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Japanese anime industry being killed by free downloads
From the Japan Times today:
The deepening Japanese recession and rapid shift in the overall landscape surrounding the Japanese anime industry have caused many to fear for the future of one of the nation's most prized cultural exports. "The global fan base for Japanese anime is increasing, but with the old business model crumbling it isn't translating into profits," said Yasuo Yamaguchi, executive director of the Association of Japanese Animations. The greatest obstacle to the future of the industry lies in the illegal Internet sites that provide free Anime content for download. "These sites upload programs almost immediately after they are broadcast in Japan," accompanied with "fan subs" - English subtitles translated by fans," Keisuke Iwata said. "This is causing a very big dent in sales." Full Article: Future of 'anime' industry in doubt | Japan Times |
i think MMM has made a thread similiar to this?
downloading anime
This article is from today in one of the English language newspapers in Japan. It gives some statistics and quotes from anime industry people who are giving the same warning that MMM posted. |
My opinion on this, at least within Japan;
The sales model of relying on DVD sales for almost all income is no longer going to fly at the current prices. No matter HOW much I enjoyed a show, there is NO WAY I am going to pay minimum 5980 for a DVD containing one single episode and, if lucky, a 5 minute interview with one of the seiyuu. The only people that actually buy them are extreme fans (otaku)... But they do buy them in small numbers so the model persists, and the prices are actually going up. Instead of realizing that lots of people would likely buy the DVDs if they were within a more normal price range - in effect giving them more volume and more profit - they decide to see exactly how much they can get out of the fans who are willing to pay ANYTHING. I`ve seen single 20 some minute episode DVDs for 10000+. If each had been, say, 1800 or less - like DVDs of movies, etc - I would actually consider buying them to support the studios. But at that much a pop, it`s WAY out of range. Another big issue is the HD one. Anime is still being released for those sort of prices on DVD. When they release on Bluray, it often doubles. So you have the prospect of paying 15000+ for a single episode BD if you want to watch it at the same quality as it was broadcast originally. That is assuming they ever bothered to release a BD - most of the time they don`t. On the other hand, online you can find full quality copies of the show. It`s hard to tempt someone into buying a low quality, extremely overpriced DVD... When they can get a full quality file for free. A 5 minute interview with a seiyuu isn`t going to cut it. ETA; Right now there are about 3 series that I would really like to own copies of. Own, not just have on my HDD recorder, or PC. But until they either a) Lower the prices of the DVDs to well below 5000 per 1 or 2 episode disc or b) Release it on BD for no more than the current price of the DVDs... It is out of the budget. |
Same problem here in the states, I happen to like Anime as well but at 25 dollars a DVD, a 26 episode series can run me well over 100 bucks. I have bought two full series, Karin and Fate Stay Knight ( although I hated the ending of Fate..arrrgh) ...I have bits an pieces of others, wich is another problem, it can be difficult to get whole series...here in Iowa I can end up with episodes 1 - 12 not be able to get 13 - 20 and get 21 - 24.
In Japan, it`s perfectly normal for a single episode to be sold for around $60. If you`re unlucky, a 26 ep series could end up costing you something over $1000. Even the cheapest ones end up being around $20/ep. For 26 eps, that`s still hitting $500. I would kill to be able to pick up a whole series for $100. That isn`t really that much. |
Then it seems that the domestic distribution of anime DVDs should be more like the foreign distribution. Either that or they should abandon the philosophy that each episode is solid gold, and priced accordingly.
Since I made the original post, prices seem to have gone down a bit - Blu-ray has dropped below $100 in most cases, some quite low at $60~80 for 2 eps. But it`s still a lot when most of the time people can record the shows at high quality on their HDD recorder. |
$80 for two episodes?! Jesus! I think twice about buying high quality SHOES for that price, let alone a friggin' DVD! I mean, that's blatantly a rip-off; no wonder no one buys them. How much does making the DVD itself cost anyway? Probably minimal costs.
I find the same difficulty in the UK, it's usually about £20 for 4 episodes (So a better deal than in Japan, but still pricey), and normally there's the first few volumes and then nothing else. I've kind of given up on it; it's just too expensive, especially as I'm the kind of person who doesn't really ever invest in the fan base. Time wise, I mean. I watch anime and drama the same way some people watch soaps; it's a quick entertainment fix, not a $1000 hobby. I do pick up books though, if I really liked a series, but that can be hard to source as well. Cheaper though; usually about £5-10 per book. On the other hand, it took me several months to get hold of a copy of vol 8 of the last print of Sailor Moon that wasn't going to cost me ridiculous amounts. |
Honestly, dropping the price of it wouldn't change the fact that it is illegally downloaded. When they dropped the price of CD's here in the states it didn't change the fact that illegal downloads are killing the music industry. Most people pirate because they don't want to pay for what they want. I'd love to own a lot of different CD's from Japan, but I can't afford them, yet I won't download them either. And I'd say that 85% of the anime I've watched I own. about 10% of them would be from tv, and only 5% I've watched via places like youtube and such. But I usually end up buying the ones I watch online also.
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