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ichibahn4 02-27-2009 12:56 AM

Yokosuka apartment search
Anyone live or live near this area? I am moving to Yokosuka the end of March and am looking for apartments. I can't find anything in Yokosuka from the websites I have been using and from searching this forum for a good while. I am not military. Is there anyone who lives there or knows some of the area who could give me some insight as to where to look online or anything at all. Any help would be much appreciated!

Thank You

Tsuwabuki 02-27-2009 10:06 AM

Actually, it shouldn't matter whether you are or not. If you go to the apartment locators near base, they should be able to help you out in English. They don't care if you're military (not everyone connected to the base is), they only care if you can pay.

I was there this past weekend, so I know where they are. How much are you thinking you can pay? I know roughly what you can get for what amount in the area.

blimp 02-27-2009 10:44 AM

ルームシェア ジャパン - ルームメイト募集掲示板
賃貸マンション・賃貸アパートのお部屋探しはミニミニ で
賃貸・不動産情報はCHINTAI [賃貸マンション・賃貸アパート・賃貸住宅・賃貸物件な ど不動産賃貸の部屋探し]
Room mate
Tokyo Room Finder - Guest House, Apartment and Shared Apartment Finder for Tokyo, Japan

hopefully this will get u started

ichibahn4 02-27-2009 06:38 PM


Thank you, I am looking to spend about 500-700 usd, semi furnished would be preferable.


Thank you also but I cant read much Japanese so most of those I am unable to use. A few I can though

Tsuwabuki 02-28-2009 04:35 AM

In that case, you're probably looking at a smaller apartment, on the order of a one bedroom. The further away you are from base, the more you're going to get. Be aware, you'll be competing with members of the military and civilian contractors, and OHA (Overseas Housing Allowance) is a lot of money. One of my friends is a single LTJG and his OHA is nearly $2K/mo, so he was able to get an entire house. Obviously, enlisted sailors aren't going to get that much, and with your price range, you'll mostly be competing with them.

Will you have access to a car? If so, the will greatly increase your chances of getting something in the area that fits your needs for the price you want to pay. Semi-furnished may be possible. I don't know. There's not much you really need in a Japanese apartment though.

ichibahn4 02-28-2009 08:18 AM

Well I wont have a car when I arrive, if I decide to buy one that will be on me. I plan to travel predominantly by train for long distances. I may just like in Yokohama and commute via the train everyday for work since its only like a 25 minute ride. I am thinking about just staying at a Leopalace place, and if I end up staying longer than a year then I could always move to something better. I am not sure yet, wow shopping for a Japanese apartment from America with little Japanese is very stressful lol. Thanks for you help so far though. I just don't want to be stuck in a crap hole, or super far from my work. Thanks again

Tsuwabuki 02-28-2009 08:21 AM

Why Yokosuka specifically anyhow? If you WERE military, I would get that. But since you're not...

blimp 02-28-2009 10:44 AM

most of the sites work pretty much the same way.
either you search geography wise or you search depending upon train line.
yokosuka is called 横須賀 or 横須賀市. the area around tokyo including yokosuka is usually called kanto 関東 or shutoken 首都圏。 the province of yokosuka is called kanagawa-ken 神奈川県。 unfortunately i don't know the train lines too well down there as i don't live to close to yokosuka.

then again, using the sites i referred to will most likely not find you a semi-furnished flat.

samokan 03-02-2009 10:57 AM

I can help you search if you like but the result will be mostly in Japanese though and most of them are not furnished. So if you going for a furnished/semi-furnished one, I think LeoPalace apartments would be your best bet.

But if you like to check some broker site, here is a sample one ( I using Homes)


click on アパート・マション・一戸建て

then there are 2 options, by nearest station or by address.

if you go by nearest station, click on "神奈川"

then you will be taken to the different line available in the area. Select which line, then select which station after clicking on the next button.

On the select station page, there are more detailed condition you can set, rent, no key money, etc .. check all the necessary information.

then press search :D

ichibahn4 03-20-2009 06:19 AM

Well to any of you guys who have been over to the Kanagawa region maybe you could add some input to my dilemma. I have placed 4 pins on this map to let you guys get an idea of where I am thinking of living. Any reasons you all would pick one place over another? Anyone have any experience in this region?

I think I would rather live more in the city than closer to the beach. I am thinking either central yokosuka or southern yokohama. I will be working in yokosuka which is my reasoning for living around there. Just let me know what you guys like about the certain areas to possible help my decision.


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