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tazzy 05-04-2011 08:01 PM

Local stereotypes
I'm wondering, what local stereotypes are there for various regions of Japan?
I occasionally see snippets of them pop up in Japanese films and anime but don't really get much of it.
I know for instance in countries in Europe there are well developed stereotypes for the different regions. What are they for Japan?

tokusatsufan 05-04-2011 09:28 PM

The Idiot from Osaka,Tohoku dialect being Upper Class Twits...Look them up on TV Tropes.

Ryzorian 05-04-2011 10:51 PM

I'm from the Midwest in Iowa, so I'm either a Hick or a Country Bumpkin.

tazzy 05-05-2011 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by tokusatsufan (Post 864411)
The Idiot from Osaka,Tohoku dialect being Upper Class Twits...Look them up on TV Tropes.

Bit basic tv tropes.
No people with indepth Japan knowledge here?

termogard 05-05-2011 10:35 AM

local stereotypes

Originally Posted by tazzy (Post 864403)
I know for instance in countries in Europe there are well developed stereotypes for the different regions.

Examples, please!:)

ps99 05-05-2011 11:51 AM

Certainly according to this page the Japanese love to talk about the regional quirks of their fellow citizens. it even has a name - "Kenminsei"

Japanese personality types by region

masaegu 05-05-2011 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by tazzy (Post 864403)
I'm wondering, what local stereotypes are there for various regions of Japan?
I occasionally see snippets of them pop up in Japanese films and anime but don't really get much of it.
I know for instance in countries in Europe there are well developed stereotypes for the different regions. What are they for Japan?

The quiet Kyushu man
The beautiful Akita woman
The stingy Nagoyan
The busy and cold Tokyoite
The conservative and exclusive Kyoto native
The perseverent Tohoku man
The drink-and-dance-all-night Okinawan
The good-at-business Osakan
The open-minded and uninhibited Dosanko (Dosanko = Hokkaido person)

I could go on but will quit there.

tokusatsufan 05-05-2011 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by tazzy (Post 864498)
Bit basic tv tropes.
No people with indepth Japan knowledge here?

:eek: TV Tropes isn't basic! ;)

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