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kitski 02-24-2007 08:51 PM

Japan to give Y104 mil in emergency grant aid to Iraq
Friday, February 23, 2007
TOKYO- The cabinet decided Friday to provide new emergency grant aid worth about 104.5 million yen to Iraq to help improve the war-torn country's security and basic services such as health and food supply.

The aid, which also includes developing human resources, is part of Japan's continued contribution to support Iraq's reconstruction efforts, the Foreign Ministry said. The aid will be disbursed through international agencies such as the U.N. Children's Fund, U.N. Development Program, and the U.N. World Food Program, the ministry said.

annelie82 02-25-2007 04:51 PM

104.5 million yen...wow, sounds generous (?). Supposedly Japan is one of the world's biggest providers of emergency aid of this kind. You never hear about that in my country, apparently we're too busy focussing on our own generosity in these matters. *slaps own country on the wrist*


dannavy85 08-27-2007 06:58 PM

Once again Japan steps forward. I hear the troop deployment there has produced possitive results.

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