Tuesday, February 20, 2007
HAKUSAN — Education board officials in Hakusan, Ishikawa Prefecture, said Tuesday that an elementary school principal in his 50s had molested three female students.
The principal put his hand inside the underwear of three girls while playing sumo and tag with them near the school entrance on the morning of Feb 8. The three students later reported the incident to their homeroom teacher who reported it to the vice principal. According to the board of education, the principal has admitted to the allegation. "I've done a bad thing and I am sorry," he was quoted as saying. He has been suspended since Feb 13, pending a decision by the board on his punishment.
that is like so disgusting...that old freak should be put to prison...for a really long time..old pervert

..and what's with the sumo and tag with young girls...and did nobody saw that..eww..just disgusting..anyway i though that you may want to know that....