what I was up to! What did I go see?

masaegu 04-29-2011 10:35 AM

You went to N.R.M., no?

Suki 04-29-2011 01:04 PM

Mmmh the inside of one of the planes that bombed Pearl Harbor?

spicytuna 04-29-2011 03:28 PM

It's obviously some sort of control room. Most likely for a power generation plant?

ryuurui 04-29-2011 03:38 PM

it's a train control room

PockyMePink 04-29-2011 04:03 PM

/spoiler alert
National Railway Museum in York
Inside the Shinkansen.

SHAD0W 04-30-2011 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by PockyMePink (Post 863729)
/spoiler alert
National Railway Museum in York
Inside the Shinkansen.

Aww you meanie, spoiling my fun :p

Great guesses, everyone! Well done!

I was in fact inside the control room of the only Shinkansen loco outside Japan. Got yapping with one of the people that worked there and got special privalages to go inside other engines too, but this one was especially unique!

Awesome day out!

tokusatsufan 04-30-2011 10:21 PM

:rolleyes: Very good! I wonder if I should take pictures of my things from Japan and say I went there on a day trip!

JohnBraden 04-30-2011 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by SHAD0W (Post 863802)
Aww you meanie, spoiling my fun :p

Great guesses, everyone! Well done!

I was in fact inside the control room of the only Shinkansen loco outside Japan. Got yapping with one of the people that worked there and got special privalages to go inside other engines too, but this one was especially unique!

Awesome day out!

What was that, a 100 Series?

SHAD0W 05-05-2011 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by JohnBraden (Post 863846)
What was that, a 100 Series?

Yeah thats it. Seriously cool and a rare oppertunity!

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