Originally Posted by AeonArty
Hello All,
I am doing an animation project about wish making, centering around the tanabata festival.
It would be really helpful if you could tell me what activities take place, like games or funfairs, as well as hanging wishes.
Thank you for your help :3
Hope I don't burst your bubble by saying this but Tanabata is completely commercialized and non-religious for 99.9% of the Japanese. It isn't a national holiday so we have work, school, etc. on Tanabata unless it falls on a weekend.
If you don't have a small kid, you wouldn't celebrate it in any way at home. There is no such thing as Tanabata food, either.
What many people do, however, is to go to a Tanabata festival which takes place on a shopping street where you will see lots of colorful decorations. Stores typically sell lots of items for disccounted prices and there will be food stalls and game stalls. Since it's in the summer, goldfish and superball catching is quite popular. Other games include drawing for money to win prizes and shooting toy guns to knock down prizes. In other words, all the usual stuff seen at summer festivals in general.