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Jumin 09-03-2007 12:21 PM

HALLOWEEN in Japan ???
Hello from Germany!

Hey there, this is Lars from hamburg (north of germany). I've got a question:

What's up with HALLOWEEN in Japan?

Nowhere in the internet I found some informations about this special topic, so now I ask YOU :) Maybe you can help me ...

Do the Japanese celebrate this holiday? If yes, what are the differences between their celebration and the way Americans celebrate this holiday? Or isn't there any Halloween-stuff in Japan yet ...?

Would be so great if anyone of you would tell me about it :vsign:

Have a nice day!!


Suki 09-03-2007 02:34 PM

They probably do.

We celebrate Halloween despite being an American feast; kids get into costumes and go asking for candy and everything. Next we'll be celebrating Thanks Giving Day... :rolleyes:

masaegu 09-03-2007 02:47 PM

What is Holloween? And why are we expected to celebrate it?

Do you guys celebrate Obon or Shougatsu?

Suki 09-03-2007 02:51 PM


Wow I was pretty sure it was widly known all around the world.

So here: Halloween - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Put it into Japanese if it's easier for you to understand ^.^

ButterflyDemise 09-11-2007 05:27 AM

A friend of mine that lived in Japan for a few years claimed that Japan didn't celebrate Halloween, though they had some occasions (like certain concerts or parties at clubs) that had a "Halloween" theme.

deadthinker 09-11-2007 02:36 PM

i heared they didnt celebrate it from a friend there but there are pictures on this forum taken in japan of children in halloween costumes
*is confused*

RetasuRunaChan 09-11-2007 03:46 PM

They have other holidays to celebrate rather than Halloween On that day... It's similer though. Japanese have more holidays than americans you know...? So its expected that some holidays we have, they don't... And TONS of holidays they have we won't. It's mostly based on religion.

MoonBeam 09-11-2007 04:13 PM

From my info source,..sometimes(or all the time)
People in japan dress up an walk out in the streets like it was normal...here you'd get made fun of....:pinkcry:

kireikoori 09-11-2007 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by masaegu (Post 225334)
Do you guys celebrate Obon or Shougatsu?

正月, Shougatsu? Of course we celebrate New Year.
御盆, Obon? No, unfortunately we don't celebrate Bon festival in this country. Well, a few of us do, but mostly in Hawaii.

Shaelyn 09-12-2007 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by MoonBeam (Post 231785)
From my info source,..sometimes(or all the time)
People in japan dress up an walk out in the streets like it was normal...here you'd get made fun of....:pinkcry:

heh, I dress up a little at random sometimes...as in, wear a hakama or something odd like that, that average people don't wear...and I have very funky hairstyles...I get odd looks and comments, but I haven't been made fun of. quite the opposite, actually...I think people wish they had the gumption to it themselves.

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