JF Old Timer
Posts: 111
Join Date: Sep 2006
Japanese College For Housewives Changing Lives -
04-15-2007, 06:33 PM
When the I'M Personal College in Tokyo opened in 1989, its one-year "business school" for housewives might have been an eyebrow-raiser. But 18 years later, it now has some 1,500 graduates, and its educational scope has widened from housewives in particular to Japanese women in general.
The school runs two courses -- one for students who wish to become writers and the other for those aiming to be counselors. Students take classes once a week for a year, at a cost of around 300,000 yen. This year, about half the writing-course students, and most taking the counseling classes, were housewives aiming to get a job.
Although the situation for working women in Japan is improving, with ever more holding down jobs after marriage...
Full Article: Japanese Women flock to join 'college of change'