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MMM 07-04-2009 03:25 AM

Japan's fashion rebellion goes West
Here's part of the article from the BBC. You must watch the video.

BBC NEWS | Video and Audio | UK teens obsessed with Japanese trend

By Nina Robinson
BBC World Service, London

An underground youth culture in Japan which makes a rebellious fashion statement against traditional rules on eastern beauty, is taking hold on Britain's youth.
Manba involves devotees wearing dark tans, white make-up around their eyes and hair that is often a combination of neon colours.
British teenagers like 18-year-olds Eilish and Declan got caught up in manba after an interest in Japanese culture led them to start researching on the internet, where they came across the style.
Manba in Japan is also known as ganguro, gonguro, yamamba and mamba.
Yama-uba in Japanese is the name of a mountain hag in Japanese folklore whom the fashion is thought to resemble.
It has been around for nearly a decade and is an eye-catching statement against conformity.
When the practitioners began darkening their skin, widening their eyes and wearing blue contact lenses, they were making a rebellious statement against the traditions of fair-skinned beauty.
The rebellion has now, perhaps somewhat ironically, been taken up by Britain's naturally fair-skinned youth.
I went to spend some time with Eilish and Declan to find out why the fashion appeals them to.
When I met them early one morning, they had already started applying their make-up as they planned to meet other British members of their Japanese circle later that afternoon in London's China Town.
They start their routine by applying self tan to their bodies.
Eilish rubs the self tan on her neck but her face is darkened much more heavily.
She smears the coffee-bean powder on her pale skin and tries to rub it in so that it does not look "patchy".
Declan explains that he buys his foundation from Afro-Caribbean shops as normal shops do not sell powders that are dark enough.
They then use black eyeliner pencils and a white marker pens to create big eyes which look like they droop, framed by false eyelashes.
The look is finished off with glitter and white lipstick.
They tell me they learnt to apply the make-up through watching make-up tutorials on YouTube.
Declan and Eilish say they have been accused of racism for darkening their skin in this way, but they say this could not be further from the truth.
Eilish insists that she is "not mocking anybody" and Declan asks, "what black person looks like this?"
Another member of the group says that she does not like her white skin and covers up if she is unable to get a spray tan.
"I just think it looks good - nowadays it's more popular to be tanned," Declan adds.
The British followers of this Japanese subculture are also into the music, which is called Eurobeat, and practise dance moves called Para-Para.
"It's kind of like line dancing," says Eilish.
"But it's a group dance where everyone does the same thing and it just uses your hands."

bELyVIS 07-04-2009 03:52 AM

I don't think this is popular in Japan anymore. I guess it took awhile to catch on over in Britain.

MMM 07-04-2009 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by bELyVIS (Post 741527)
I don't think this is popular in Japan anymore. I guess it took awhile to catch on over in Britain.

That's kind of what makes it funny. I remember in the 1980s when 50s style rock-and-roll and fashion was really popular in Japan. You could see guys that looked like Fonzie and girls in poodle skirts. It was quite something.

ozkai 07-04-2009 06:09 AM

I saw that on BBC online this morning. As Belyvis said, It does look old..

They could do with a Kangaroo on either side and re-name it the "Kangaroo Hop"

Aniki 07-04-2009 10:09 PM

Westerners trying to look like Japanese who are trying to look like westerners. Irony is so so so... sweet, don't you think?

Columbine 07-04-2009 10:57 PM

I'm not sure whether or not to face-palm or be mildly impressed.

Tordek42 07-04-2009 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Columbine (Post 741722)
I'm not sure whether or not to face-palm or be mildly impressed.

Definitely a face-palm moment...

Columbine 07-04-2009 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Tordek42 (Post 741723)
Definitely a face-palm moment...

It was my first reaction and then I thought, "Man, they've got balls to walk around like that in public." Particularly as I can think of a couple of urban areas where that get-up could get you stabbed first and asked questions later.

So yeah, brave, stupid, obsessed, ignorant, desperate to be ~something~ or just plain crazy? I can't even tell.

But I don't think it really does them any favors. I mean, sans boot black neither of them are ugly, but with it. Eeee...

nobora 07-05-2009 02:28 AM

Whats wrong with them being ganguros? And doing para para?? Is britin really how do you say it traditional? COntrolling?

ModusOperandi 07-05-2009 02:44 AM

Is it wrong that I laughed really hard after watching the video of them dancing?

Anyway, I don't know what to say except, it is interesting.
However, I can't help but ask....why?
It seemed extremely odd and just out of place.
Ah well...life is short...so whatever floats their boat.

clairebear 07-05-2009 04:29 AM

Oh god, I read about this yesterday. I was hoping a fashion as ugly as ganguro would stay inside Japan...but I guess not. :p

I couldn't even imagine going out in public looking like that over here. It'd be so embarrasing. I'm surprised they haven't been stabbed or anything...:rolleyes:

burkhartdesu 07-05-2009 08:13 AM

LOL I can't believe I watched that whole video. That was hilarity.

samurai007 07-19-2009 08:18 PM

This looks like a freakish version of black-face... I'd like to see them try walking around like that in Harlem or something... :)

Aether 07-19-2009 09:50 PM

Wow... I don't know what to say...

lself 07-20-2009 01:57 AM

wow, they are freaky looking. I could not imagine going out like that either. If I ran into them in a dark alley I would scream my head off. That dance looks fun though:P Not as good as An Cafe's though.

alanX 07-20-2009 02:11 AM

Why hasn't anyone else done this yet? This is a fail and a half.

Why can't people......just............. just give up?

Ryzorian 07-21-2009 04:45 AM

I think that's why my ancestors left England, to get away from that.

JayT 07-21-2009 04:57 AM

They didn't pull it off nearly half as well as the Japanese do, in my opinion.

Tenchu 07-21-2009 05:34 AM


What a bunch of crazy people! That looks shocking. Surely they can see they don't look too good...

This one looks alright:

But the ones in MMM's link look shocking...

MissMisa 07-21-2009 07:55 AM

Uh, that style went out of fashion in Japan ages ago as far as I'm aware...

Weird that people are just catching it now. I think to take something like that, such as Manba and Gyaru saps the life and original intention out of it. Though I guess it's just a fashion and anyone should be able to wear it.


Originally Posted by Aniki (Post 741715)
Westerners trying to look like Japanese who are trying to look like westerners. Irony is so so so... sweet, don't you think?

Haha exactly. Gyaru styles are probably the worst and most ironic styles for a person to follow. Plus there are way more British Lolita's than there are Gyaru's. Wondering why they haven't covered that much.

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