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Niyusu 11-08-2007 02:54 PM

Japanese Dog Names
"Choco" was the most popular name given to puppies in Japan during the past year, and "Marron" was the second-most popular, according to a recent survey of Japanese dog names by a pet insurance company.

Source: 'Choco' found most popular puppy name | Japan Times

Suki 11-10-2007 04:04 PM

I named my dog Sasuke :D and when I asked this Japanese girl whether it was a common name for a dog, she said that giving a pet a person's name wasn't a usual thing to do xD! Anyways, Choco is a catchy name for a dog.

Hatenko 11-10-2007 05:26 PM


I love 'Choco'. xD

Kaicui 11-11-2007 07:25 PM

i call my bechon haichi

BleachFreak 11-11-2007 08:09 PM

I would name my dog Sadaharu or Akamaru ^.^

Kaicui 11-12-2007 10:13 PM

akamaru from naruto lmao

Suki 11-12-2007 10:30 PM

lol Actually I know maaaaaany dogs that were named after a character from Naruto. Mine's one of them ^.^

vulgarshudder 11-13-2007 06:10 AM

choco bonbon

Rukisama 11-13-2007 06:15 AM

one of mines is called yoruichi and the other is ichigo :P

Sakuradrops 11-16-2007 06:28 PM

ooh, Ichigo is the name I want to give my cat. :)

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