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Bandai Museum - 04-30-2009, 12:52 PM

Hey, does anyone know where the new Bandai Museum is? How far is it to travel there from Ueno?

Believe it or not, my Fiancee really want to go there, because she want to pickup some Haro merchandise (If someone can suggest a closer locaiton for Haro stuff, it will work too), my reserach indicate that its a 2+ hours ride form Ueno to the new Bandai Museum (Omochanomachi),

I was going to suggest to her to do both the Museum AND Disney in one day, but if traveling is going to cost us 5 hours, then we won't. Disney is a must, so I am opted to drop Bandai

We are spending a considerable amount of time in Akiba, so maybe that will be a better option for Haro?

Also has anyone been to the Train museum in Omiya? How good is it? I am not a BIG fan or rail model, but I do like them, I like them enough to have a room setup to start building some realistic scene of Japan :P

Right now, i am down to the following, and i only have 4 days left on my calendar:

Bandai Museum
Omiya (A must, Uncle live there)...

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(#2 (permalink))
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05-02-2009, 05:22 PM

To go to Bandai Museum from Ueno, it takes about 1h30m.
It is located in Tochigi prefecture.
e.g.(search result "Ueno to Omochanomachi/to get by 10AM")

上野 Ueno
常磐線快速(取手行) Joban-line(JR)
07:53~08:04 160yen
北千住 KitaSenju
きぬ103号(鬼怒川温泉行) Express"Kinu 103", Tobu-line
08:10~09:07 1030yen plus express 1200yen
栃木 Tochigi
東武日光線(東武宇都宮行) Tobu-Nikko-line
おもちゃのまち Omochanomachi
(Bandai museum is 10 minute-walk distance from Omochanomachi)

I think you cannot visit Bandai Museum and Disney in one day because they are located almost oppsite sides from Ueno. Moreover you might need whole one day for Disney because of its vastness and jam-up.
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(#3 (permalink))
Troo (Offline)
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05-03-2009, 01:59 PM

There are plenty of places to buy Gundam (assuming it's that Haro you want) merchandise in Tokyo without going all the way out to a museum if you don't want to.

Yodobashi Akihabara had a huge Gundam section last time I was there. Yamashiroya in Ueno has a fairly decent selection. LAOX Akihabara is supposedly quite good, but can't vouch for it myself. I also hear rumours that it's closed very recently, but this could be wrong.

I hesitate to recommend Nakano Broadway, but only because I don't remember seeing that much Gundam there. It's extremely worth a visit, but I wasn't looking for Gundam, so may just have missed it.

There's a very spiffy blog post on most of these stores here: Tokyo Toy Shops | endless rambles

A Troo with a View - Travel blog, Troo style.
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(#4 (permalink))
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05-03-2009, 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by Troo View Post
There are plenty of places to buy Gundam (assuming it's that Haro you want) merchandise in Tokyo without going all the way out to a museum if you don't want to.

Yodobashi Akihabara had a huge Gundam section last time I was there. Yamashiroya in Ueno has a fairly decent selection. LAOX Akihabara is supposedly quite good, but can't vouch for it myself. I also hear rumours that it's closed very recently, but this could be wrong.

I hesitate to recommend Nakano Broadway, but only because I don't remember seeing that much Gundam there. It's extremely worth a visit, but I wasn't looking for Gundam, so may just have missed it.

There's a very spiffy blog post on most of these stores here: Tokyo Toy Shops | endless rambles
Thanks guys. Appreciate it.. we have decided to drop Bandai AND disney... instead we will just spend more time looking for stuff in Akiba and Sunshin City area

Troo, it is the Gundam Haro that we are looking for... they are available in Toronto, but VERY VERY expensive
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(#5 (permalink))
Troo (Offline)
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05-03-2009, 07:36 PM

Originally Posted by godwine View Post
Troo, it is the Gundam Haro that we are looking for... they are available in Toronto, but VERY VERY expensive
Ouch. I can imagine.

I really don't recall seeing Haro among all the Gundam merchandise, but I think that's because most Gundam stuff is model kits where you can customise your own mechs.

For an excellent guide to Akiba, try here: Akihabara Channel - Akihabara Map 1.16
Printable version here: http://akiba-ch.com/map/A4_Akiba_Map.rar

A Troo with a View - Travel blog, Troo style.
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(#6 (permalink))
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05-03-2009, 09:26 PM

Originally Posted by Troo View Post
Ouch. I can imagine.

I really don't recall seeing Haro among all the Gundam merchandise, but I think that's because most Gundam stuff is model kits where you can customise your own mechs.

For an excellent guide to Akiba, try here: Akihabara Channel - Akihabara Map 1.16
Printable version here: http://akiba-ch.com/map/A4_Akiba_Map.rar
Thanks will keep that in mind, I've been to Akiba many many times, but never really spent much time exploring it.. thanks for the map and tips
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