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(#1 (permalink))
fuzzyice (Offline)
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Strength tests sorta - 03-24-2010, 04:31 AM

Hi there, I've got a few questions, hopefully you can help me out!

Last year in march I went to Japan with a tour group, kind of went all over the place, it was pretty awesome. I plan to go back to Japan for a month at some point in the future, but I want to accomplish a few things, not just go sight seeing.

First of all, I was wondering if there were any "Strength tests" or something like that, at festivals or temples. I good example of what I mean by strength tests, is at kiyomizu temple, I lifted benkei's staff; I thought that was pretty neat.

Anyways, I'm looking for things a long those lines. I'm also interested in festivals, if theres things like that going on in any of those. I remember seeing this one crazy video which claimed to be in Japan, were they packed their own huge fire works and held on to them while they were shot off, and they had to hold on to them to become a man according to the video. I think doing something like that would be pretty cool. Any other crazy traditions like that going on around Japan? If so, could a foreigner give it a shot?

Thanks for reading the wall of text. I appreciate all information given.
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(#2 (permalink))
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dirtyroboto (Offline)
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03-26-2010, 03:28 AM

There are very, very many festivals with various tasks to complete. It would take a very large book to list them.
Some involve ice cold water; wild horses; swimming with a (fire) torch; carrying rice; climbing ladders and many other things.

For a basic test of strength you could always try one of the batting centers. They usually have a few strength test machines.
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(#3 (permalink))
allhailhata (Offline)
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03-26-2010, 09:02 AM

As for 手筒花火http://images.google.co.jp/images?um=1&hl=ja&tbs=isch:1&q=%E6%89%8B%E7%AD%92%E8%8A%B1%E7%81%AB&sa=N&st art=0&ndsp=20
(Maybe you are talking about this.), you can't give it a shot.
It is not because you are a foreigner. It is because you are a temporary traveler. You should take training in advance.

As for Strength test, Lifting something heavy is popular.Stone,Straw rice bag, Rice cake.You might give it a shot.
Sumo is also traditional strength test at festival in Shinto shrine.
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(#4 (permalink))
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godwine (Offline)
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03-26-2010, 10:33 AM

Originally Posted by fuzzyice View Post
Hi there, I've got a few questions, hopefully you can help me out!

Last year in march I went to Japan with a tour group, kind of went all over the place, it was pretty awesome. I plan to go back to Japan for a month at some point in the future, but I want to accomplish a few things, not just go sight seeing.

First of all, I was wondering if there were any "Strength tests" or something like that, at festivals or temples. I good example of what I mean by strength tests, is at kiyomizu temple, I lifted benkei's staff; I thought that was pretty neat.

Anyways, I'm looking for things a long those lines. I'm also interested in festivals, if theres things like that going on in any of those. I remember seeing this one crazy video which claimed to be in Japan, were they packed their own huge fire works and held on to them while they were shot off, and they had to hold on to them to become a man according to the video. I think doing something like that would be pretty cool. Any other crazy traditions like that going on around Japan? If so, could a foreigner give it a shot?

Thanks for reading the wall of text. I appreciate all information given.
Wow, you managed to lift that staff? Thats crazy!

Anyways, as the other pointed out there are many many festivals that require you accomplish different task.

If you want something non-festival, you can always go and have a workout at the muscle park......
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