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-   -   Japan PM Taro Aso's allies set to demand he resign (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/japan-news-events/26573-japan-pm-taro-asos-allies-set-demand-he-resign.html)

komitsuki 07-16-2009 07:47 PM

Japan PM Taro Aso's allies set to demand he resign
Japan PM Taro Aso's allies set to demand he resign - Times Online

Now this is getting more and more interesting. The legacy of ex-PM Koizumi Junichiro, AKA the trickster of Japan, is slowly being destroyed.

MMM 07-16-2009 08:35 PM

But who would want to take over as captain of a sinking ship?

komitsuki 07-16-2009 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 747954)
But who would want to take over as captain of a sinking ship?

My Japanese buddy said a while ago that "worse case scenarios: LDP might break down into 2-3 parties or 1/3 of LDP members will defect to DPJ or other minor parties".

The forever-powerful party is over all because of incompetent dunces called Koizumi Junichiro, Abe Shinzo, Fukuda Yasuo and Aso Taro. Yes, the ones who killed Japan to the ground.

Consider I read a lot of South Korean news in Korean with good exposure how Japanese politics works, I am quite sensitive about politics in Japan.

Ronin4hire 07-16-2009 09:13 PM

Interesting... If Japan's LDP broke into 2-3 different parties...

Would more political parties make for a more politicized Japanese public?

Because generally speaking I'm under the impression that the average Japanese citizen is far removed from politics at the national level. Or is my impression the one that needs changing?

MMM 07-16-2009 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 747960)
Interesting... If Japan's LDP broke into 2-3 different parties...

Would more political parties make for a more politicized Japanese public?

Because generally speaking I'm under the impression that the average Japanese citizen is far removed from politics at the national level. Or is my impression the one that needs changing?

Unfortunately, I think your perception is the reality. It is too bad the Japanese people aren't more politically active.

Ronin4hire 07-16-2009 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 747964)
Unfortunately, I think your perception is the reality. It is too bad the Japanese people aren't more politically active.

Ah I see... thanks for clearing that up. :)

komitsuki 07-16-2009 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 747960)
Because generally speaking I'm under the impression that the average Japanese citizen is far removed from politics at the national level. Or is my impression the one that needs changing?

Like they say: an average Japanese person knows more about baseball players than politicians.

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