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I need help planning! - 09-28-2010, 04:18 AM

Hello everyone,

I'm planning a trip to Japan for probably the whole month of May 2011. I know it's when there's a lot of tourists...but it just works best for me.

I'm traveling alone. My questions are, where would you suggest I go as I am very undecided so far. I have no idea how to plan a trip by myself to be honest *embarassed* Also, what are my options for living arrangements for the month? I have a friend I could probably stay with, but if I choose not to go where she lives then I need other options and costs. Where do I look for this?

Also, if I'm just going for the month what do I need to go?

Thanks in advance!

Last edited by Desstile : 09-28-2010 at 04:28 AM.
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(#2 (permalink))
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09-28-2010, 04:37 AM

Originally Posted by Desstile View Post
Hello everyone,

I'm planning a trip to Japan for probably the whole month of May 2011. I know it's when there's a lot of tourists...but it just works best for me.

I'm traveling alone. My questions are, where would you suggest I go as I am very undecided so far. I have no idea how to plan a trip by myself to be honest *embarassed* Also, what are my options for living arrangements for the month? I have a friend I could probably stay with, but if I choose not to go where she lives then I need other options and costs. Where do I look for this?

Also, if I'm just going for the month what do I need to go?

Thanks in advance!
Standard questions:

What are you interested in?

What do you want to see?

Where do you want to go?

What are you goals in taking this trip?
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(#3 (permalink))
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09-28-2010, 04:50 AM

I'm interested in everything really. That's why it's so hard for me to decide. I want to see Hiroshima Peace Park, the cherry blossom trees in bloom (though I think it may be too late in may), Tokyo, just...everything. I know this seems like a horrible answer.

I want to be able to see amazing sights, museums, parks, and also have access to good shopping sites and food.

My reason for taking the trip is that I am in University for 2 goals and one of them involves working in Japan under a 1 year contract. I've only been out of Canada once and it was to Italy and I was sick the whole time because of the food. I want to spend a month in Japan to make sure I can handle it before I sign a contract to be there a whole year.
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(#4 (permalink))
utsu (Offline)
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09-28-2010, 09:17 AM

Originally Posted by Desstile View Post
I want to see Hiroshima Peace Park, the cherry blossom trees in bloom (though I think it may be too late in may), Tokyo, just...everything.
That's actually pretty far from everything. In May cherry blossoms will still be blooming in Hokkaido. And if you want amazing sights, that island should definitely be on your "must-see" list. Few visitors make it there, and it will allow you to see Japan from a different angle. Also, if you're into culture and don't want to limit yourself to the usual stuff, and would like to learn more about Ainu, Hokkaido is the place to go.

I think picking up a guidebook would be a good place to start. I know it sounds horrible, but it seems to me that you should read it cover to cover and then make a list of all the things and places that sound interesting to you. And then, based on that, prepare your itinerary.

Then, you can ask on here if your itinerary is doable in one month.

Japan is quite big (even though it may look small on the map) and there is so much to see from Okinawa to Hokkaido (with everything in between), that it's quite difficult to suggest something if all you say is "just... everything".
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(#5 (permalink))
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09-28-2010, 10:58 AM

Originally Posted by Desstile View Post
I'm interested in everything really. That's why it's so hard for me to decide. I want to see Hiroshima Peace Park, the cherry blossom trees in bloom (though I think it may be too late in may), Tokyo, just...everything. I know this seems like a horrible answer.

I want to be able to see amazing sights, museums, parks, and also have access to good shopping sites and food.

My reason for taking the trip is that I am in University for 2 goals and one of them involves working in Japan under a 1 year contract. I've only been out of Canada once and it was to Italy and I was sick the whole time because of the food. I want to spend a month in Japan to make sure I can handle it before I sign a contract to be there a whole year.
Hello fellow Canadian I think you were just unlucky with your trip to Italy. Japan will be totally different

Though, I do need to warn you. The experience of staying there for a month as a tourist is very different from living there for a year to work. I myself see 3 differences:

1. Your mode of transportation - Most tourist will take public transit whenever they can, its convenient, its fast, and allow you to maximize your touring experience. Most people travel off the JR pass, which get a good 50-80% of their trip cover. Living there, you will be pretty much paying per use, and you probably will choose to walk or bike to some destination instead

2. Living - As a traveler, you will be living in a hotel, which comes with all amenities at a decent price if you choose a business hotel. Working there, you probably will not be living in a hotel for a whole year. So you will need to rent an apartment of some sort. Living space (or space in general) in japan cost a lot of money. When I was younger (about almost 27 years ago), it cost about 400 Canadian for us to rent a one room apartment around Yokosuka, the "one room" can fit just one bed and a small night table and thats it, while the living room is about the size of my cubicle here at the office

3. Eating - You probably will not be cooking, not much anyways when you are traveling as a tourist.

Now things to do. To me Japan is the place where you can play, eat, drink, shop and sightseeing till you drop, it will not run of things for you to enjoy in a month. I took my wife there last year for our honeymoon for about 23 days. If you want it, i don't mind sending you that plan (in excel), but keep in mind, this only cover what WE wanted to see, and my not suit your taste, for example, we are not into bar and pubs so we didn't stay out late at night for the most part unless there are good street food in the area. PM me with a email address of some sort and i can share the plan...
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(#6 (permalink))
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09-28-2010, 09:59 PM

Originally Posted by utsu View Post
I think picking up a guidebook would be a good place to start. I know it sounds horrible, but it seems to me that you should read it cover to cover and then make a list of all the things and places that sound interesting to you. And then, based on that, prepare your itinerary.

Then, you can ask on here if your itinerary is doable in one month.

Japan is quite big (even though it may look small on the map) and there is so much to see from Okinawa to Hokkaido (with everything in between), that it's quite difficult to suggest something if all you say is "just... everything".
I know Japan isn't as small as it looks on the map and I do have ideas of where I want to go. It's just hard because I DO want to see the whole country. It may sound like I know nothing about the country by just saying I want to see everything and I obviously know I can't do that in a month. But I want to know the best places in everyone elses experience so I can get an idea of where I should go. lol!

EDIT: PS - I just realized my comment sounds rude. But I in no way mean it that way and I know you weren't being rude either.
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