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MMM 06-04-2010 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by Tripsis (Post 814316)
I'll most likely be staying in the Kanto region during this trip, I did have the places jotted down somewhere but for the life of me can't seem to find it. it'll be mostly any places of interest in Kanto with the obvious exception of Tokyo.

Outside of Yokohama and Disneyland, what are you planning to see in Kanto that isn't in Tokyo?

Tripsis 06-07-2010 02:44 AM

That is a very good question, i suppose anything worth seeing. I guerss it depends on how far i can get around without the need of a japan rail pass or shedding out tons of money.

MMM 06-07-2010 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by Tripsis (Post 814732)
That is a very good question, i suppose anything worth seeing. I guerss it depends on how far i can get around without the need of a japan rail pass or shedding out tons of money.

If you are only going to be in the Kanto area, then you will not be spending tons of money on the train.

kittychan81 06-17-2010 01:45 PM

Maybe compare prices on Hyperdia with the cost of a rail pass. You can get them for areas of Japan as well as the whole of the country so if might not be as expensive as you think. I always get one, but I like travelling around as much as possible, not that keen on Tokyo! Japan Rail Pass - buy the JR Pass online

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