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(#1 (permalink))
orangedude (Offline)
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Takuhaibin Delivery Service? - 03-07-2008, 05:01 AM


Im going to be arriving at Narita and was wondering what the best way to ship my bags to my host family's house would be...I homestayed with them before, so they won't be picking me up from Narita and instead making me find my way to their house on my own. Do any of the service companies have better english speaking people than others? My japanese is ok, but i don't think that i'll be able to communicate effectively and definitely want to make sure my suitcases get to my host family's house.

Also, how much would it cost for a larger size suitcase? Also, would i need the official kanji address or would the english address work fine?

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(#2 (permalink))
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enyafriend (Offline)
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03-07-2008, 07:36 AM

I'm not sure about how much it would cost to deliver a luggage. But I believe that since you are requesting such a service from the airport, the staff would be expected to at least know some amount of english. Also, as long as you have the postcode or zipcode intact on the address, it would be alright even if the address is in english.

Hokkaido e ikitai........
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(#3 (permalink))
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Michigan90 (Offline)
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03-09-2008, 08:28 AM

Originally Posted by orangedude View Post

Im going to be arriving at Narita and was wondering what the best way to ship my bags to my host family's house would be...I homestayed with them before, so they won't be picking me up from Narita and instead making me find my way to their house on my own. Do any of the service companies have better english speaking people than others? My japanese is ok, but i don't think that i'll be able to communicate effectively and definitely want to make sure my suitcases get to my host family's house.

Also, how much would it cost for a larger size suitcase? Also, would i need the official kanji address or would the english address work fine?

Baggage delivery from Narita

The cost depends on weight, size, and destination. In the case of Greenport Agency operated by Yamato, delivery of a 25kg baggage from Narita to anywhere in Kanto, south Tohoku, Chubu, Hokuriku and Shinetsu region costs you 2,110 yen.

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