
JapanForum.com (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/)
-   General Discussion (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/general-discussion/)
-   -   any japanese members besides radio kid??? (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/general-discussion/778766-any-japanese-members-besides-radio-kid.html)

Sangetsu 05-02-2017 02:58 AM

I'm not Japanese, but have been a member here for a long time. I have lived in Japan for almost 10 years.

This used to be a very interesting forum with many members. The forum owners have didn't maintain it very well, and it collapsed. It would be nice if more people were to join, Japan is a great place, and there are many things to talk about.

CacXD 10-24-2017 08:15 PM

I registered today
Hi there

It looks this site is under attack which is really sad. I was trying to register on the GaijinPot forum but it looks like the forum has been closed long time ago. Anyway I registered here now. I am a Japanese but I do not live in Japan for around a decade.

Now I need to read through the post to understand what is going on on this site now.

Have a nice day!

Edit: I wonder why the activities of foreigners in Japan on the internet forums are so low. I know some other countries in Asia smaller than Japan have much more active forum for English speakers.

RadioKid 10-25-2017 10:10 PM

CacXD san, welcome to JF. You can see the current situation of this forum at the top page.

Would you try to resolve the "GA" problem as the first hand?

CacXD 10-28-2017 04:42 PM

Hi Radio
Sadly this site is dead. I kind of understand there is not much use left for this kind of forum though.

Edit: Do you know how to delete the account?

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