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MihoSayuri 08-16-2007 07:00 AM

GLBT members?
I was interested in seeing if there are any GLBT (gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered) members on the board. :marusmile:

I've known I was gay since 12. I was first bisexual but then I realized I didn't have any interest towards guys anymore.

Hope to find more like me around here! ^^

Tolbarizhei 08-16-2007 07:10 AM

Rainbow Day
omg its such a gay n ight for me... not in a bad way in a really hilarious way.. because it has started off by me joining a gay forum.

then me realizing that no matter how buff the man, the totally femininity they will have if they are gay.. which is really kinda hot im starting to realize, mind you this was at work

now, that i hang out with my two friends realizing how funny the gay world has become while i have a date tomorrow with one of my coworkers..

interesting, but yes, im also part of the LGBT community

its kinda funny that this would come up toward the end of this day.

MihoSayuri 08-16-2007 11:50 PM

Haha that's great. ^^ How long have you known?

Peachboy 08-17-2007 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by MihoSayuri (Post 209122)
Haha that's great. ^^ How long have you known?

im not gay or anything like that but i reccomend u watch beutiful boxer it's a true story of how a kid becomes a kickboxer just so he can get a sex change. it's won ton's of thai film awards and is based on a true story. i think the real persons name was nong toom send us an email if u watch it

kireikoori 08-17-2007 05:53 AM

Heh, I'm more attracted to the opposite sex. But there still quite a few guys out there I'm interested in sexually.

My personal opinion is that everyone is innately bisexual and most of the world denying it.

QuoyaNatsume 08-17-2007 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by MihoSayuri (Post 208485)
I was interested in seeing if there are any GLBT (gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered) members on the board. :marusmile:

I've known I was gay since 12. I was first bisexual but then I realized I didn't have any interest towards guys anymore.

Hope to find more like me around here! ^^

well Im not gonna say Im a lesbian because ive never had sex with another female. but I guess u can say Im Bi-curious. I look but do not touch, well at least not yet ;)

QuoyaNatsume 08-17-2007 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by kireikoori (Post 209479)
Heh, I'm more attracted to the opposite sex. But there still quite a few guys out there I'm interested in sexually.

My personal opinion is that everyone is innately bisexual and most of the world denying it.

I like that 1. Well said :vsign:

Tolbarizhei 08-17-2007 06:26 AM

well put ^_^ ... and to answer the original poster.. i have known since 1999 actually, i came out to my entire english class freshman year hahah!

MihoSayuri 08-17-2007 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by kireikoori (Post 209479)
My personal opinion is that everyone is innately bisexual and most of the world denying it.

I AGREE 110%.


Originally Posted by Tolbarizhei (Post 209490)
well put ^_^ ... and to answer the original poster.. i have known since 1999 actually, i came out to my entire english class freshman year hahah!

Your entire class? How did that work out? lol.

MihoSayuri 08-17-2007 04:21 PM

QuoyaNatsume, I'm a lesbian and never had sex with a female yet. You don't have to have dated or had sex with another girl to be gay. ^^

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